My monster merges everything

Chapter 370 Vineman Dead City


Su Han once asked Li Wenyuan to pay attention to the different space cracks of the undead, especially those that may contain the fourth-level undead.

Li Wenyuan replied: "Around Chuyuan City, there is one in the urban area and two in the suburbs. Now Chuyuan City has become a place of the dead, and there are basically no large-scale living people."

His face was heavy. Chuyuan City is only more than 200 kilometers away from Fenglu City and is a surrounding city. If according to the plan, Chuyuan City will be part of the urban agglomeration that Fenglu Base will expand.

But God is not as good as man. After several accidents, Fenglu Base was too busy to take care of itself. By the time it reacted, many surrounding cities had fallen and turned into the territory of monsters and the undead.

With Su Han's help now, when the insect swarm gradually multiplies and the core generals complete the savings for a breakthrough, they can quickly expand and gather as many survivors as possible.

"Chu Yuan City, I will go there. As for the follow-up cleanup troops, they can come later. I may have to enter the blood sea from there."

"Pay attention to safety, I have Yun Qing on standby at any time."

Su Han didn't stay with Li Wenyuan for long, and Li Wenyuan had more things at hand than he expected.

Although the Dead Zone in the Fenglu Mountain Range has been resolved, Tian Qingshan's Blood Sea Pillar cannot stop the expansion.

Fenglu Base had to adjust its plan. While cleaning up the surrounding monsters, it also extended the expansion direction of the urban agglomeration to the south to avoid the direction of the Blood Sea Pillar.

In addition, research on psychic technologies such as the manufacturing of mechanical giants, fourth-level potions, and healing nests is also accelerating. The advancement of these projects will allow the third-level superior contractors like Niu Ben in Fenglu Base to make rapid progress.

Li Wenyuan must keep an eye on these progress and let Fenglu Base complete the breakthrough, so as to reduce the pressure on the south.

Coupled with the search for survivors, relocation, sowing the Tree of Light and Shadow, etc., he had not slept well for several days.

Su Han didn't bother for long and went straight out the door. Niu Ben was already waiting outside the command center.

A black-winged double-headed vulture stood next to him. It was about five meters tall and had a wingspan of at least twenty meters. It was also a big guy.

"Lord Su, the leader ordered me to lead a team to assist you in dealing with matters in Chuyuan City. There is also an auxiliary team of twenty people accompanying me, responsible for providing observation, treatment, logistics and other matters."

Niu Ben knew that Su Han was very powerful and was the strongest human being. They might not be able to help him in battle.

Being able to help with investigations and do logistical work is their limit.

Of course, if the combat data of high-level combat power can be observed, it will also be helpful for them to deal with fourth- and fifth-level monsters in the future.

But the premise of all this is Su Han's permission.

Su Han nodded: "Let's go there together. You can just be on the outside when the time comes. Leave the fighting to me."


Niu Ben recruited the members of the team, all of whom were second-level armed forces soldiers, and the human apostles were all second-level low- or medium-level flying monsters.

Among them, bone vultures accounted for half, and they were obviously a certain group of undead. The rest were mutant birds.

When everyone arrived, Su Han did not summon the Blood Prison Dragon this time. Instead, he and Niu Ben flew directly towards Chuyuan City on his double-headed vulture.

The team started all the way from Fenglu Base and flew over the suburbs. The shadow of the Light and Shadow Tree was vaguely visible on the wasteland, dispersing a little bit of the fog.

Seeds of light and shadow have been traded from the Tree Domain to six bases. Although the number is not as large as that of the Tree Domain, they have begun to be sown around the bases.

Li Wenyuan and the others all know that the tree of light and shadow is the hope for the future. Only by sowing seeds now can humans reshape the ecological environment as much as possible.

Therefore, this work is a top priority. Unlike the random tree area, the place where they sow seeds is first in the farmland within the control range, and then in the mountainous area after cleaning to ensure that as many light and shadow tree branches as possible survive.

The light of the stars faintly penetrated the fog, like stars twinkling in the starry sky.

The flying speed of the double-headed vulture was not slow. Although it was not as fast as Su Han's Blood Prison Dragon, it had already reached the fourth-level bottleneck, and it had reached the outskirts of Chuyuan City in more than half an hour.


As soon as the team got closer, a hoarse and harsh scream could already be heard.

