My monster merges everything

Chapter 409 Breakthrough

The Demon Mother's Nest began to fuse one-third of the body of the Eclipse Insect. Although there were not many, the most indispensable thing on this battlefield was the lower-level materials of the Insects.

Su Han ordered the Demon Mother's Nest to merge, and after recovering for a few minutes, he asked the giant void demon to bring the corpses of the two insect demons he killed back to the defense line.

The battle lasted all night, and the attacking and defending warriors had changed several times.

In the vacuum period that occurred after the high-level insect swarms were killed, the insect swarm's offensive was too weak. Under the cover of artillery, it was impossible to climb the mountain walls. A large number of insect corpses piled up on the battlefield, and they were destroyed for four months. The nest continued to devour, and then transformed into third-level and fourth-level apostle bugs to join the battlefield.

Not only the Moon Nest, the insect nests in the four cities that were initially constructed by a large number of mother tank insects also benefited from the large supply of insect corpses, transforming a large amount of insect matter to breed first and second-level low-level insect swarms. .

Although the number is far less than the hundreds of millions of insect swarms prepared by the Abyss Zerg, it is still playing a corresponding role in conjunction with artillery strikes and high-level insect swarm raids.

Break into the battlefield to block, engage in suicidal entanglements, and take advantage of gaps to plunder the corpses of high-level insect swarms.

There is no shortage of them on the battlefield, and with the continuous incubation, the number is gradually increasing, greatly reducing the defensive pressure on human warriors.

A large number of insect corpses not only support the insect nest to breed a large number of apostle insect races, but also serve as nourishment for the breeding of heavenly soldiers.

Shu Hongguang and Gao Mingwei's arsenal arsenal built a large breeding tank similar to an insect nest, constantly breeding second- and third-level aerial arsenals to join the battlefield.

A part of the colonial armored heavenly soldiers are controlled by warriors and are specifically designed to block the swarms of insects that want to climb over the city wall.

Their flexible bodies, fierce attacks, and the very existence of the colonial mechas made them not afraid of ordinary injuries. Therefore, when fighting against the insect swarms that climbed over the city wall, the warriors who controlled the colonial soldiers basically attacked with the most powerful force. The sharp and most direct method is to exchange injuries for injuries to prevent the insect swarm from destroying the defensive position.

Another part of the colonial armored soldiers are directly controlled through the Star Torch network. Although they are not as flexible as the colonial armored soldiers controlled by warriors, they are fierce and not afraid of death. They are a sharp knife force on the battlefield after the apostle Zerg.

Sometimes, their bodies are loaded with killing weapons such as nuclear bombs and sub-nuclear psychic bombs. Under the cover of the team, they go straight to the densest place of the insect swarm, or go straight to the insect bridge to kill the insect. The bridge was directly destroyed.

The insect swarms began to divide their forces, and a large number of insect swarms moved towards Linghai City and Hangbang City. They seemed to want to bypass the strong backbone of Guanhai City and find a way to break through the mountain defense line.

"At least 30 million insect swarms are moving in the direction of Linghai City. There are no less than a hundred fourth-level insect beasts and three fifth-level insect beasts. Commander Zhu Xiong has been notified to prepare."

Liu Rulong's face was full of fatigue. The insect swarm attack lasted for two days and one night. Now it has finally slowed down a bit, but the remaining three cities have to bear more pressure.

"There is no trace of the sixth-order insect demon yet. It may be because we can't detect it."

He looked at Su Han, who was sitting opposite, reporting on the situation on the battlefield, and asked in a deep voice: "That seventh-level lunar eclipse insect."

"It's injured more than me. It doesn't dare to leave the deep sea in a short time, otherwise the suppression it will receive will be even more powerful. It's only level six."

Su Han looked serious and said: "Two of the sixth-order insect demons escaped, but they are definitely not all their strength. They may also divide their troops. I will let the apostles pass."

Injured by the seventh-level regular power, even Su Han's apostle cannot recover so easily at this time, but the condition may be a little better than that of the seventh-level moon eclipse insect whose body was chopped off by one-third.

At the moment, Su Han also dares not leave the Great Wall of the Mountains and dive into the deep sea to find trouble with the sixth-order insect demon or even the lunar eclipse worm. This is the same as the lunar eclipse worm.

Stay away from the Star Torch Tree position and go deep into the Lunar Eclipse Bug's territory. It will be difficult to escape by then.

You have to wait for an opportunity to take action.

After the two discussed, Su Han had already dispatched his apostles. The Black Turtle Ancestral Tree guarded Guanhai City, and the Void Giant Demon was dispatched by Su Han to Linghai City to guard the pass together with Zhu Xiong.

Black Gold Juntan went to Hangbang City, and Death Ice Bone King went to Jinsha City.

“It’s not enough to break through the Demon Mother’s Nest through fusion, other apostles must also break through.”

As soon as Liu Rulong left, Su Han made a decision in his heart. The apostles he dispatched needed to keep an eye on the sixth-order insect demon that might appear at any time, so he couldn't make too many moves for a while.

