My name is Colani

Chapter 11: The Hype of Genius Children

"Let's go, I invite you to dinner!" Hugo stood up and said.

"No, no thanks! Maybe we can order some pizza and talk while we eat!" Brin said so. The two were really technical experts. Hugo knew a lot and provided them with inspiring guidance. Brin obviously wanted to hear more of Hugo's opinions.

Page certainly meant the same thing!

Hugo had no choice but to agree to their request, ordered takeout, and the three continued to chat!

The meeting didn't end until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the investment agreement was signed. Compared with the investment of the founder of Sun Microsystems, Page and Brin had changed their minds at this time. Now they hoped to get financial and technical support from Hugo.

They agreed in the agreement that Hugo would join them as a co-founder instead of an investor. Hugo would not refuse this, and even said that it was okay for me to become a founder. Let's do this. In terms of shares, the principal will be converted. Except for the investment of the founder, we will share the remaining shares equally. I will personally invest 5 million US dollars!

This is a considerable amount of initial investment. Does this company actually need so much? ! No, but now Sun Microsystems has invested 100,000 US dollars. If the investment is too little and the company's registered capital is too little, this company will occupy a large share of Google. Hugo is just like using the method of increasing capital. Anyway, it is a private company now, so it can completely dilute Sun Microsystems' capital investment, let them occupy a small share, and Hugo and his three co-founders can occupy the majority.

Page and Brin are still a little immature in business, but they will understand this truth. Moreover, Hugo said that the three people will share the remaining shares equally. These two people are naturally the ones who get the advantage. They are not stupid, and of course they agree with this plan 200%!

Such a large amount of funds has never been thought of by these two people before. If it is normal, they can't get so many shares with their technology and capital investment. Now Hugo said without hesitation that the three people will share equally. The two people with a little conscience are still a little embarrassed. Page and Brin immediately stated that they will work hard to borrow money to further expand the shares of the three people!

They were already stunned by Hugo's magic potion, thinking that Hugo admired them so he didn't mind doing this. In fact, Hugo was really embarrassed. He took advantage of others so much that he had to give some benefits!

After the agreement was signed, Hugo casually said that he was a member of the Mensa Club. He casually revealed this to tell Page and Brin that his brother was a high IQ person and it was normal to have two brushes.

Unable to explain why Hugo was so powerful, Page and Brin suddenly realized and sighed that the genius child might be Mr. Colemani? !

The interesting thing was that Page really went to the Mensa Club to verify it. Sure enough, he knew that Hugo joined the Mensa Club when he was very young and had a very high IQ!

Originally in another world, Google was founded on September 4, 1998, but now because of Hugo's arrival, Page and Brin quickly solved the funding problem and completed the establishment on August 23.

The company's registered capital was 6 million US dollars, Zhang Yuan invested 5 million US dollars, the founder of Sun Microsystems invested 100,000 US dollars, and Page and Brin borrowed 900,000 US dollars.

As a result, the founder only held 1.67% of the shares, while Hugo held 33%, Page and Brin each held 32.665%, and Hugo became the largest shareholder! It is said that the founder was so angry that he vomited blood afterwards!

Hugo laughed after hearing this. This birdman had no good intentions at all. In fact, many unscrupulous businessmen in the United States knew that the project had a good prospect. They estimated the initial funds, and then made a small investment to account for a large proportion, thereby squeezing the hard work of researchers!

Now it can be regarded as Hugo's foresight and counterattack. 10% of the shares and 1.67% are a world of difference!

Hugo went to the United States with great difficulty, with no other purpose but to make money. When he set up an investment company before, he applied for investment immigration for convenience!

Now that the company was established, he wanted to quit and concentrate on another project, but Page and Brin persuaded him to stay in the company and be the CEO!

"I'm the CEO, are you kidding me?! Two big brothers! I'm not good at management!" Hugo refused. Just kidding, my original idea was to take shares and raise money when you become rich and listed. Now I'm working hard to make money as a CEO. Am I crazy? !

Page and Brin didn't believe it. Anyway, they usually heard Hugo bragging and the performance of a genius child, so he was the most suitable candidate no matter how you looked at it!

Hugo was persuaded by the two and finally said okay, brother, I'll do it first. First of all, my main job is to study, and CEO is a deputy position!

With 6 million in funds, Hugo and his Google company rented an office space in Silicon Valley as the company's headquarters, and then hired 20 people, mainly technical personnel!

