My monster merges everything

Chapter 369 Vein of the Earth

Three golden roots spread out from the blood sea ancestral tree. Golden energy and particles formed these huge tree roots. They penetrated the void, emerged from the blood sea space, and actually submerged into the earth.

The golden tree roots are the veins of the earth. They extend like tree roots, but the distance is much longer than ordinary tree roots. They are more closely integrated with the earth and the spiritual energy bred by the earth itself.

Su Han could feel that as the veins of the earth extended, the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree sensed the pulse of the earth, and gradually mastered the power of the earth within the area covered by the golden tree roots.

The power of the earth was continuously drawn out and poured into the body of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree. The huge energy even exceeded the fusion promotion itself, pushing its energy accumulation to a new level.

Although it is not as good as the fifth level, the accumulation has exceeded one-third.

Su Han came out of the Blood Sea Space, and with him came the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree.

The tall figure stands outside the wilderness of Southern City. The golden tree roots do not appear in the real world like regular roots. Instead, they gather invisibly, shuttle through the void, and merge into the land of the real world.

"This distance has spread to the surrounding mountains, and there is also the line of Zhongtianling Mountains further away."

Su Han only had a slight perception, and the scope of the earth's veins gave him a big surprise.

The three golden tree roots extend to the north, east and southwest respectively, covering and radiating distance, including several cities in the entire tree domain.

The closer you are to the roots of the golden tree, the stronger the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree's ability to influence the earth.

This is not a simple attack or defense skill, but a skill that is integrated with the earth, influencing and resonating with each other.

"Moving a mountain into a wall"

Su Han thought, and the golden tree roots that had extended to the north began to vibrate regularly. Invisible golden ripples spread out underground, and an invisible tremor sounded.

To the north and south of the Sanjiang waters, the originally hilly mountains rumbled and shook, slowly rising with weak but obvious movements.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters

In just half an hour, the mountains and ground on the shaking earth slowly rose nearly a hundred meters, and a natural city wall spanning the three rivers appeared on the edge of the Shuyu territory.

"There are changes in the Suhan Sanjiang area, and the ground is uplifted, forming"

"I did it."

Ye Kailing sent a message through the Star Torch Tree, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Su Han.

On the other end of the communication, Ye Kailing showed a look of astonishment. This raised earth ridge, which is enough to cover 200 to 300 kilometers, turned out to be Su Han's handiwork.

How powerful is Su Han now?

She was extremely shocked, but Ye Kailing quickly came to her senses: "What should we do now?"

"Inform the infrastructure team to explore the terrain, analyze the geological strength, and then formulate a reinforcement plan to completely build the Great Wall in the north and stabilize the southern area."

Su Han pondered for a while, and then gave an order to Ye Kailing: "The terrain will increase a little more in the past two days. Pay attention to the changes and the movements of monsters in the wilderness."


The rock and soil hills more than 100 meters high are more steep than ordinary hills, because there is no gradual slope, which makes the whole thing more like a wall.

But this is not enough. Just raising the rock and soil is not enough to strengthen them. It is impossible to constantly repair them like the black rock tree monster and change them into the strongest defensive wall.

Therefore, more troops are needed to cooperate, and only in this way can a real defensive fortress be constructed.

In the following days, Su Han once again mobilized the veins of the earth in the southwest to build a Great Wall of rock and soil that also stretched for hundreds of miles based on the original Hengduan Mountains in the southwest.

In the hilly areas of the south, a line of mountains was selected to build the same rock and soil Great Wall to isolate the coastal areas further south.

The entire tree domain and the large southern area that has not yet been occupied and recovered have been isolated at this time.

A large number of mutants and evolved species rioted due to the abnormal movement of the mountains, but the Tree Territory Army and the Southwest Armed Forces, which had been prepared, used strong firepower to cover up the riots.

The southern area gradually stabilized and formed a safe pocket.

The mutant monsters and evolved monsters in the wilderness cannot be completely eliminated, but in the areas near the city, they are already approaching a relatively safe situation.

"The final height of the Great Geotechnical Wall is about 300 meters, and the slope is between 70 degrees. It has considerable blocking capacity, but the surface of the rock mass needs to be further reinforced."

The infrastructure team quickly sent an analysis report, including the strength of the rock and soil, which sections needed to build corridors, forts, etc., all submitted one by one.