Niu Ben's eyes narrowed: "It's Corpse Crow, prepare to attack."

The team members immediately dispersed, forming a formation to cover each other, and then held psychic rifles in their hands.


The sound of flapping wings was heard, and dozens of huge gray crows rushed out from the mist.

They are about two meters long, have bone-like beaks, are gray-white in color, and have sharp serrations. Their bodies are dark, their feathers are rotten, and you can even see rotting and wriggling flesh buds on their flesh.

When their scarlet eyes saw Su Han and his party, they instantly burst into ferocious expressions, and then pounced directly on them, the aura of death lingering on their bodies.

"Bang bang bang"

The psychic bullets hit the corpse crows, shattering their heads, and the dark blood splashed out, which was particularly disgusting.

The corpse crows were not powerful, but there were a lot of them. After one attack, more than ten of them had been killed, but more corpse crows seemed to have heard the noise and came quickly from the fog.

dark Fire!

The double-headed vulture spit out jet-black flames and swept across the area dozens of meters in front of it, igniting all the corpse crows at once, and then fell quickly like a ball of fire.

"Lord Su, we have gone to the ground. Although the corpse crows are only at the first level of strength, there will be many of them, and it will be difficult to deal with them in the fog."

"Then go down."

With Su Han's permission, Niu Ben and the others landed quickly, escaped the pursuit of the corpse crow, and landed on the ground.

The chill hit instantly, and the white mist near the ground turned gray, and was gradually infiltrated by the power of death, with a lingering coldness.

Everything around was desolate, with dead bones and rotting corpses everywhere on the ground. They were scattered in the dark soil, just like the pale dead trees growing on it, and exuded the air of death.

"The areas gradually occupied by the undead will be haunted by death energy, which is one of the mutant energies of psychic energy. The decay of corpses and skeletons in these areas will be greatly delayed, and the corrosive effect on some creatures will not be small."

Niu Ben explained solemnly: "According to the current situation, even if there are living people in the city, their physical condition will not be much better."

Not every monster will kill creatures crazily, but their harm is sometimes more terrifying than direct killing.


As he spoke, some bones buried in the black soil moved slowly, and a humanoid skeleton began to crawl out. He looked at the team with a faint, hollow look, and made an unknown sound from his mouth.

"Get ready to kill the skeleton."

Niu Ben wanted to continue to clear the way for Su Han, but Su Han stopped him.

"Just watch what happens next."

Niu Ben was stunned and immediately replied: "Understood."

Su Han's mental power swept across the entire area of ​​Chuyuan City, and he had roughly determined the locations of three different space cracks in the city.

Then he waved his hand to summon the Blood Hell Dragon, and its huge body shrouded the area like a shadow.

The momentum overwhelmed Niu Ben and the others, causing his heart to sink and his face to change slightly.

‘What a terrifying apostle. ’

It's not that Niu Ben has never seen the appearance of the Blood Prison Dragon, but that time, he just watched the Blood Prison Dragon rise from Fenglu City from a distance and go straight to the Ice Ghost King, which was not so intuitive.

Blood domain!

Su Han didn't care about Niu Ben's reaction, but let the Blood Prison Dragon activate his skills.

A bloody border enveloped the entire city. In just a few minutes, Chuyuan City was enveloped in a bloody realm, as if it was trapped in an apocalyptic world.

The white mist began to be isolated and faded by the power of the Blood Prison Dragon. The undead in the city finally reacted and roared to life.


The skeletons closest to Su Han seemed to have been inspired and launched an attack. Hundreds of them rushed towards Su Han and his party.

Su Han's expression remained unchanged and he just summoned the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree and the Ice Ghost King.

Two figures, one large and one small, appeared beside him, and a wave of cold air spurted out at the hundreds of skeletons, turning them into ice sculptures in an instant, unable to move anymore.

[The fusion material Undead Soul was found, which is the lower material currently fused with the divine power of the Foolish Dead. Whether it is fused and transformed]

transformation fusion

The Ice Ghost King grabbed the skeleton's body and began to fuse it directly, gradually transforming the souls of the undead into the foolish dead power he needed.

The monster's roar sounded from deep in the city, and the more powerful undead had obviously noticed what was going on here.

Niu Ben's expression changed slightly. The power contained in this roar was probably not weaker than the fourth level.

"Let's go into the city and have a look."

