My name is Colani

Chapter 10 I am Colani

At the end of July, the climate on the west coast of the United States was still a little hot, and Silicon Valley was no exception. Larry Page and Sergey Brin's Google company had not yet been established, but they had already received an investment of 100,000 US dollars from the founder of Sun Microsystems.

However, this investment was still far from enough according to Page and Brin's budget. Now they are still looking for funds, which is very difficult.

The reason is very simple. They are not the founders of the search engine, and they are not the first to try it. People don't believe in the future of this thing. Think about 100,000 US dollars. It is a great help to them. It can be seen that investors in Silicon Valley are not particularly confident in this project.

Page and Brin have been running around for funds. On this day, they finally got an introduction from a middleman. An investment company called "Hugo" was very interested in their project. The two were ecstatic.

They have actively promoted this thing before, but there is no doubt that there is no result. Too many companies are not interested in them, but they dare to curse and swear that they have never recommended themselves to this company, and this company is also very unknown and sounds very unfamiliar.

However, the person who introduced them was an alumnus of Stanford University, which gave them some confidence in the company. Of course, what the company looked like was not important to them. What was important was that they were willing to invest money in them.

So the two of them decided to take their computers to San Francisco the next day. According to the address given by the alumni, they found the house number. A young man who was less than 20 years old was gluing the house number on the door.

Yes, this person was Hugo. After the World Cup, Hugo returned to Trapani and announced his important decision to his family to go to the United States to study. This was just an excuse, but he still had to study because he knew that studying was a very important thing. The founders of many large companies in the United States started their legendary journey in college. Hugo wanted to take this opportunity to meet more people and expand his network in Silicon Valley!

In his previous life, he studied abroad at Stanford University. Now he was familiar with going to San Francisco. Besides, he was rich now, so he didn't need to take the TOEFL test. It was a very simple thing to have money to study in a good university!

He rejected his family's suggestion to provide a bodyguard, and came to the United States alone. He ran to San Francisco without stopping. With the help of relatives of the Colene family, he first set up a company, and then found a middleman in many ways, expressing his interest in Page and Brin's project. He knew their current situation very well and knew that they would definitely take the bait.

But this company, haha, only has him, and he is currently alone!

"Excuse me, is Mr. Colene here?!" Page asked.

"Oh, you are?!" Hugo knew from the voice that it must be Brin and Page who came to find him, because he had only caught Google so far, and no one else came to find him.

But he still pretended to be very calm, and slowly continued his work and pasted the doorplate!

"I am Larry Page, and this is my friend and partner Sergey Brin! We have an appointment with Mr. Colene to meet this morning. Is he here?!" Page said hurriedly.

To be honest, the two were disappointed when they walked into the apartment. This didn't look like an office at all. It was clearly a residential building. However, since they were here, they decided to try their luck.

"Oh?! It's you!" Mr. Colani had already put up the doorplate and turned around to look at them.

Hugo was very interested in them. In his previous life, Hugo knew them, but they didn't know Hugo. Now Hugo wanted to know what the future Google giant looked like when he was young.

Young, indeed very young. Page is just over 25 years old now, and Brin will be 25 in August. Both of them are wearing formal shirts, shaved clean, and look very energetic.

Page and Brin also looked at Hugo in front of them. Is this a young man who is less than 20 years old? ! Is he an employee of the company? !

Did they go to the wrong place? !

Look at the doorplate that Hugo just put up, Hugo Investment Company!

That's right, it's here!

"What do you think of the doorplate I put up?!" Hugo asked with a smile.

Page and Brin looked at the doorplate strangely and said in unison: "It seems a little tilted!"

"Okay, help me check!" Hugo turned around and fiddled with his doorplate, "How is it?!"

"Move up a little on the left! Good! Very good! Now it looks much better!" Page said in command.

"Let me see! Well, it's really good!" Hugo stood between Page and Brin, took a look, and found it was very good!

"Please sit inside, Mr. Page, Mr. Brin!" Hugo opened the door and made a gesture of invitation.

