My name is Colani

Chapter 14 Biased

The next day, after Hugo held a morning meeting with everyone in the company, he held a Big Three meeting with Page and Brin. Hugo began to explain the future strategy in a very bullish manner. His words were garish, but they were definitely not nonsense. Anyway, Page Qi and Brin believed that it was always better to pave the way early.

Page and Brin listened to Hugo's detailed discussion, and finally agreed to Hugo's request, resigned as CEO of Google, established a European division, and served as the head of the European division.

But it was obviously unrealistic to just leave, because something happened immediately. In fact, Hugo had known that this would happen, which was the cooperation between Yahoo and Google.

Because he knows, he has been waiting. In this life, under his planning, Google has become much more famous than in the previous life, but it has not welcomed Yahoo's favor. This is very disappointing to Hugo.

It goes without saying how awesome Yahoo is now. They are the largest company in the Internet era. Their portals and search engines are both excellent. Of course, their search engine will not be as outstanding as Google's today, otherwise they will not be able to find people. Go to Google.

Just when Hugo couldn't wait any longer and planned to leave it to Page and Brin, Yahoo finally extended an olive branch. Yahoo's current market value is as high as nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars, and the newly established Google, haha, has been losing money so far. company, but its market value has also increased, but compared with Yahoo, it is definitely a comparison between ants and elephants.

Later, the Big Three of Google and Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo, met many times. Yahoo's attitude at first was to directly acquire Google, which was their ultimate goal at the time.

When Hugo heard this, hehehe, just kidding! If you buy it, where can I make a fortune? !

Page and Brin are also very ambitious people, and they do not agree with this plan. The acquisition is equal to three people each getting a sum of money, which is far from their ambitions.

It is often said that it is easy for big companies to overwhelm small companies, but in an environment like the Internet, it may not be so easy, because the technology exists in fact, and Google’s engine design is better. At worst, it is currently unable to compete with Yahoo. But if the development strategy is appropriate, and Yahoo itself does not have the ability to improve its own technology, then sooner or later Google will turn around.

Hugo knew that Apple had suffered a lot, but it still turned around later. To turn around, you have the capital to turn around. They continue to innovate their own technology. If they stand on their own laurels, of course there is no possibility of turning around.

Google cannot occupy a big market now, but it does not rule out that one day it will gradually encroach on Yahoo's market with its small and large market. Besides, Yahoo's search engine market only accounts for more than 30%, so Google still has room.

Although Yahoo's giants value Google's technology, they have not fully realized their own shortcomings. After all, they are the leaders of the Internet. Since they cannot negotiate an acquisition, when Page proposed another idea for cooperation, After some haggling, Yahoo agreed.

Yahoo's search engine is essentially a backward search method. They rely on manually edited directories to search, while Google developed by Page and Brin uses algorithms to crawl website keywords.

To give a simple example, the websites Yahoo searches for are equivalent to searching their dictionary. This dictionary is edited by Yahoo itself. In the United States, where the Internet is developing rapidly, many websites pop up every day. Yahoo naturally cannot search all websites. Although they are working hard to compile their own dictionary, this is a very expensive and manpower-consuming task, and Google is equivalent to grabbing keywords on the Internet. No matter when you set up, as long as a word appears, Google's search The list of engines will be there, which is undoubtedly a more time-saving, labor-saving, more convenient and faster way.

From then on, Yahoo began to use Google's search engine. With this step, Google's path to making money really began, because advertising and other things were coming soon!

To be honest, Hugo, as a latecomer, really doesn’t understand why Yahoo did this and why it agreed to cooperate with Google. In fact, if they were smart, they would have had time to improve their search services, and they could rely on their status to improve their search services. Search engines become stronger!

How did he know that Yahoo's choice was not something that he, a later person, could know. After all, search engines seemed to be trivial at the time, and Yahoo was more committed to building ecological portals, email services, etc.

No one could have imagined that Google would later develop into a giant Internet company!

Reaching a cooperation agreement with Yahoo, Google can use Yahoo's market for comprehensive promotion, which undoubtedly takes a big advantage. Hugo knew about it later, and the cooperation between the two parties was terminated in 2004, because Yahoo also realized the threat of Google, and both parties In the court battle against Sanbaihe, Yahoo also acquired other search engine companies, but Google, which has grown stronger, no longer has to worry about Yahoo!

"From now on, we will embark on a sunny road!" Hugo said at the company's all-staff meeting.

