My name is Colani

Chapter 9 The first pot of gold

At this time, the time on the TV screen was already injury time. The French team was playing 10 against 11. Petit shot to expand the score for the French team and the score became 3:0, which meant that Hugo bet Won!

The brothers Giovanni and Ricardo stood in front of the TV and looked at each other, full of shock!

Could Hugo have predicted the future? !

The game ended with the referee Said Verquera's whistle. The host France defeated the favorite Brazil team with an incredible 3:0 and won the 1998 World Cup!

Hugo fell down on the bed as if he was exhausted. When the real result appeared, he was not as nervous and excited as before. He just felt tired, really tired!

Victor has gone crazy, he started jumping when he saw Pettit's goal and now the game is over, he is running around the room with his hands in the air!

"We're rich! We're rich! We're rich!"


"Sorry, it's not us who got rich! It was me who got rich!" Hugo weakly corrected Victor's speech disorder while lying on the bed. Yes, it was me who got rich. With foresight, I quickly made the first pot of gold!

Hum hum, this is just the beginning!

Victor was awakened by Hugo's words. Yes, he didn't pay a penny, and making money had nothing to do with him!

"I'm a fool! I'm a bastard!..." Victor slapped himself hard several times!

This shocked Hugo. I haven't gone crazy yet, but you have gone crazy first!

"Don't hurt yourself, okay?! When I asked you to take money from grandpa, you were unwilling. Look at you, you are not even willing to take out a dime of your own money to invest. Now you regret that it's too late! Hum hum!" Guo scolded him unceremoniously, "You are just pretending to be in front of me, you just want to share some money!"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Victor immediately drooled, sat on the bed, and begged: "Brother, I have hard work without any credit. I have been running around with you during this time, and you have been bossing me around like a dog. How much more?" No matter how little or how much, you have to give me some benefits, right?”

Hugo rolled his eyes at him and said nothing!

"Hey, it's boring for you to be like this! After all, I'm your brother, tell me, shouldn't I get some reward for my efforts?!" Victor patted the bed, jumped up, and yelled pretending to be angry.

Hugo still ignored him!

"The return I ask for is not high. I only need 2 million pounds, which is less than one-tenth of yours!"


"Haha, you can't just give me 500,000, right?! Don't be kidding me. If you tell me, it will have a huge impact on your reputation. You are so mean to your brother!"

"Give it to you, don't you want it?!" Hugo asked.

"Yes! Are you going to give me 500,000?!" Victor came over and nodded immediately.

"Okay, 500,000 pounds! I will give you 500,000 pounds. This is your reward for this time! Seriously, is it worth the price for all the work you have done?! You should be glad that you are my brother. , otherwise there will be no money!" Hugo said to Victor with contempt.

"Yes, yes! My good brother! I know this job is simple and easy! But, I have always been very concerned about my brother!" Victor nodded and bowed, for fear of making Hugo unhappy, and the 500,000 was gone!

It is said that Victor is very satisfied with 500,000 pounds, quite satisfied. Of course, it would be better to get 2 million pounds. Since he was a child, he has never had 500,000 pounds so quickly!

Haha, I originally planned to give you 2 million pounds, but I didn’t expect that you dropped the price first. Isn’t this good? ! Hugo was so happy!

Part of this money must be given to Victor, as Victor himself said, regardless of merit, hard work, and besides, he originally brought Victor to Hugo with the intention of giving some benefits to his stupid brother.

Hugo regained a little strength, and the two began to discuss how to receive the award. London was a strange place after all, and it was not ruled out that one could take money or spend it with life. When he was feeling sad, Hugo's His father called and told Hugo that they would send someone to London tomorrow to help them get this huge sum of money back to Italy!

The next day, Ricardo and several bodyguards came over to help the Hugo brothers claim their prizes. Ricardo was very curious as to why Hugo could hit this match accurately.

"Son, can you really predict the future?!" Ricardo stared at Hugo with suspicious eyes.

Uh, this is the thing! You can say whatever you want, but you can’t say it’s a prediction of the future!

"Dad, what do you think?!"

"I have no idea!"

"Then I tell you, do you believe that I am really betting?!"

"Why do you choose such a gamble?! Only a madman can make such a heavy bet!"

"Yes, I am that madman! Do you know?! I am a genius madman!" Hugo dropped this sentence!

Ricardo didn't ask any further questions.