The company has a small number of people, and it is very uneconomical to hire professional managers. Therefore, the company's positions are basically held by three people. Hugo is not willing to do technical development work. He can provide suggestions and opinions in this regard, but he does not want to do it. In the life of a programmer, being a CEO is the most suitable for him. Among the three of them, the CEO is not in charge of the overall situation at this time. What is he doing? He leads the marketing department to promote and apply for patents and other chores!

Page and Brin got a lot of new opinions from Hugo and decided to upgrade the Google search engine. They were busy with technical research and had no time to manage the company's "logistics overall". Guo Lai became the CEO and had the idea of ​​giving up his job.

Hugo also knew the fundamental intentions of these two technical experts, so after accepting the position of CEO, he started the two most important tasks, regarding patent applications. Page and Brin had also done work before. Just kidding, in China It is unimaginable that piracy is everywhere, but in Europe and the United States, everyone attaches great importance to patent rights. As a newly established technology company, patent application is a very important task.

Hugo didn't understand the patent application process, but he knew the importance of this work. In his previous life, patent lawsuits were all over the place. Now new companies must pay special attention to patents. They might one day be sued by other companies. It is not impossible to come to your door and make you bankrupt.

For this matter, Hugo could only learn while doing it and get started as soon as possible. On the other hand, his job was promotion. In fact, Google already had some reputation in universities around San Francisco, but this was definitely not enough.

Hugo did learn from some of the practices of later generations. First, he gave Google two informal slogans: "Make the Internet Simple!" and "Don't Be Evil!" Then he also received an admission notice from Stanford University. He began to direct the marketing department to vigorously publicize the news that he became the CEO of Google at the age of only 18. To put it bluntly, it was hype!

The enrollment season has just begun in September, and this guy's attitude is still very upright. He has to go to school. It's all hype, so how can he not show up? ! Stanford University has caused a big sensation in a short period of time. There are many people who have become presidents at the age of 18. However, Google’s capital is not small. At least for college students, it is difficult not to create a sensation!

Subsequently, it also aroused great repercussions in universities around San Francisco, and then also aroused great repercussions in university alliances in the United States. It continued to spread, and Google's reputation finally took off. Under the guidance of Hugo, Page and Brin's technical work has also made breakthrough progress, and Google search has brought a better experience.

After Hugo got the benefits, he was no longer active in class. He spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. It is said that he was not that interested in learning things. Besides, he knew all these things, so why did he work so hard every day? If you have homework every week, ask your roommate to help, bring it back, and then bring it back to the teacher after you finish it!

His roommate happens to be an Italian-American from New York on the East Coast named Simon Barbani. He has a good relationship with him. He gives this roommate 10 dollars a week to help him with his homework.

Simon admired Hugo for being able to hand in his homework quickly every time. It was really annoying when people compared each other. How could he know that Hugo had already learned it, so how could he not do it? ! Geniuses also need to learn. If you don't learn, geniuses will become useless.

During the early days of Google, he was also tortured a lot. He still had a lot of money, but he had no time to do other things. As for the investment company he established, he is still the only one with no employees. No, it’s only Google’s business, but since I became a co-founder, Google has nothing to do with that investment company!

Hugo had no choice but to dissolve the company and invest all the remaining money in Apple!

Apple had a terrible run on Microsoft in the past few years and fell into a low ebb. Last year, Jobs returned, but now Apple is still not improving, but hey, Hugo knows that Apple will soon turn around. As for the future, Apple He would be even more awesome, so he invested all his money in Apple without hesitation and accumulated a large amount of Apple stock.

While working hard to make money, Hugo did not forget about football. After playing in the World Cup, Hugo inevitably developed a strong interest in football. He now likes to watch football, read the news, and watch videos!

Victor, who is far away in Italy, will often contact him on the phone. Victor is an out-and-out Milan fan. He has been in love with Milan since the Three Musketeers era. Every time he chats with Hugo, he gets excited when talking about the new season's games. , gushing endlessly, Hugo now likes to join in such discussions.

One day in winter, Victor's overseas call came again.

"Hugo, there is something I want to ask you. Are you interested?!" Victor said hesitantly.

"What's the matter?! You're not trying to defraud me of money, are you?!" Hugo knew his cousin very well. I'm afraid there was nothing else Victor could do to beg him now except paying for it!

"Uh..., no! Uh... to be precise!" Victor hiccupped for a long time and finally spoke, "That's right, you know my abilities, let's just say in Trapani! I, Victor, am A man who is upright and can run a horse on his shoulders!”

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