My monster merges everything

Chapter 408 Cutting the Moon

A force field composed of the power of rules permeated around the Eclipse Moon, and waves of strange fluctuations continued to spread around.

Once the attack fell into this force field of rules, the attacking spiritual energy was like a fake knife made of sand, and it shattered with a bang.

Whether it was the Blood Thunder Spear of the Black Gold Juntan or the Void Beam of the Void Giant Monster. When their attacks rushed towards the Eclipse Worm and the Eclipse Moon, they were constantly weakened by this strange power.


Su Han's heart trembled, and he finally realized the power of the seventh level. The six apostles retreated quickly.

The strange fluctuations almost hit the six apostles and fell on the land where they were originally.

The land disintegrated instantly, the soil dissipated, as if it disappeared out of thin air, and a huge deep pit appeared directly on the ground, which was bottomless.

Although the attack failed, the Eclipse Worm did not give up. Its eyes were scarlet, and its round body stretched out of the broken space. The Eclipse Moon moved with it and came to the position directly in front.


Thunder rang out, and on this eclipse moon, a strange red lightning like a spider web was emitted, heading straight for the apostle.

Su Han saw this, and did not dare to neglect it. The Black Gold King waved his six arms, and the shock wave struck in the air, rushing out and colliding with the strange lightning.

The other apostles also used their own methods, with the Black Turtle Ancestor Tree as the core, relying on the power of the earth veins, constantly building defenses, and barely blocked the attack.

But during the collision, the spiritual energy virtual body outside the body surface suffered a lot of trauma, and it was obviously at a disadvantage.


The insect swarm had already turned around, bypassed their battlefield, and launched a new attack on the mountain wall.

Su Han was awed in his heart. This was a conspiracy of the eclipse worm, trying to force him to expose more weaknesses in the battle.

'If it is really the seventh level full force, why is it necessary to do this? '

He looked at the eclipse worm with a fiery look, wanting to see through the eclipse worm's details.

Although this eclipse worm is far more powerful than the sixth level, it seems to be suppressed by this world and dare not completely leave the space crack in the deep sea.

Soul of Fusion!

Su Han held the black sword and landed on the Blood Prison Dragon King. He fully activated the talent of Fusion. Countless souls that were detained by the Fusion worm poured out, and thousands of them entered the bodies of the six apostles. The spiritual energy level was raised again, and the energy was like mountains and seas, and it was condensed like an abyss.

Not only that, the souls of the Zerg scattered by the large number of Abyss Zerg killed on the battlefield were also constantly gathered.

The eclipse worm wanted to stop Su Han from taking these souls, and the eclipse moon emitted a more dazzling red light and attacked.

Su Han saw the move and countered it. How could he let the eclipse worm block his action? The branches of the Torch Tree Soul shook, as if to cut through the night sky, and cut a crack in the space. The power of rules permeated the edge of the crack and collided with the red light.

The power of rules confronted each other. Although Su Han was of the middle level of the sixth level, and had a lot of spiritual energy and mental power from his soul-melting talent, he was still at a disadvantage compared to the seventh-level monster, the Eclipse Worm.

Under the mutual confrontation, the cracks he created were eliminated in a short period of time, and most of the energy and rules were eroded.

However, this short delay had achieved its purpose. A large number of insect souls were captured by Su Han and completely injected into the bodies of the six apostles. The power was increased again and blended with each other.

The Eclipse Worm wanted to take down Su Han in one blow, but at this time the Blood Prison Dragon King took action.

Ice Blood Hell!

In an instant, with the Blood Prison Dragon King as the center, the surrounding space began to change. The barrier of the Ice Blood Hell suddenly rose, and the blood color enveloped everything around. The terrifying ice continued to spread, freezing everything in the barrier.

The attack that originally wanted to attack Su Han here in one fell swoop was suppressed by the barrier, and the rules were also quickly dissipated and turned into nothing.

Only the eclipse moon hung high above the eclipse worm, constantly resisting the suppression from the ice and blood hell.

Su Han's eyes were cold. At the moment when the barrier rose, although the eclipse worm was still halfway behind the broken space and the main body was above the deep sea, its breath was a little weaker.

Curse of the Dead Soul

The Dead Ice Bone King released the Curse of the Dead Soul with all his strength. The eclipse worm had not yet reacted. The gray energy containing the rules of death quickly entangled its body like a gossamer. For a while, it was enveloped by the gray death aura. The breath was suppressed a lot under this curse.


A sharp hissing sound burst out from the mouth of the eclipse worm. It became violent at this time when it sensed that its power was suppressed.

A series of terrifying attacks broke out from the eclipse moon and went straight to Su Han's apostles.

This attack was extremely swift. Su Han controlled the apostles to dodge and resist continuously, but after a while, the six apostles began to be covered with wounds.

