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"What are we, Bai Meili, can you get out? Believe it or not, I'll let someone kick you out?"

Pan Lingling seemed to be very afraid of what Bai Meili would say, so she interrupted her in a panic, and immediately wanted to drive her away confidently. .

"Oh~ I see, good you Pan Lingling, I didn't expect you to be this kind of woman."

Bai Meili seemed to understand something, pointed at Pan Lingling, and cursed, "I really misread you, you used to pretend to be very affectionate, but I didn't expect you to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. Why do you shamelessly seduce other men even after you have your fiancé?"

Suddenly, Bai Meili looked at Lin Feng and said sadly, "Comrade, you may not know that Pan Lingling has a fiancé. She and his fiancé are still childhood sweethearts. They were married since childhood. Don't be fooled by her appearance." Lied to, she..."

Bai Meili pointed at Pan Lingling again, and said indignantly, but before she finished speaking, Lin Feng responded domineeringly.

"Fiance? Didn't sister Ling's fiance be slept with by you? You were still swearing sovereignty just now. Did you get Alzheimer's and forget it in a blink of an eye?"

Lin Feng's expression suddenly became serious, "Also, please understand that sister Ling has divorced that scumbag, and now sister Ling is single, and I'm chasing her."

Lin Feng's speech was extremely fast, his voice was so loud that it made people's eardrums tremble, and people around him cast strange glances.

Bai Meili looked at Pan Lingling and Lin Feng in disbelief, as if she had been stimulated by something, she suddenly covered her head, pointed at Pan Lingling angrily and shouted,

"How is it possible, how can you two be together, no, I don't agree, Pan Lingling, don't you love your brother Limin the most? I'll give him back to you right now, all of it, you..."

Seeing that she seemed to have some mental problems, Pan Lingling cursed softly, "Crazy!"

"What happened??"

At this time, Qin Xi walked down the stairs, hearing the noise downstairs, frowned slightly, a little displeased.

Seeing Qin Xi coming down, Hu Jingyun trotted up to Qin Xi, her voice was neither high nor low, but it was just enough for the whole clinic to hear clearly.

"Boss, Bai Meili is crazy. Just now she was warning Lingling not to get close to her man, but she changed her mind in a blink of an eye. She seems to have taken a fancy to Brother Lin Feng again..."

Qin Xi raised his eyebrows,

Glancing at the embarrassing Lin Feng, he warned coldly, "Don't attract bees and butterflies, we are a clinic here, not a flower house."

With a puff, everyone laughed, including Pan Lingling.

Qin Xi looked down at her at a loss again, her small face was white and beautiful, and said lightly, "I don't mind if you play wild in my territory. If you have self-knowledge, please leave as soon as possible."

Qin Xi's tone was very flat, but with a strong threat, Bai Meili trembled in fright, the arrogance just now disappeared, replaced by obedience.

A deep fear flashed in her eyes, she opened her mouth, and said her purpose carefully, "I, I'm here to find Pan Lingling, I want to talk to him about something!"

"It's working hours now, and I don't have time to talk to idlers. If you have something to do, then wait until Lingling gets off work in the evening. Now, do you want to see a doctor? If you don't, please go out. My place is not a charity hall. If you want to see a doctor, go to see a doctor." Register, or I will kick you out."

Qin Xi's merciless ridicule made Bai Meili feel endless grievances in an instant. Her eyes were red, and she bit her lips tightly, with a very pitiful expression.

"Little genius doctor, I, I shouldn't have offended you!"

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Age of Rebirth: Mysterious Doctor, Xiaofu's Wife, and She's Super Lovely" by the great god Hei Koi!

Chapter 642: Free reading:,!


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