My name is Colani

Chapter 8 Tension

Why betting companies can make money is a complicated question, but to put it simply, when the market opens, most betting companies will give an initial odds based on the team's strength and other comprehensive conditions.

Then the betting company's odds are not static. They fluctuate over time. As the event continues, the odds will change. Of course, there are many reasons for the changes, such as capital trends and the performance of the team. etc.

Of course, the most important thing here is the flow of funds, which is the key factor for each betting company to adjust odds. If you grasp this thing, the betting company will basically be invincible and almost never lose money!

If it really loses money, it only means that the company's ability is ridiculously poor!

Now that the Brazilian and French teams have successfully qualified, the odds are still falling. Hugo is speechless when he sees this situation. He really doesn't want to invest money in winning the championship. It's boring. He only makes three times. Five times is a hair. mean? !

There is no doubt that he has his sights set on the final score odds.

So after he came to London and learned about the odds, he never made a move. Victor was impatient.

"Hey, you are the emperor and don't worry about the eunuch!" Hugo said contemptuously.

"What do you mean?!" Victor understood this Chinese sentence, but the literal meaning was very profound and he couldn't understand it!

When he came to London during this period, whenever the two brothers were together, Hugo would definitely speak to Victor in Chinese, because he wanted to die if he didn't speak for so long!

Victor didn’t take it seriously, thinking that Hugo just wanted to show off his Chinese. He understood it anyway, so it didn’t matter!

"Emperor, you know! There is also a kind of person in the emperor who has his penis cut off and sent to the palace to serve the emperor to eat, drink and have sex. These people are called eunuchs! I am the emperor now, and you are the eunuch who serves me! If you're not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? Stop talking nonsense! "Hugo took a sip of beer and looked at the TV!

After researching and researching, Hugo has now begun to pay attention to football and watch football. With Victor as a fan by his side, Hugo can finally watch it!

Victor is so angry that he can be arrogant. This time, he will lose all his pants. Let’s see how he goes back to face grandpa!

But thinking about it, since grandpa has already taken out this money, he will probably lose everything and go back, and nothing will happen to him!

"Don't worry, it's fine if I don't take action, and I will definitely hit the mark once I take action! Even if I lose everything, hey, it won't take ten years! I will make a comeback! I will be richer than I am now! Don't forget that I haven't touched any of my private money. "Here!" Hugo said with a smile while watching the ball.

In fact, he was still a little nervous in his heart. He was afraid that the world would be different from before!

However, he learned about some major international events. It seemed that the world was still the same as before and had not changed!

And as the day approached, the two teams in the finals also came out. Sure enough, they were the French team and the Brazilian team. Hugo felt a little more at ease!

No matter what, I have to gamble!

When the two teams reach the final, the odds of winning the championship are even lower. Brazil's odds before the final are as low as 1.2 to 1, while France's odds are only 1:3. It goes without saying that you have to buy a goal!

Gambling companies have many tricks, including not only betting on the outcome, but also betting on the score, betting on the score of the first and second half, and so on.

Hugo had no choice but to go for 3:0!

In fact, the odds of 3+ are very high, especially if you bet on the French team to beat Brazil 3:0, the odds are as high as 11 to 1.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?!" Victor said with a grimace. Hugo's choice was so amazing. Before the final, the Brazilian team was very optimistic. It was extremely optimistic. The media in England were overwhelmingly optimistic. Some mainstream media in Brazil and Europe saw it this way, but Hugo actually chose France to counterattack and scored three damn goals. Victor had to say that Hugo was really crazy!

"Shoot, just vote!" Hugo said.

Investing is not about investing in one company. In fact, Hugo and the others have seen that everyone’s odds are not much different. For the sake of safety, they should invest in several companies!

After a lot of work, more than two million pounds were all thrown out in exchange for a bunch of betting slips!

Hugo's palms were sweaty. He was hiding in the room. The weather was not hot, but his forehead was already sweating.

Victor was even more nervous than him, "Why?! Why?! Why the hell haven't you scored yet!"

At this moment, the match between France and Brazil has only lasted 5 minutes!

Far away in Sicily, at the home of Hugo and Victor in Trapani, Grandpa Passilio was also hiding in his room listening to the radio. He had already heard about his genius grandson from Victor's phone call. It was really more than 200 years old. All the 10,000 pounds were bet on the French team beating Brazil 3:0!

Passilio hopes that his grandson will win, but he does not want his grandson to win. He hopes that his grandson will win, but he is afraid that his grandson will not be able to withstand such a heavy blow, which is more than 2 million pounds!

He doesn't want his grandson to win, because gambling is more terrifying than being a gangster. People who gamble will definitely be miserable, but people who are gangsters will not necessarily be miserable! After winning this time, he was afraid that his grandson would have a bigger appetite and sooner or later he would finish him off!

