My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease

Chapter 643: The Old Bachelor Gets Married

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"Offended?" Qin Xi sneered, "No, you didn't offend me."

Those who offended her didn't seem to have a good end. If Bai Meili really offended her, her end might not be easy either.

Seeing Qin Xi's disdain for her, Bai Meili gritted her teeth secretly, but she didn't dare to be too presumptuous. In the end, she glanced at Pan Lingling and said bitterly, "Pan Lingling, I'll wait for you at the hotel, no matter how long I will, you If you don’t come, I’ll go to your house and see if you can sit still.”

After speaking, he shook his hair and turned to leave.

Hu Jingyun whispered, "A perfidious bad woman, if it wasn't for Lingling, she would be where she is today?"

"Okay, don't talk about it after everyone has left. I'm in a bad mood." Pan Lingling poked Hu Jingyun's arm and said with a smile.

Hu Jingyun immediately aimed her gun at Pan Lingling, staring at her with a sense of hatred for iron, "You're still laughing, if you weren't stupid, could she bully you?"

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, "Stupid people have stupid blessings, all of this is predestined, but fortunately, sister Ling knows her way back, if they really get married, the woman surnamed Bai will definitely get mixed up with that thing Together, the situation will be worse by then, it is better to get rid of the relationship now."

Hu Jingyun thought for a while about the possibility that Lin Feng said, she immediately calmed down, and said with a sudden smile, "Hey, what you said seems quite reasonable, so there is no need to be angry about this matter, but to celebrate it One time, right!"

Lin Feng's eyes brightened, he looked at Pan Lingling, and asked tentatively, "Why don't we go out to celebrate after get off work?"

"No." Pan Lingling shook her head absently and refused.

"You don't want to see her!" Lin Feng frowned.

Pan Lingling nodded, "Well, let's talk about it, so as to save trouble in the future!"


Upper Bay Village.

At this time, Shangwan Village was full of joy. Although there were no red lanterns hanging high, the sound of firecrackers and the sound of gongs and drums filled the whole village with strong joy.

The wedding banquet was held in the village today, and the hero was none other than Feng Laosan, the old bachelor who was once kicked by Qin Lan as a villain, and in turn tortured Qin Lan to death.

The heroine is Qin Lan's good sister Shi Zhen, the one who failed to frame Qin Xi,

Instead, Shi Zhen was humiliated in front of the whole village.

Ever since that incident happened to Shi Zhen, Shi Zhen's whole life has been ruined.

Shi Zhen's mother, Yu Shuping, locked her in the cellar in order not to let her go out and be ashamed. The food and clothing were extremely harsh, and her treatment was not as good as Qin Xi's back then. She was kept in captivity like a livestock. ζ°.XX.♂

Shi Zhen also became dazed and delirious due to the huge mental fluctuations, and sometimes she would go crazy, as if she was stimulated by something, or had some hallucinations and conjectures, she was always chanting words, and she seemed to be insane. nagging.

The Shi family knew that Shi Zhen was useless, so they wanted to contact the matchmaker to "sell" Shi Zhen out while Shi Zhen was still young and ready to have a baby.

However, good deeds remain unknown, while bad deeds spread far and wide. Shi Zhen's "brilliant deeds" left such a deep impression on the villagers that no suitable personnel could be found for two months.

Yu Shuping also dropped from the initial 100 yuan to the current 75 yuan. Even so, she still doesn't want anyone to ask the price.

After all, no one wants to marry a daughter-in-law who is full of bad deeds, let alone let such a woman give birth to her own offspring.

Just when Shuping thought that Shi Zhen was going to throw it in her hands, the old bachelor's mother came and wanted to buy it for 30 yuan.

Yu Shuping was not very happy at first, but the other party's attitude was tough. There was no other way, so Yu Shuping could only compromise in the end.

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Age of Rebirth: Mysterious Doctor, Xiaofu's Wife, and She's Super Lovely" by the great god Hei Koi!

Chapter 643 : The Old Bachelor Gets Married


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