This is an empty room, inside, um, nothing, nothing is wrong, there is a sofa for guests, and a long table with a laptop on it, that's all, in addition to the living room, there is a small room, and I don't know what it is used for!

Page and Brin were even more disappointed, of course, what was more disappointed was that Mr. Colemani, who had agreed to meet, was not there? !

"Please sit!" Hugo invited the two to sit on the sofa.

But Page and Brin looked at each other and didn't sit down. Page asked directly: "Where is Mr. Colemani?! We agreed to meet this morning!"

His tone was not so relaxed. They didn't have much time to waste, and they didn't want to chat with a young man who was less than 20 years old.

To be precise, Hugo was just 18 years old not long ago. He was born on May 27, 1980, but he is not even 19 years old now? !

"Mr. Colani is talking to you now! So can you accept my invitation and sit down?!" Hugo said seriously.

"You?!" The two screamed.

"Yes, me! It's me! The real Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, from Italy, is currently applying to study computer science at Stanford University! The owner of Hugo Investment Company!" Hugo said seriously.

Page and Brin opened their mouths wide. They didn't expect that this kid was so awesome. Didn't we meet a liar? On second thought, what the hell can he cheat us? What we need is funds. Can he cheat us two top students now!

Let's just believe it!

The two were invited by Hugo to sit on the sofa again, and Hugo made two cups of coffee for them.

Then he sat on the sofa, smiled and said: "You two don't seem to trust me, but it's okay. I won't believe it if I tell others, but you should believe in miracles! I am here to help you create miracles now!"

"Okay, let's get back to the point. Whether you believe me or not, you need capital investment now, and I can just invest money in you. That's the deal between us! Right?!"

Page and Brin looked at each other again and had to nod!

"I've read the information Joe gave me, and I have some understanding of your project. Now are you willing to tell me about your future?!" Hugo continued, "But first of all, I want to know what is the purpose of your establishment of such a company?!"

Although they didn't believe that the young man in front of them was a millionaire, they still planned to describe him in detail. If this little guy could really come up with a lot of money, it would be completely different!

They did not neglect Hugo's question. Page told the truth: "Of course we hope to create a legend, let the world know our products, and become a landmark myth!"

"Uh, don't you want to make money?!"

"Well, of course!" Page said without hesitation.

That's about right. This is how the American dream comes. Don't want to make money, just for the progress of mankind. Except for scientists who are dedicated to research, those who run out to set up companies don't want to make money, unless they are fools!

"Okay, we found the first common point! The purpose of my investment is also for profit!" Hugo said.

Page began to talk about the beautiful future. Hugo kept interrupting to express his views. After all, he was a person from the future and had a forward-looking foresight about the development of the Internet era. Of course, these foresights seemed a bit bold to Page and Brin, but they gradually began to accept Hugo. They really didn't expect Hugo to know so much about the Internet. Some of his predictions about the future of the Internet were incredible to them, but they were very much looking forward to it.

This guy must be a genius! Page and Brin both thought of Hugo in this way.

In fact, Hugo is a genius, but Gianluigi is not a genius in this area. He has only been to school for a few days and has no knowledge of Internet information. He has used his genius in language and literature, and his attainments are quite good. What Hugo knows now is what later generations have learned, known and studied!

Now, is there any reason that will not shock Page and Brin? !

Fortunately, I studied computer science at the beginning, and I have a wide and deep knowledge of computer-related knowledge, otherwise it would be difficult to chat with these two brothers today! Hugo secretly rejoiced!

He hopes to establish a good relationship with these two founders, and even does not hesitate to advance some of the steps that Google has taken to improve the power of Google's search engine!

In fact, the production of search engines is not a complicated thing. Similarly, Facebook, which Hugo has already targeted, is not a difficult thing. The most important thing is user experience and promotion!

The three of them hid here and chatted for a long time. They really appreciated each other, and before they knew it, lunch time had passed. As they were chatting happily, Brin's stomach growled, and the other two laughed when they heard the sound.

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