My monster merges everything

Chapter 130 Survivors of Nanwang Lake

The two of them are responsible. One of the two apostles looks like a giant clawed corpse, which looks a little weird. It must have devoured a lot of monster flesh and blood, and ugly armor plates have grown on its back.

The other apostle is a monster that looks like a crocodile. It is huge, with ridges on its back, and its limbs are stronger and slender than ordinary crocodiles. The forelimbs are dark and bent like claws, and the hind limbs are strong and crouch slightly to maintain power. status.

The strength of the two apostles is not weak. The mutant giant claw corpse is at the first level and the armored crocodile is at the first level and is close to the first level.

As soon as the two apostles came out, they rushed towards the scarlet monster, trying to stop the monster's attack.

As long as they are blocked for a while, their team can leave here.


However, the monster was extremely cruel and rushed forward at an even more ferocious speed and collided with the two apostles.

Under the violent collision, the armored crocodile was directly knocked away, while the mutated giant clawed corpse barely struggled with it, but its figure could not help but retreat.

"Let's help."

The remaining twenty or so people did not escape. Now Ruan Chao and the two were at a disadvantage. If they escaped, wouldn't it put them in danger?

Four or five people summoned their own apostles, all of whom were ordinary first-level low-level flesh corpses. They also gathered around to help, but they had just begun to move.

There was a rustling sound at the edge of the mist, and suddenly four or five scarlet monsters sprang out. They were humanoid, with slender claws, their bodies were red and skinless, and their eyes were as black as ink.

Everyone looked shocked, but the monster had already rushed over and there was no way to escape.

"Jiangjang, the car is here."

At this moment, a rough voice sounded, the ground rumbled and shook, and Zhu Xiong strode over on a giant bone-armored pig. Gluttony followed beside him, his right arm already stretched out, sweeping past.

There was a muffled sound, and the blood-red bull monster was knocked out. His arm swept across it, and all the blood-red flesh corpses were knocked over, and one of its heads was bitten off.

Ruan Chao was shocked, but the Zhu Xiong had already started to fight. The giant bone-armored pig followed and came to the blood-red bull monster. Its fangs pushed up and penetrated it with a puff.

Zhao Yimin and the others arrived shortly after, and the crossbow arrows in their hands had already been fired, and the popping sound penetrated the heads of the remaining bloody corpses.

"Brother Zhu, something is wrong."

Just as he was about to ask about the visitor, Zhao Yimin suddenly pointed at the bloody corpse whose head was bitten off and screamed in shock.

Zhu Xiong took a closer look and his face changed. The bloody fleshy corpse with its head bit off actually melted.

The flesh, flesh and bones quickly turned into a puddle of red stuff, sticky, like minced meat.

Not only the blood-red flesh corpses, but also the killed blood-red bull monsters and the remaining blood-red flesh corpses were rapidly merging after death, leaving only a pool of blood paste.

"Find something to pack it up and bring it back to Qilan for study."


Zhu Xiong immediately became vigilant. There are all kinds of strange monsters in the apocalypse. Now when you see something different, you must be vigilant.

Zhao Yimin dealt with the blood paste, while Zhu Xiong got off the giant bone-armored pig. Gluttonous followed closely and came to Ruan Chao and the others.

"What's your name? Where did you come from? How did you get into trouble with such a monster?"

Zhu Xiong stared at the man at the front, Ruan Chao, who was controlling the mutant giant claw corpse.

Among this group of people, there were only seven or eight contracted apostles. The rest were ordinary people, many of them women, carrying large and small bags on their backs. They looked like they were in a hurry, and they did not look like a team searching for supplies.

"My name is Ruan Chao." Ruan Chao felt a little relieved when he saw that although Zhu Xiong was serious, his men all acted in an orderly manner and looked at people normally.

"We were from a camp near Nanwang Lake, but the camp broke up due to a monster attack, so we ran here. These monsters were also encountered on the street in front, and we only saw the bull monster."

He smiled bitterly and said, "We don't know what's going on."

It was already embarrassing enough to escape, but they were suddenly attacked by such a monster. How could they know the details of this monster.

Zhu Xiong touched his fat chin, his beard was unkempt and a little prickly. He thought for a while and asked: "Was your previous camp near Nanwang Lake? How was the situation there? What size camp and what kind of monster forced you to run like this?" ?”

Ruan Chao was a little overwhelmed by the series of questions. He smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, I will deal with them one by one, but someone of us is injured. Let's see if we can deal with it first."

There were indeed two people in the team who were being supported. It was no wonder that when they encountered a monster that was not weak, their first reaction was to run away.


Zhu Xiong glanced at it, and then said: "You two, help them deal with it."

He ordered two people to come forward with first aid kits to help, then looked at Ruan Chao and said, "Speak slowly."

"Thank you," Ruan Chao said with a grateful look, "We were in a hotel near Nanwang Lake. There were about a hundred people, half of whom were contractors. It was originally a good idea, relying on the crocodile to hunt the big ones in Nanwang Lake. Fish, the entire camp is on the right track. But I didn’t expect that not long ago, the giant crocodile monster in Nanwang Lake suddenly rioted with the armored crocodile and attacked our camp. "

Nanwang Lake is very large. It is a large lake naturally formed in Southern City. It has rich fish resources. It is not surprising that there are evolved species of fish.