Su Han looked at the information and focused on the last needed support: "At present, the infrastructure team only has 30,000 to 40,000 people, and the number of black rock tree monsters cannot reach one person. To build the three-sided Great Wall, at least 50,000 people are needed. And it’s not okay to stop some infrastructure.”

The city wall is important, but the construction of various internal equipment is equally important. There are not completely no monsters within the wall.

"There is also a mutant population gathering around Mingshan City. It is estimated that there are fourth-level monsters, and Lao Zhu will take action to suppress them. The monsters around Duchuan City have not been cleared away, and the planting of light and shadow seeds has not been spread out, so manpower is needed to cover them."

The more it expands, the more manpower it requires. The original establishment of three major legions and two special corps was almost 100,000 people. After successive expansions, it has reached 150,000 people.

But after accepting the transfer of nearly two million survivors, there is no doubt that it has become stretched again.

The entire tree domain currently has a population of more than three million, but the number of occupied cities has reached six, and there are even more places where manpower is needed.

Although psionic exoskeleton mechas, mechanical giants, colonial armored soldiers, etc. are being gradually rolled out and production is increased, they are indeed not enough now.

"Conscription and expansion of troops"

Su Han finally made the decision to recruit more troops. Not only the Shuyu Legion needed to recruit troops, but also the infrastructure team, logistics support team, production and manufacturing, and scientific research teams needed to be expanded.

Among the survivors who have been transferred from several bases, there are many talents ranging from engineers to researchers. If we cannot seize this opportunity to expand quickly and lay a solid foundation for the rear area, then it will be a waste of resources.

As Su Han's order continued to be conveyed, the entire tree domain began to move rapidly again.

Countless people who already wanted to join the tree domain battle order flocked to the recruitment office. At the same time, the number of people in infrastructure teams, logistics troops, etc. also increased sharply.

The rapid recruitment of personnel, as well as the newly added black rock tree monsters, immediately put into construction of the outermost city wall.

On top of the rock and earth city wall, solid bunkers and tunnels are being built one after another. The abnormal mutant beasts and evolved beasts have no time to launch an attack on these rock and earth walls, and have been wiped out one by one by the defending army relying on the city wall.

In just a few days, the number of monsters eliminated in the entire tree domain reached one million. Around several core cities, all monsters were expelled. The first batch of light and shadow trees gradually grew to two or three meters high, and the light they emitted was enough to disperse them. Fifty meters of fog around.

The light awakens more sleeping grass and sown wheat seeds and fruit trees, and green shoots begin to spread in the wasteland around the city.

Facing the scene in front of me, the most surprising thing was the survivors who had been transferred from several bases.

They originally thought that Shuyu Base would be a base that was lagging behind Fenglu, Donghai and other bases.

Although it may be safer in the south, it cannot compare with these core bases in all aspects.

However, they had no complaints when they came, and it was best to be safe.

But the scene before them was beyond their imagination.

Inside and outside the city, the lingering white fog like a shroud was actually dispersed by these saplings, and under the reflection of the trees of light and shadow, the plants began to come to life. The vivid green color was more vivid than the ones they had experienced in their lives. Any spring should be full of vitality.

Seeing the reactions of these people, the 'old man' of Shuyu couldn't help but say a few more words. This time, it actually stabilized people's hearts.

Waves of emotional power flowed into the Star Torch Tree, and then were transmitted to Su Han.

"There are more than three million people as the main body, and there are survivors in six bases. Although their emotional and spiritual power has not been directly transmitted, there will be a certain increase. According to the accumulation of this energy, the sixth level does not seem to be that far away."

In the tree domain, every spiritual power and emotion integrated into the Star Torch Tree will be sensed by Su Han.

As the person who created the Star Torch Tree, he completed a certain connection in a substantial sense.

To him, the Star Torch Tree was like the Lizard God statue to the Lizard God of the Lizard Tribe who never appeared.

Even if he doesn't rely on the apostles, the accumulation of power alone is enough to make him stronger.

Fusion spirit!

Su Han used his soul-melting talent in his consciousness to further transform and fuse the energy integrated into his body into a part of his body.

The physical body continues to strengthen, the spirit continues to grow, and Su Han's fifth-level superior strength becomes more stable.

At the same time, in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, among the countless souls imprisoned by his soul-melting talent, wisps of transformed spiritual power continued to gather, gradually forming a star torch in the center that looked like an ancestral tree. Tree.