"Ricardo, will my son win?!" Lida sat in front of the TV and grabbed her husband's arm. Grandpa was not the only one in the family who cared about this game. At this time, there were also Ricardo and his two brothers sitting in front of the TV. family.

"You deserve to lose!" Ricardo cursed bitterly, "This bastard! Did he have a broken head? When he woke up like this, he actually ran out sneakily! If I don't beat him when he comes back, I will Not his father!"

But he stared at the TV screen without blinking, which revealed that he really didn't want his son to lose!

"Leda, don't worry! Gigi has Victor by her side, nothing will happen! Ahem!" After saying that, Hugo's uncle Giovanni was embarrassed to cover up his words with a cough, and returned Victor's words, which he had done a few weeks ago. Victor almost killed his nephew!

"Ah, goal! Zidane! Zidane! The Zidane who plays for Juventus!" Alda suddenly stood up and cheered.

At this moment, in the 27th minute, Djorkaeff took a corner kick, and Zidane, who plays for Juventus, headed past Taffarel's fingers, giving the French team the lead!

"Yes!" Hugo waved his fist excitedly!

Finally a fucking goal, honestly he didn't know when! Naturally, he had some anxiety in his heart, and now that he saw the goal, he seemed to have vented a lot!

Victor also jumped up and hugged Hugo. At this moment, they all turned into super fans of the French team. They were eager for the goals to come one after another. They quickly scored 3 goals, and then everyone peacefully wasted the rest of the time!

In the injury time of the first half, it was Djorkaeff and Zidane, a corner kick and a header. The French team once again relied on Zidane's header to break the Brazilian team's goal for the second time. Leading the Brazilian team 2:0 at halftime!

At this time, Victor was stunned. He did not expect such a result. Could it be that my brother has the ability to predict the future? This rhythm is really developing in the direction of 3:0!

"This...this..." Victor stammered, pointing at the TV screen.

"What the hell?! I said I will definitely win!" Hugo's face was full of confidence, but his heart was still in turmoil even though it was already 2:0. Think about it, this is more than 2 million GBP.

He still can't believe that his cheap "grandpa" really handed over the money to him. He has no idea that what Passilio said in the room is not true. He only divided the inheritance as a joke. Over 2 million pounds, this is impossible! After all, the Colaney family has a recorded history of more than 200 years. The family wealth will not be small, and of course it will not be really much, but at least more than 2 million will definitely not be able to break a muscle or move a bone!

"Oh, I can only say that grandpa is old and confused! He actually loves himself so much!" Hugo came to this conclusion in his heart.

Hugo was in a state of confusion, as was Victor. Even though it was now 2:0 and he believed that his brother would win, he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

As nervous as they were, there were also family members in Trapani. Passilio murmured to himself: "How could he know the outcome of this game?!"

"How could he know the result of this game!" Uncle Giovanni was full of shock. This question was in vain. Everyone around him wanted to know why!

The wait for the half-time break is always long. Anyway, this long time will end. After the start of the second half, the two teams played very excitingly. Hugo and Victor had something on their minds and were very concerned about the situation on the court. They finally The fear is that the Brazilian team will score goals.

"Alien! Alien! God bless, let him become an earthling!" Victor muttered.

Hugo was actually thinking in his heart, God, Allah, Tathagata Buddha, please bless me. Nothing in this world has changed. Don’t let this fucking thing change!

The time has come to more than 80 minutes, and the Brazilian team has not scored a goal, but the most important thing is that the French team has not been able to make another breakthrough. Victor pulled out a lot of his hair and cursed endlessly.

"Shit-eating Dugarry!"

"Shit-eating Zidane! Why don't you shoot?!"

"You lucky Taffarel!"

"Oh! God! Damn Desailly! Why the red card?!"

As the game came to an end, Victor's curses were not only loud, but also wide-ranging. Players from both teams were scolded by him. Hugo didn't say anything. He still clenched his hands tightly and wouldn't Well, for God’s sake, are you playing with me like this? ! Anyway, this is my first time participating in gambling, please give me some face!

please! please!

Hugo's family is now in a state of despair. This is terrible. Hugo has wasted more than 2 million pounds. I wonder if Victor can take good care of Hugo and prevent Hugo from committing suicide!

"I'm going to London!" Ricardo stood up and said.

Everyone knows why he went, especially Giovanni. They all know what a gambler would think if he lost such a huge sum of money gambling. It would be difficult for the unexperienced Hugo to bear such a blow!

Ricardo grabbed him and was about to say, "I'll go with you!"

But Arda jumped up from the ground, clapped his hands and shouted: "Goal! Goal! Goal! ... France has scored!"

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