But what is this giant crocodile monster that suddenly appears?

"Tell me clearly, what happened to the giant crocodile monster?"

Ruan Chao was a little impatient when he saw Lao Zhu, and quickly explained: "The group of monsters in Nanwang Lake should also be mutated crocodiles. They have crocodile heads and bodies, are three to four meters tall, and are very powerful. Our leader also made a contract with one by chance. Only then did I know the name of this monster. We have always kept our distance and secretly avoided the activities of these monsters. How could we know..."

Ruan Chao and the others had never thought about how dangerous it would be for a monster like this to be in Nanwang Lake nearby.

But danger also comes with opportunities. The evolved fish in Nanwang Lake are not only a source of food, but also very helpful to the body.

If they keep eating this kind of meat and secretly contracting with the crocodiles in the lake, one thing will disappear and the other will increase, and by the time their leader's second level can take over Nanwang Lake.

"It was actually not a sudden riot."

But at this moment, Liu Tingyue on the side was a little angry: "I have told Hu Shan a long time ago that a strong monster entered Nanwang Lake. What about the roar at night and the rolling waves? It's just not Listen, they always say that they were almost inspired by the gods to perform sacrifices and break through to the second level, but now everyone is gone."

"Old Liu, stop talking."

Ruan Chao had a stern face, and it was impossible for him to join the group for more than a month without too many shitty things happening, and without some emotion.

But everyone is dead, so what else can be said?

"Hu Shan is your leader?"

"Yes," Ruan Chao nodded, "He designed to kill the giant crocodile monster with a car to complete the contract. He was also the first to be promoted to the first level. He also sensed the divine revelation, but he died this time."

Are there powerful monsters in Nanwang Lake?

However, Zhu Xiong took this information seriously. Su Han was already at level three and the monster had not been found yet. He expanded the camp to gather survivors with the intention of searching for traces of the monster.

It is undoubtedly a relatively valuable information at the moment.

"You said there was a big monster in the lake. Do you know what it is?"

Zhu Xiong still wanted to ask, staring at Liu Tingyue.

Liu Tingyue shook his head: "I didn't see it, but that kind of movement must be from a powerful guy. Other monsters in the lake are afraid of that movement."

Zhu Xiong was a little disappointed, but at this time Zhao Yimin also collected the blood paste on the ground into a container.

"Brother Zhu, it's done."

Zhu Xiong nodded and said: "Let's go back first and come back tomorrow to plug the remaining gaps."

Because Ruan Chao was slightly delayed here, the sky was already a little dark and the fog was rolling in. Of course, it was okay to continue to block the intersection.

But the monsters will be more active and dangerous, and it will be difficult for Ruan Chao and the others to deal with them.

A first-class survivor with about twenty people had no other choice but to take them back personally.

Even if Zhao Yimin is allowed to go, it may not be possible to suppress these people.

Of course, this is based on the worst-case scenario.

Zhu Xiong packed up his things and took back the ancient tree crystals arranged along the road. The giant vine rat was responsible for carrying the things, carrying three or four people on one end.

With its body of three to four meters long, the camel can still carry these people, but it seems a little crowded.

All the way back to the Shanhu Villa area, the closer the monsters were to the villa area, the fewer the monsters were. Ruan Chao and the others were surprised by the peaceful stretch of the road.

Because this means that it is very safe here.

Entering from the main entrance, the gatekeeper checked the identity, and then sent someone to report Yan Meiyu while letting Zhu Xiong in.

By the time Zhu Xiong and the others arrived at the villa area, Yan Meiyu had already asked Bai Xiao'e to come over and pick them up.

"Brother Zhu, Sister Meiyu asked me to come over and register."

Bai Xiao'e has been following Yan Meiyu to help manage things in the camp. Although she does not participate in the battle like her best friend Xia Ning, she still plays an important role.

Zhu Xiong smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you, but is Meiyu very busy?"

He just asked casually, but Bai Xiao'e nodded and said: "Yes, before you come back, Brother Zhu, Brother Lei, Brother Guo and Uncle Zhang have all come back, and they have brought back many survivors. Sister Meiyu is busy Register the information and now let me come over to help.”

Zhu Xiong was a little surprised: "How many people are there in total, so busy?"

"There are more than a hundred of them in total. Now including you, there are almost two hundred. Some of them came out on their own initiative, so there are more people this time."

In the past, when searching for supplies, we always went to resource points, such as large shopping malls, supermarkets, stores, etc., and brought them back with survivors when we met them.

But now they were cleaning up the streets and blocking the intersection. The noise was even louder, and some people had actually noticed that there was a group of powerful people in Shanhu Villa.

They were very timid and did not dare to expose themselves rashly, but after secret observation, they naturally knew some information about the camp, so it was normal for them to take the initiative to join.

"Okay, you record these people's information, and I'll go find Su Han."

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