Hugo went crazy and used 5 billion lire to bet on football. Except for the Colaini family in Trapani, no one else knew about it. The Colaini family did not want a lunatic to come out of their family and now he had won the lottery. They don’t even publicize that China has the habit of not showing off its wealth, and Italy also has the habit.

Italy is a country with serious tax evasion, especially in Sicily. It is not a good idea to expose one's wealth, so Colleni's family was restrained by Passilio from talking about the matter publicly.

In the UK, there is no need to pay taxes for such a winning, so the actual amount of money that Hugo got was more than 20 million pounds. Italian banks are not trustworthy, so Hugo deposited all the money in a bank in London. They also have branches in Italy and can also trade, which is very convenient!

Ricardo was a little dissatisfied that Victor only got 500,000. Hugo said dissatisfiedly: "He just ran errands and got this much money. Are you not satisfied?!"

"But he is your brother!" Obviously, Ricardo and Giovanni have a very good relationship. This kind of thing is very common in Italian families. They have not separated, and the shares in the family's enterprises are also vague. The choice of successor is usually a family meeting or the elders choose a reliable helmsman.

This is even more true for the underworld background of the Colelli family, so Ricardo thinks that since they are brothers, Hugo should be more generous and should not be so calculative!

"What's wrong with my brother?! I have to make it clear to you that this money belongs to me personally, not to the family, so I have absolute power to control it! Besides, I have a great use for this money! I will use it soon!" Hugo said.

He really has a great use for it. He has already planned how to use this money in London during this period! And he will act soon. He guessed that he still has time!

He set his sights on Google, which will be established this year, only a few months away, and it goes without saying what Google will become in the future!

This company was a private stock company when it was first established. Now is the best time to intervene, because Larry Page and Sergey Brin are short of money. They are raising money everywhere to establish the company. Hugo feels that if he sends money over, the other party has no reason to refuse!

Moreover, with foresight, Hugo can provide them with forward-looking advice, which will definitely be recognized by them!

Hearing Hugo's words, Ricardo was speechless. After escaping death, this child has become a different person!

The first stop after returning home was Milan. Since he had received a large sum of money, Hugo decided to bring some gifts back to his family. This opinion was unanimously agreed by his father Ricardo and Victor. Hugo said that he bought some gifts to express his gratitude to his grandfather Pasilio. If it weren't for his grandfather's mental disorder and going crazy with him, it would be impossible to get such a huge sum of money so quickly!

It's easy to buy gifts for other family members, but it's not easy to buy gifts for grandpa.

"Why don't you consider buying a painting? Your grandpa has collected a lot of paintings. Well, his favorite contemporary painter now is Pino De Eni!"

"Really?!" Hugo had an impression of Pino De Eni, but this impression did not come from his previous life, but from Gianluigi Colleni in this life!

"What about me?! Uncle!" Victor quickly interrupted.

"You, buy a collar pin for grandpa!" Ricardo said to his nephew with a smile. Hugo's grandfather would use a small part collar pin in almost all formal occasions, and Victor obviously didn't make as much money as Hugo, so Victor could just show his heart a little!

The most debatable gift for the whole family is the gift for grandpa, and grandma, she had passed away many years ago, and Hugo didn't even remember what she looked like!

The gifts for others were much more casual. Hugo bought a watch for his father on the spot, and Ricardo did not refuse but accepted it with a smile.

"Famous paintings are famous paintings. Go to the gallery tomorrow and you can always buy them! Hehe, I didn't expect our grandpa to be a farmer collector!" Hugo's mind emerged with the kind old man with gray hair. He also saw his grandfather working in the fields when he was at home some time ago. Putting aside the dressing at home, he was a real old farmer. What else could he be if not a farmer collector!

When we returned to our home in Sicily, the whole family was of course very happy. Of course, everyone was very curious. You, Hugo, never leave the house and don't even know that a football is round. Well, you probably know it, but how can you be sure that you can win?

No matter who asked, Hugo would say, "I really guessed it and added rational analysis. After the baptism of this World Cup, Hugo dared to say that he understood football. There was no other reason. During this period, whether he liked it or not, he has studied it seriously and knows all the heroes.

He said a lot of nonsense and made a lot of sense. He said that I heard Ronaldo was not in good condition before the game, France had the advantage of being the host country, and Brazil stood high and fell miserably.

The family was suspicious of his nonsense, thinking that Hugo was just crazy about money, and he was lucky, and with rational analysis, he made a lot of money!

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