Every time he gathers strength, the mental fluctuations that come back will strengthen his spirit, causing his talent to further increase.

This is his attempt.

Since his soul-melting talent can imprison and mobilize the souls of monsters, why can't he personally create a soul of his own Star Torch Tree?

He has already established a connection with the Star Torch Tree, and if he succeeds in shaping the Soul of the Star Torch Tree using his soul-melting talent, then this bond will become even more unbreakable.

In more than an hour, when all the Star Torch Tree energy gathered today was transformed, the Star Torch Tree Soul was about half the height of a human.

Su Han opened his eyes and returned to reality from the consciousness space, with the energy lingering around him.

"The Star Torch Tree Soul has been completely formed successfully. It should be able to break through the sixth level at a height of 100 meters."

The sixth level is a further level of control over spiritual energy, and is the advanced level of the Blood Sea Demon.

Each blood sea demon needs to devour more blood sea spaces and master more creatures to complete the advancement.

Su Han currently has an innate advantage, that is, the human race is very united and there are many people.

"Next it's the Ice Ghost King's turn."

Su Han murmured to himself that among the five apostles, only the Molten Gold Titan and the Ice Ghost King had not reached the fifth level.

The Ice Ghost King's fused Foolish Death's divine power is stuck at 29%. This situation is even more worrying than that of the Molten Gold Titan.

The lower material of the foolish dead's divine power is the soul of the undead, and more undead need to be found to fill it.

Su Han left his room, then went straight to the Insect Crack, opened the Insect Crack, strode in, passed Lingzhou Base and came directly to Fenglu Base.

"Lord Su."

As soon as Su Han came out, a big man in military uniform came forward and saluted him: "The chief is at the command center."

"Help me lead the way."


The big man's saluting arm was dark, covered in black carapace material, and the nails were relatively sharp. It was not a normal human arm, but an insect limb.

"Are you the first batch of alien transformers at Fenglu Base?"

Su Han asked aloud, and the big man replied loudly: "The report is correct. My name is Niu Ben. I am the No. 1 reformer. I replaced the broken arm and implanted the insect bone in the spine. I am responsible for forming the Fenglu Base insect army and coordinating the dispatch. Swarm."

Niu Ben did not hide it. In fact, he was one of the insiders about raising Su Han's authority to the same level as Li Wenyuan.

As the future commander of the insect swarm in Fenglu Base, his authority level is no lower than Xia Yunqing's, but his strength is only slightly lower for the time being.

"Are you still used to the insect limbs?"

"Very adaptable. The insect limbs are stronger than the human body. Without the use of spiritual energy, they can already withstand ordinary gun attacks. The insect bone organ also increases my spiritual energy and mental power. It won't take long for me to break through four Waiting below."

Niu Ben said: "Many comrades have been given a chance to be reborn because of alien transformation and can return to the battlefield. This is a good thing."

"People will die on the battlefield, but insect limbs cannot be resurrected."

"The armed forces are not afraid of death."

Niu Ben's answer was very direct. He grinned: "Lord, I know what you are worried about, but no one will look at us differently. Even if we are not at the tree base, we are still armed forces, and they are also the common people of Xia Kingdom. We It’s a family.”

Niu Ben is a smart man and knows what worries are hidden behind Su Han's words.

It is different from the tree domain that slowly spreads out and the insect warriors are well publicized.

This time, along with the construction of the insect nest, the large-scale alien transformation was launched, which was somewhat sudden.

The transformation time is sudden, the transformation base is larger, and it is difficult to grasp some trends in the base.

However, now it seems that he is worrying too much.

Su Han stopped talking and followed Niu Ben out of the insect nest. At this time, the insect crack was no longer on the Star Torch Square, but moved to the northwest corner of the outer ring of Fenglu Base.

Insect nests are being built one after another, and the insect matter is constantly accumulating. Trucks and engineer insects are coming and going on the road, carrying a large number of blood sea creature corpses, throwing them into the insect matter, and letting them continue to transform.

Although it has just begun, it is not difficult to see that there are already thousands of insects in the entire insect nest.

Arriving at the command center, Su Han found Li Wenyuan who was busy.

Compared with his free time, Li Wenyuan and a group of staff and think tanks were very busy, and they gradually stopped until Su Han came in.

"Su Han, you're here. I've found the undead alien space cracks you asked me to find in the surrounding area. There are three in total, and they are all relatively close."

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