Su Han was not injured under the protection of the apostles, but he also felt the pressure brought by the eclipse worm. Scars deep enough to see the bones appeared on several apostles.

The bones were clearly visible, and the flesh and blood were wriggling quickly to recover, but the erosion of the rules above continued to hinder this process.


Su Han's eyes flashed with cold light, and the six apostles occupied different positions, covering their bodies with the power of rules and attacking the eclipse worm.

The Black Gold Juntan Purgatory Furnace was like the sun, rising directly into the sky to fight against the eclipse moon, and the blazing flames burned the strange mental fluctuations, although it was slightly at a disadvantage.

But the next moment, the space began to fluctuate, and the purple space ripples invaded the eclipse moon and the eclipse worm from all directions.

The Void Giant Demon is controlling the power of the void to launch attacks from all angles.

This is in the barrier of the Ice Blood Hell. With the cooperation with the Blood Hell Dragon King, the spatial power it mobilizes is far greater than before.

The Blood Hell Dragon King is not to be outdone at this time. Countless blood-colored chains are stirring towards the Moon Eclipse Worm. Each chain is enough to destroy the mountain and tear the earth.

Each blow will collide with the power emitted by the Eclipse Moon, and the chain will break, but the power of the Eclipse Moon is also constantly weakening.

The Dead Ice Bone King summons endless skeletons, accompanied by a strong power of death, and produces a forest of bone thorns from the ground, heading straight for the body of the Moon Eclipse Worm.

The Moon Eclipse Worm swings its scarlet tentacles, like a sharp sickle, constantly colliding with these bones.

The bones fall into disadvantage and continue to break. In a short period of time, there is already a layer of white bones on the ground, piled up like a mountain.

However, it is slow.

Distracted from dealing with the four apostles, the power of the Eclipse Worm finally slowed down. It was not known whether it was because it was separated from its main body or because of the continuous battle, it was just slow.

The reaction was slow, and the strange erosion ability was also slow.

Attack after attack fell, and it could no longer be eliminated instantly as it did at the beginning.

The scarlet worm eye rose, and the huge worm eye, which was a hundred meters long, suddenly appeared behind the Demon Mother's Nest.

It had been hiding for a long time and showed its fierce face for the first time. The terrifying dominant will and the mental impact of the worm eye overlapped with each other.

The reaction of the Eclipse Worm suddenly became fierce, and the Eclipse Moon burst into scarlet light. The mental fluctuation alone had torn the surrounding space apart.

It felt the characteristics of the Demon Mother's Nest that were similar to those of the Abyss Zerg, but completely different. This was an alien.

However, before it could make a move, the mental power that was almost as strong as it had suppressed it, and everything was blocked.

The Eclipse Worm could only fight against this spirit and stalemate.

At this time, the Black Turtle Ancestor Tree moved.

A thousand-meter-long blood moon quietly rose from behind its huge body. This was the first time that the Black Turtle Ancestor Tree had fully condensed the power of the blood moon.

The terrifying aura made the entire battlefield tremble, not only in the barrier of the Ice Blood Hell, but also outside the Ice Blood Hell.

At this time, on the battlefield of the insect swarm, the nameless throbbing made the cold insect swarm move slowly, as if the network signal was stuck.

In fact, it was true.

For the first time, their supreme commander, the Eclipse Worm, felt the crisis of death.

The Eclipse Moon quickly merged into the body of the Eclipse Worm. At this time, the strange force field around the Eclipse Worm continued to expand, breaking free from the Purgatory Furnace and the blood-colored chains, crushing endless bones

Then it faced the slowly approaching blood moon head-on.

Space was annihilated, the barrier collapsed, and everything on the ground was swallowed by the collision of these two forces. In an instant, a vacuum zone of more than a thousand meters appeared on the battlefield.

It was pitch black, and the distance of the deep pit on the ground was at least hundreds of meters, and the surrounding space was completely broken.

The eclipse worm was full of cracks, and the hard armor was constantly oozing blood and flesh. They kept wriggling, trying to heal, but it was particularly difficult because the blood moon was also an attack full of rules.

The eclipse worm's resentful spirit locked Su Han, and suddenly the space around it was condensed by it, and it was connected with the channel on the other side of the deep sea again.

The deep sea was constantly surging, and in the huge vortex leading to the sea of ​​blood, powerful spiritual energy continued to surge, blessing the eclipse worm from afar.


I don't know what means were used, the eclipse worm's eyes were scarlet, and three eclipse moon phantoms appeared behind it. The feeling of being suppressed for a short time actually disappeared a little, and the power rebounded.

I saw that its arthropods were like human hands, and they slashed at Su Han. A light blade of only a few meters suddenly appeared less than ten meters in front of Su Han.

