My name is Colani

Chapter 13 I can play

"Ahem, Victor?! After thinking about it, I think your idea is actually a good one! I am now happy to invest a sum of money to establish a new Trapani club, but let me first state that the money will not be much, We’re not setting up a professional team, right?” Hugo called Victor’s cell phone, and the guy quickly bought himself a new cell phone.

"Haha, thank you! Brother! We will definitely achieve results! Let Trapani become famous in Sicily!" Victor said happily, "Of course we are a non-professional team and the cost will not be too much. I have already calculated it in the past two days. It only costs about 40 million lire!”

Forty million liras is about 20,000 pounds, which is a considerable investment for a non-professional team.

"No, you need so much?!" Hugo expressed doubts. Of course, this amount of money is still a drop in the bucket for him, but Hugo doesn't believe that so much is needed. The biggest expense of a professional team is the player's salary income, plus It's a tax, not a professional team, the players are recruited, everyone entertains themselves, there is no salary.

This saves a lot of money. The investment is not so much about setting up a club as it is about providing some sponsorship to the newly established club, making jerseys, customizing shoes and socks every year, and establishing a dedicated Renting a house for the headquarters is even simpler. The Colaini family owns many properties in the town of Trapani. Just pick one and hang a sign.

So Hugo doesn’t think this requires a lot of money. Twenty thousand pounds is too much!

"Hey, you don't know at all! We have to make jerseys, buy sneakers, etc. Logistics equipment is always needed! Of course these are small things! The biggest project is that we need to rent a venue from the city hall! I plan to directly The stadium has been rented out, leaving no place for those birds in Trapani to play football! "Victor is actually not that stupid. If he can really persuade the city hall to accept a large amount of money, he will completely rent the field and not give it to the original one. Where football clubs play and play, see what they do!

If you don’t have a home court, you have to give up the home court. Giving up the home court also means that every game is an away game, which also means the loss of local fans. Playing away games is always expensive. Without strong sponsorship support, it will basically be fast. It will be over!

Originally, the Colaini family was not interested in the previous team. In fact, their interest in football was just Victor's personal performance. The Colaini family also had some small support for the Trapani club, but it was definitely not worthy of the name. Many, now if the Koleni family plans to start a new business, I am afraid that many locals will switch to the team of the Koleni family!

Hugo also secretly gave Victor a thumbs up. He thought Victor had a good idea. Poor Trapani Football Club, I can only say that you are a bit unlucky. Why not choose wisely and let Victor, a self-righteous guy, join you? ? !

"Okay, I invest 20,000 US dollars a year in the newly established club! This counts as my support. Remember, I don't allow you to attract other people to invest. Of course, if you can convince Grandpa, that would be better! Of course I don't Maybe more money!”

"Why?! You are so rich! It doesn't cost much to play football!" Victor was confused, where did all his money go?

"I am also a pauper now, and all my money has been invested! Hehe, I am now the person in charge of a new company, how about it?! Great! You will know in the future, my company will be a great one Company!" Hugo couldn't help but feel proud when he talked about this.

"You won't burn all the money in it, will you?!" Victor asked in a trembling voice, my God, that's more than 20 million pounds! What a big sum of money!

"That's right! But I want to tell you that my return will be tens of billions of pounds in the future. If you don't believe it, just wait and see! Oh, by the way, I want to invest not without conditions! Let me tell you, I am the number one member! And I also want Join the team you established!" Hugo began to put forward his own conditions!

Victor burst out laughing on the other end of the phone!

Gianluigi Passilio Colleini actually plans to play football. Oh my god, what a crazy thing. He doesn't know how to play football. He has never played football!

How could he understand Hugo's thoughts? Hugo just feels that he is the richest man in the world and can do whatever he wants. I just want to be a player for a while. What can you do to me? !

"There is no problem with this condition! You will become a member of our great Trapani club!" Victor smiled happily. There is no problem with this condition, but when it comes to the official game, Gigi will not be able to play!

"Heng Heng" seemed to have read through Victor's mind, "I request that my playing time in the amateur league every year be determined by myself!"

Victor could only be dumbfounded and said angrily: "Hey, hey, hey, even though we are in an amateur league, we have to pay attention to some dignity! Don't you want to laugh to death?! This is really a bad idea! Why don't you say that you are in charge of the ball? The head coach of the team?”