But the two apostles who stayed with him were able to find ways to integrate and upgrade.

"The insect demon is left to the Demon Mother's Nest. The fifth-level insect beast is not suitable, so we can fuse water and earth. The Blood Hell Dragon King is compatible with water. The Black Turtle Ancestral Tree is fused from the Blood Tree Rock Turtle. It is compatible with the rock and earth." The degree has also become more consistent and can continue to be integrated.”

With him guarding Guanhai City, he can deal with it even if a sixth-order insect demon suddenly appears. This way, both apostles can have their hands free.

With determination in his heart, Su Han asked the two apostles to start their own actions.

The vines of the Black Turtle Ancestral Tree penetrate deep into the battlefield, constantly devouring the rock and soil everywhere, and quietly changing the terrain in preparation for building a more favorable defensive terrain.

The Blood Prison Dragon King directly integrates the water body with the help of the sea channel, intercepting the upstream water, and at the same time attracts the sea water to pour back, and is constantly merged by it.

Water and earth are no better than sixth-level monsters. If you want to complete the fusion and increase your strength, the amount required is an astronomical number.

While Su Han was guarding, he climbed onto the mountain wall and activated his spiritual fusion talent. At this time, the Great Demon Space also loomed and overlapped with reality, constantly absorbing the emotional power and spiritual energy from the entire battlefield.

The battlefield is a nourishment factory for high-level psychic creatures. Although Su Han is a human, as his strength and level increase, to a certain extent, he is a high-level psychic creature.

On such a battlefield, the emotional strength, spiritual strength, soul and other things that are nurtured are excellent nutrients.

He could feel that the energy in his body was constantly increasing, and the accumulation was getting stronger.

On the third day, one-third of the lunar eclipse bugs were fused, and the lunar eclipse bug fusion progress was 26%. The ratio was not high, but this was what Su Han expected.

Blood Prison Dragon King LV7 Water 12%, hundreds of thousands of tons of water have been fused, but it can only barely reach this number.

The Black Turtle Ancestral Tree is slightly better, with LV7 rock and soil 14%. It has also eroded a large amount of rock mass, and many cracks have quietly appeared on the ground, causing seawater to pour in, making the march of the insect swarms more difficult.

On the fifth day, the insect demon raided Linghai City. There was one insect demon and four fifth-level insect beasts. The giant void demon controlled the void and intercepted the attack. They had a great battle and severely damaged a fifth-level insect beast. However, they could not stop the insect. The demon fled into the sea.

He was too scrupulous to pursue him and did not dare to pursue him.

The insect swarm is still testing, trying to find out the weak points of the defense line little by little.

On the sixth day, Hangbang City was attacked. A swarm of insects larger than normal launched a surprise attack and attacked the Great Wall of the Mountains regardless of losses.

Even if they are covered by nuclear bombs and the hot flames of fire bombs cover the ground, they cannot stop their impact.

Two black-armored war bugs and an alien tank bug hatched from the Moon Nest directly joined the cleaning battle, and they were able to withstand the siege.

At this time, the insect demon suddenly appeared and launched an attack directly on the mountain wall.

The brazen attack even shattered a third of the mountain wall. Black Gold Juntan resisted violently, seriously injuring the insect demon and driving it back. He killed three heads of the giant void insect. When he was about to kill the insect demon, The space was disturbed, allowing the insect demon to escape, and could only be seriously injured with one sword strike.

The spatial fluctuations are the work of the Lunar Eclipse Bug. Although it has been severely damaged and is recovering, it is obvious that there are still some tricks left.

On the same day, the Demon Mother's Nest completed the fusion of an insect demon, and the fusion progress of the Lunar Eclipse Insect increased to 45%.

Blood Hell Dragon King LV Water is 32%, Black Turtle Ancestral Tree LV7 Rock and Soil is 42%, and the progress of the two is gradually rising.

The ninth day, the tenth day, the fifteenth day.

The probing battles continued, and the insect demon's occasional raids made it difficult to grasp the handle to keep them. The intervention of the eclipse insect became more and more obvious, and its injuries were recovering.

And he was obviously looking for traces of Su Han and checking General Su Han's status.

The attack of the insect swarm has finally become more relaxed. After half a month of attack, even though they had given birth to hundreds of millions of abyssal insect races in the ocean before, but after such a long period of consumption, the entire defense line has killed the insect swarm. No less than 100 million heads.

Even if a large part of the swarm corpses are recovered by the abyss zerg, their consumption is far greater than their gain.

Except for the monsters in the wild, organic matter, psychic energy, and the emotions and spiritual power spilled on the battlefield, they can't get too many resources.

As a result, unable to make ends meet, the insect swarm will naturally slow down, and some of the insect swarm has spread to areas beyond the target of the southern territory.

Zhu Xiong detected their movements, but they couldn't muster the extra strength to stop them.

Finally on the sixteenth day, the Demon Mother's Nest completed the integration.