At this distance, if it was an ordinary attack, it would be easy to dodge.

But this one was different. This was a seventh-level attack, without the suppression of the seventh-level power.

"Merge with the spirit!"

Su Han was completely tense in the face of such an attack, but there was no fear in his heart.

He heard it.

In the Star Torch network, countless Star Torch trees were swaying, continuously gathering power on the mountain wall at this time.

Not only the East China Sea Base and the Tree Domain Base, but also Wushan, Fenglu, Mocheng, Lingzhou, Kakta

Bases of all sizes, from the Armed Forces Base to the Psychic World Gathering, one by one built the Star Torch Tree's human base.

The power of emotions gathered, and the power of faith accumulated.

Merge with the spirit!

The psychic energy virtual body merged into the body, and the tall virtual body completely disappeared, leaving Su Han alone, floating in the air.

The six apostles turned into red light and returned to the Demon Eye Mark, and all the spiritual energy, spirit and other powers on their bodies were poured into Su Han.

The Star Torch Tree emitted a brilliant light, like a meteor sinking into Su Han's body.

The breath rose steadily, and the black sword in his hand was extremely dazzling.

Su Han took a step forward, and the black sword slashed across the blade, cutting it in half without any hesitation.

The eclipse bug was shocked by the scene before its eyes, but Su Han's eyes were locked on it at this time.

He took a step forward, and the black sword in his hand slashed out, and an ordinary black blade slashed through the chaotic space vacuum.

Suddenly appeared in front of the eclipse bug.

The eclipse bug was extremely shocked and used all its strength to condense defense.

The three layers of eclipse shadows were all slashed, and most of the eclipse bug's body sank into the space channel.

But it was still too late.

This sword penetrated its body, but it cut off one-third of its half insect body.

The remaining two-thirds of the insect body was not dead yet, and sank into the space and escaped to the deep sea crack.

"What a pity."

Su Han's breath kept slipping, and he swept his eyes across the battlefield, sweeping a few sharp blades, killing millions of insects, and then his figure flashed, and he returned to the mountain and sea wall with one-third of the eclipse insect body.

"Counterattack! Missiles interspersed, flame bombs covered!"

Liu Rulong's thunderous roar woke everyone up. As the order was issued, hundreds of flowing flames crossed the sky, and in the opposite insect swarm, a group of terrifying flames were ignited.

The fire burned a hundred miles, and the flames were as bright as day, nothing more than this.

The insect swarm was still attacking. Although the eclipse insects had retreated, the battle was not over, far from over.

Under the Star Torch Tree, Su Han's face was pale, and the spiritual energy in his body was almost drained because of the two attacks. This was the first time he felt exhausted since he became a great demon, especially since he entered the sixth level.

"The power of the seventh level is too strong. If it is not suppressed, I can't deal with the eclipse bug at all. I can only protect myself."

The six apostles are only the lower sixth level. It is difficult to fight across two small levels.

This is when his apostles have integrated a large amount of monster materials and have a very strong foundation in the same level.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to compete with more sixth levels.

Su Han relies on the Star Torch Network and the Soul Fusion Talent. The mutual superposition of the two can integrate all the power to the limit.

It was also the attack just now that made him touch the edge of the seventh level, which gave him the capital to fight against the eclipse bug.


The sound of bombing on the battlefield was still coming from his ears. Su Han could sense that Liu Rulong was still commanding the battle. The swarm did not give up the attack because the eclipse bug was not dead, and there were abyss bugs behind the crack.

"Without the participation of the seventh-level, the defense line should be fine."

Su Han was slightly relieved. He had killed many sixth-level insect demons. Even if there were more, the apostles could resist them after he recovered a little.

The defense line was temporarily stabilized.

"The existence of the suppression force will temporarily prevent the seventh-level from exerting its full strength, but if it hides in the crack, there is almost no difference between it and the Great Blood Sea. I am afraid I am not its opponent."

Su Han evaluated his own strength and couldn't help but feel a little urgent in his heart. He was exactly the opposite of the eclipse worm.

At the Star Torch Tree, he could gather a lot of power and burst out with powerful strength in a short time, but if he went to the deep sea, he would be suppressed by the channel opened by the abyss insects, and the power of blessing would be reduced.

The eclipse worm was the opposite. The farther away, the greater the suppression it received, unless the barrier between the two worlds became more blurred and the mutual influence increased further.

The Great Demon Space injected a large amount of spiritual energy into his body, and he recovered a lot, and his face gradually improved.

His eyes fell on one-third of the body of the eclipse worm, his eyes flashing with cold light: "It's best to delay the time. The more time, the more can be integrated."

With a thought, the insect nest space opened up and included the body of the eclipse worm.

The demon mother's nest in it started to integrate immediately.

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