"Well, you said it very well! I will be the head coach of the team from now on! Yes, that's it, I will be the head coach!" Hugo seemed to be reminded, well, the head coach is in charge of arranging the team The right to start and make substitutions. With this power, you don’t have to worry about playing time!

"As a Victor Pacilio Colaini who is aspiring to achieve success in football, I tell you that I will never agree to your condition! Brother..."

"Beep..." Hugo hung up the phone without hesitation!

Victor opened his mouth in grievance. Brother, it's so boring to hang up the phone just because of a disagreement. Can't we discuss it properly? !

Hugo believed that Victor would call him because his cousin was a shameless miser. He was generous with small money, but stingy with big money!

"Brother, you are very rude. Do you know that I am your brother after all?! We can discuss any problems properly! Look, it's not that I don't agree with you! Think about it, if everyone hears that you are going to be the head coach, who the hell would sign up?!" Victor said the truth. The team must recruit amateur players locally!

We are all from the same village. Who doesn't know that the famous Gianluigi Pasilio Colani is a writer? Who doesn't know that he has never played football? It's a big joke to be the head coach!

"It's easy! If anyone supports me, I will give them a bonus of $1,000 every year!" Hugo immediately said with a smile.

No one trusts us? ! That's not a problem, just spend some money!

Regardless of whether Trapani has many amateur players, if they can get some unexpected wealth while playing football, they will not refuse. Moreover, most of them are poor. Football is just an amateur entertainment. If someone offers to give $1,000 in extra money, it is also a very good condition. Why not be happy!

Victor could only remain silent. As long as he was not stupid, no one should refuse Hugo's proposal. After all, amateur teams are just amateur teams. They are not going to do anything. Victor can foresee this.

"Hey, have you thought of a name?! Team name?! Jersey?!" Hugo saw that Victor was silent and continued to ask questions.

"Name?! I haven't thought about it yet! It can't be called Trapani Football Club, right?!" Victor really hadn't thought about it. He wanted Hugo to pay for it instead of himself. This idea was limited to his mind. If he couldn't get Hugo's support, Victor planned to lobby his family again. If he couldn't get support, then Victor himself didn't want to run a club, so some of them were just frameworks and plans!

"What is their registered name?!" Hugo asked. He really didn't know what the hometown team was called.

"Trapani Calcio!"

"Got it, they registered it in Italian, well, why don't we just use English? Since I'm the owner, I'll happily decide the name, Trapani Football Club! The abbreviation can be Trapani FC, don't you think my idea is good!"

"Trapani FC?! Gigi, you are the smartest person in Sicily, you can come up with a name so easily! Well, let's call it Trapani FC! Haha!" Victor quickly complimented, the name is not the point, the point is that Hugo invested money and was very active, which is good!

"To be honest, your flattery is not good at all! Too deliberate and too straightforward! But I want to say that I like it very much, and I will continue to do it in the future! Maybe I will make a fortune with you!" Hugo laughed.

Talking nonsense with Victor is actually a good hobby!

After hanging up the phone, Hugo thought it was time to hand over his power. He didn't want to work, that's it, he planned to find an excuse!

What to say? ! How can Page and Brin trust him and let him go!

Oh, I got it! Expand the European market in advance!

Well, this idea seems good! The most developed places for the Internet are still in Europe, America and Japan. China is just starting now. There is no need to rush now. Now we can start the European market in advance. It must not be too difficult!

Thinking that he is about to become a head coach and player, to be honest, Hugo feels better than being the president of the awesome Google. Why, he doesn't know. Anyway, this is how he feels. He can't wait to run back to Italy.

Think about it again when you go to bed. The past six months have really been a terrible life. I have been busy all day and haven't even picked up girls. As for studying, what a bullshit, studying is just a cover. I have to take a leave of absence this time. As for when I will finish, it is really a long way off.

Forget it, picking up girls, no hurry, when I have money, there will be all kinds of girls! I will grab a lot of them by then!

Thinking about picking up girls, Hugo couldn't help but think of his senior sister in his previous life, a gentle and lovely senior sister. He had a crush on her for a long time. No, to be more precise, he confessed his feelings to her, but unfortunately she rejected him, which caused him to suffer a major blow. Later, he talked about several jobs but none of them were successful. It was really a failed experience!

I wonder if the senior sister is still here in this life? !

Again, please recommend and collect! I really need this thing now! Please!

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