Su Han just said something lightly, and then Niu Ben saw thousands of vines and roots of the Blood Sea Ancestral Tree digging into the ground, like dragons under the ground, spreading crazily towards the entire city.

The rotting corpses and skeletons that had just emerged were caught by the vines at this moment, and then dragged directly underground, gathering in front of the Ice Ghost King.

The ice blade pierced and then continuously fused the souls of the undead on them. This time, the Ice Ghost King did not even use undead manipulation to control the undead, because all the undead would be its nourishment.

Su Han led Niu Ben and the others towards the city, but at this time Niu Ben's team had lost their words.

The surging vines were like giant beasts devouring the city. A tsunami of vines engulfed Chuyuan City, which was once among the first-tier cities, bit by bit.

Skeletons, wights, corpse crows, bone vultures, skeleton knights, lichs, wights.

The undead wandering in the city sensed this astonishing change, and swarmed out of their stance towards the streets. The concentrated power even gathered into thick clouds, darkening half of the city.

The sky was as dark as ink, and the ground was shrouded in black mist.

When the evil spirits came out of their cages, Niu Benguang felt a chill in his back when he heard the sound. This was much scarier than when they suppressed the cracks in the different space.

Su Han and the others had just arrived at the edge of the city, and the empty road leading into the city was already occupied by the undead.

The tall corpse leader occupied the street, holding a huge bone hammer made of unknown bones in his hand, and rushed towards Su Han while waving it.

Behind them are thousands of skeletons, filling the entire street like a pale wave.

"Is the fourth level inferior?"

Su Han raised his eyes and made a judgment on this psychic fluctuation. If the one that appeared at this time was already at the fourth level, then there is no doubt that the combat effectiveness of the undead here would be higher.

"Humans, intruders die."

The leader of the carrion made a deep sound with his bloody mouth. Apart from the sharp teeth that were dark and covered with mucus, there was nothing else in the mouth. The tongue had already rotted, making people sick to see it.


Su Han remained motionless as vines rushed out from the streets on both sides, rushing like drills into the undead army composed of skeletons and corpses.

The vines swept across. Even the vines without the blade of light and shadow carried power at this time that ordinary undead could not withstand.

Wherever they passed, rotten corpses were penetrated by vines, and skeletons were cut off by vines. Then, before the body could react, they were dragged back by the vines and piled up on the road.

The undead such as second-level skeletons and giant-clawed rotten corpses have never thought of attacking the vines and cutting them off with sharp claws or weapons.

But when their attacks landed on the vines, they discovered that the attacks could not penetrate the tough exterior of the vines.

The strength of the fifth-level medium blood sea ancestral tree's vine body has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even small branched vines as thick as a little finger are not easy to cut with an ordinary sword, let alone the vines that are attacking now, like countless long green snakes.

Spiritual energy is attached to it, and the power of the earth's veins is blessing it. The faint golden light flows on the main vines, which stretches the defense to the extreme.


The leader of the rotten corpses smashed the vines away angrily, barely getting out of control, but the next moment, the ground shattered, and two thick vines shot up, knocking it over.

"Damn Ivy!"

Angry curses came from the mouth of the corpse leader, and Su Han narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

The vine demons are the blood sea aliens that appear around the East China Sea base. It seems that there is a boundary between the undead and the vine demons.

That's not right. The Great Blood Sea overlaps with the real world space and is not completely symmetrical. It is more likely that the real world is the center of a large whirlpool, and the worlds of these monsters are scattered around.

While thinking, the leader of the rotten corpses gathered the spiritual energy containing the power of death on the bone hammer, and a sharp blade emerged, falling heavily towards the vines.


Golden light flashed over the vines, and under the surge of spiritual energy, the blade tip was unable to break through the vines.


The vines tightly entangled the corpse leader, and the bone hammer in its hand was directly taken away, and its entire body was controlled.

With a crash, he was thrown directly onto the street, landing less than twenty meters in front of Niu Ben.

The vines surged wildly, strangling a large number of undead and forming a colosseum surrounding this section of the street.

Su Han pointed his finger, and spiritual energy poured into Niu Ben's body, and traces of demonic power passed through.

"It's okay to be idle. Try to break through to the fourth level and kill it."

Niu Ben looked at Su Han sharply, and when he saw that he was smiling, he immediately saluted seriously: "I will complete the mission to the death!"

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