[100% fusion of Lunar Eclipse Insects is successful, the Demon Mother’s Nest is advanced to the sixth level, and the skills are advanced: LV4 Eye of Insect, LV2 Moon Nest, LV2 Dominate Will]

After half a month of fusion, the Demon Mother's Nest finally completely digested the body of the Lunar Eclipse Insect. Although it was not the entire body, the rest relied on the corpses of two sixth-order insect demons and tens of millions of Abyssal Insects to be converted to 100%.

But when the breakthrough comes, it's all worth it.

Powerful aura rises from its body, spiritual energy surges, and the power of rules continues to emerge around it and merge into its body.

This powerful aura not only reached the middle level of the sixth level, but also pushed its strength forward a few points, and it was already close to the upper level of the sixth level.

Su Han absorbed the feedback power from the Demon Mother's Nest, and his body and spirit were washed away by spiritual energy, making him one step closer to the sixth level.

"The mental intensity of LV4's Eye of the Insect is higher. The hallucinogenic effect is not only a limited hallucination, but also a little rule power that distorts truth and falsehood. This is the power of the eclipse."

Su Han felt the change in power and his eyes moved slightly. He still remembered the twisted and eroding force field of Eclipse Moon. Every twist made the attack more powerless.

The Eye of the Insect has gained similar abilities. Even if there is some difference, the increased power cannot be underestimated.

There is also the enhancement of the Moon Nest and the Dominator's Will, which makes the overall strength of the Demon Mother's Nest more terrifying.

"Wait for the Blood Prison Dragon King and the Black Turtle Ancestral Tree to break through first."

Su Han suppressed some thoughts in his mind and looked at the Demon Mother's Nest and the large number of insect corpses accumulated in the insect nest.

Under his control, the Demon Mother's Nest immediately devoured these corpses. It continuously transformed them and then infused them with a large amount of spiritual energy and rules.

An hour later, three Moon Nests that looked like flesh-and-blood moons suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Mother's Nest.

The upper limit of LV2 Moon Nest is higher, and the monsters it breeds will be more powerful.

Su Han did not hang the Moon Nest directly above the four cities. This time he wanted to hide part of his power and accumulate more power.

The Three-month Nest was placed outside the East China Sea Base. The logistics troops and the engineer insects of the Apostle Zerg would transport a large amount of flesh and blood back for them to devour.

This Three-month Nest would only breed fourth- and fifth-level insect beasts to support the battle on the front line.

Not many people noticed the impact of the Three-month Nest on the front line, but as time went on, the number of fourth-level insect beasts on the front battlefield slowly increased, making the defense line more stable.

After a few days, the Black Turtle Ancestral Tree and the Blood Prison Dragon King, who had finally merged with countless rocks, soils and water flows, broke through one after another.

[LV8 rock and soil fusion completed, the Black Turtle Tree breaks through the sixth level, and obtains skill advancement: LV4 Earth Vein, LV2 Rock Sealing Crystal Shield, and obtains new skills: LV1 Earth Vein Shield]

The Black Turtle Tree's breakthrough breath is not obvious, just like the steady and heavy breath of the mountains quietly spread to every part of the land along with the Earth Vein.

Through the Black Turtle Tree, Su Han can clearly feel the inseparable connection between the Black Turtle Tree and the earth, as if every time he swings the roots and mobilizes the vines, he can draw more power from the earth.

"Earth Vein Shield, a super strong shield built by the golden tree roots that draws the power of the earth, is the degree of defense determined by the earth vein?"

Su Han's eyes flashed with surprise. This Earth Vein Shield is completely different from the Rock Sealing Crystal Shield. It is not based on the power of the Black Turtle Tree itself, but on the power of the earth vein.

If the entire earth vein can be mobilized, then the condensed shield power is not just as simple as the fifth or sixth level.

A vein of the earth, or even several veins of the earth connected together, passes through countless mountains and hills. The strength of this power can be imagined.

"It can be used as a bottom line for the defense line. Now even the insect demons can hardly destroy the defense line easily."

The protection of the vein of the earth can make the defense line safer as a whole, at least the attack on the defense line beyond the standard force will be curbed.

Although the continuous attack of the insect swarm is equally terrifying, human weapons and resilience are not afraid.

[Fusion of LV8 water is completed, the Blood Prison Dragon King breaks through the sixth level, and obtains the skill advancement: LV3 Black Water Vortex Cannon, LV6 Black Water Shield, LV7 Water Flow Control, and obtains the skill: LV1 Ocean Protection]

The Blood Prison Dragon King has completed the breakthrough, and his body is surrounded by countless rapids. Sometimes the water flow is like the roar of thousands of beasts, and sometimes it is like a sharp blade. The momentum is much greater than that of the Black Turtle Ancestor Tree. At this time, countless water flows accompany its movements like subjects.

A powerful feedback force surged into Su Han's body, and his aura leaked out like a kettle bursting, which was a natural breakthrough.

After the continuous attack of power on the battlefield, the continuous gathering of human faith in the Star Torch Tree, and the breakthroughs of the three apostles, Su Han also completed the breakthrough and reached the sixth level.

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