There was a round of applause from below. Page and Brin looked at Hugo with admiration and admiration, because it was Hugo who proposed the cooperation plan, and Hugo told them in detail the key to this cooperation, which was just to use Yahoo! It was just promotion. The promotion that Hugo talked about all day long had completely conquered the two of them.

After coming out of the cooperation with Yahoo, something happened in advance. The famous investment capital Sequoia Capital took a fancy to Google and hoped to invest in Google. So far, Google is still a private enterprise.

When this investment intention was sent to Hugo, he was a little embarrassed. In fact, he never expected that such a big investment company would take a fancy to them so quickly. These people are really fucking vampires. In his eyes, the investment company He is a vampire, because he knows what the future of the company will be, and naturally thinks that they are exploiters, but at the time it was actually a risky investment!

Hugo knew the history of Google earlier and knew how to attract investment. He never intended to put his eggs in the basket of Google. He had many plans to make money and was reluctant to spend all his money on Google. Now the investment is really coming. However, Hugo couldn’t help but think about what would happen if he refused? !

Page and Brin were very happy to see this investment. Hugo did not want to spend any more money and could not go against everyone's wishes, so the investment was negotiated. Of course, Hugo's shareholding also dropped, but He, Page, and Brin still hold the largest shares combined, while Yahoo, Sequoia Capital, and others are still in a weak position.

After finishing all these things, it was already May 1999. Hugo had just completed the formalities for suspending his studies and returned to Italy.

As for the matter of running a team, Victor's current progress is as follows: he has completed the name registration and signed a stadium rental agreement with the city hall behind Trapani Football Club's back (by the way, this city hall is really shady, and he only sees money. Kai, actually signed a loan agreement with Victor behind other people’s backs. You must know that Victor’s current team only has two people. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that the mayor is Hugo and Victor’s uncle Enzo Morek) , not a single player was recruited, which shows that Victor's work efficiency is not ordinary.

Getting up from his bed, Hugo couldn't help but smile bitterly. This is a sin. I traveled through time and made it so complicated for me to make money so easily! But thinking about the upcoming team recruitment work today, Hugo was full of energy. Haha, I know how to play football too.

He couldn’t tell when he fell in love with football. Maybe it was because he made his first pot of gold in it. In short, he was obviously more interested in football than doing work. When he returned to Italy, Hugo followed him The team he arrived has all been sent out. Well, this team is actually not many people, only three people. Hugo is in charge of the overall situation, another person is in charge of business, and the other is technical support. Hugo sent them all out. Erwin, who was in charge of business, went to recruit personnel, consult with lawyers, and deal with matters related to the establishment of an Italian company, while Duncan, who was in charge of technology, was responsible for establishing relevant structures. Anyway, Hugo threw his hands now, what? Nothing is done.

Instead, he concentrated on his own football!

When he got home, all his seven aunts and eight aunts came to see him. They did not forget to tell his grandfather that your grandson is great. He has returned to his hometown to start a company. Can you find some way for your nephew to work in the new company? In the eyes of these people, it seems that the company run by Hugo is a family business.

"Gigi is not running a family business. He is now establishing the Italian branch of the American company Google. You should stop causing trouble for him. If anyone dares to cause trouble, don't blame me for turning against him!" Grandpa said seriously. warned all relatives.

Hugo was quite speechless. What can you people do? This is a technology company. Do you understand? !

When facing his grandfather, Hugo had to brag a lot. He actually wanted to be a low-key rich man, but at present he also wanted to make some money from the family for the construction of the team. Although it was just for fun, But Hugo decided not to treat the players who participated in the team badly. This is not okay! We are a non-professional team, but we are still a company after all. We should still provide some benefits to everyone, otherwise who will support me!

Grandpa Pasilio agreed in a daze and promised to sponsor the new team every season!

Victor said with resentment: "I think grandpa is really too partial to you. I have said it many times but I can't persuade him. When you come back, you can persuade him by farting a few times! I think I am definitely not his relative." grandson!"

"You brat! What did you say?!" Hugo's uncle Giovanni hit Victor on the head with a chestnut!

"Ah, Dad...Dad! Humph, what I said is not true. Grandpa always favors Hugo!" Victor hugged his head and ran far away, shouting loudly.

"If you had the ability to do something serious, wouldn't your grandfather support you! Look how I gave birth to a son like you, who is ignorant and idle all day long! Alas, you will just eat and wait for death in this life! "Giovanni cursed, hating that iron cannot become steel.

Hugo looked on with a smile and did not dissuade him at all!

Victor muttered in the distance, "Oh, it's business for him to run the team, but not for me?! It's obviously partial!"

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