My name is Colani

Chapter 15 Starting from Scratch

Driving the cool Ferrari sports car, Hugo and Victor came to the Trapani football stadium.

This season's Serie A has not ended yet, but the amateur league has ended. The only stadium in Trapani has been vacant. As for the football field, there is no grass. Speaking of which, the city hall, which is so short of money, will not give you grass. The maintenance cost is a lot of money. The citizens of Trapani just have fun.

And this stadium is also quite small, well, not ordinary small. There are four stands, but only two sides are actually available. There are walls on both sides. The main stand and the opposite stand can accommodate about 5,000 people. However, every time there is a game, the Trapani stadium has never been full. The main reason is that Trapani's performance is very bad. It is probably the lowest level league. The residents of the town love football, but if the performance is too bad, it will naturally not attract too much attention!

Victor has already promoted it in the rural town. We want to set up a new football club. We welcome stars from all villages and towns to join us. Sign up actively. Be quick. Our team has money to get.

Today is the first day of recruitment. When Hugo and his team arrived at the stadium, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning. There were more than a dozen people standing sparsely on the field, playing football in groups of three or four!

Seeing this, Hugo muttered to himself, "The crowd is not very enthusiastic! What's the reason?!"

"Today is only the first day. Maybe many people don't believe that they can get the money! So their attitude may be to wait and see. After all, amateur teams also need to spend time training, and not everyone is willing to come!" Victor saw that the number of people participating in the screening was not satisfactory to Hugo. They planned to recruit 20 players, and this is only 12345... twelve people, well, this is too few!

Victor took another look and was even more dissatisfied. Several of his best friends, Luca Zanetti, Mannini Coppola, Adriano Montito, and Romano Petinetto were all there. Apart from these few, he didn't know the others. They were probably just country folk. This meant that apart from his best friends, there were only seven or eight "players" who came to Trapani FC for the trial. It was a pity for those carefully made promotional posters.

What the hell is this? ! Does Victor have no appeal in Trapani at all!

Victor knew, and Hugo knew too. At least he knew several of Victor's best friends. Then there were only eight people who came here for the sake of fame. This was too frustrating!

"I don't think any of these crooked people can stay!" Alda, who came with Hugo and Victor, commented with contempt.

Alda has a new position. The 17-year-old girl enthusiastically and enthusiastically joined her brothers' team and served as the team's financial director and logistics manager!

"Sorry, I'm late!" A panting fat guy ran up to Hugo and the others in the distance!

"Alex! You're late on the first day?! I'm officially informing you that you're fired!" Victor immediately got rid of his sad face and said to his cousin Alessandro Moreco with a smirk.

But the fat guy ignored him, and hugged and kissed Hugo and Alda.

The fat guy is Hugo and Victor's cousin, the son of Mayor Enzo Moreco, now 25 years old, already a married man, graduated from the University of Turin with a degree in construction engineering. He is the most educated among the brothers, but he did not stay in the north to work, but returned to Trapani and set up an engineering company, but most of the business is in Palermo, but he has been in Trapani for a long time. When he knew that Hugo and Victor were going to set up a team, he also signed up.

We are all relatives, and it is an amateur team, so there is no reason not to let him come. Besides, it was Alessandro who was in charge of renting the stadium!

Hugo and Victor also gave him a position, the team leader.

"Hey, so few people come to try out?! Damn..." Looking at the gloomy tryout scene, Alex couldn't help complaining.

"What should I do?!" Victor's best friends saw Hugo and his team coming in, and several people gathered around. Luca Zanetti also asked, which means that there are too few people, not even enough for a team, how to try out.

This guy also has a job, the general manager of the club, Hugo the boss, Victor the chairman, Luca the general manager, Alda the financial director and logistics manager, Alessandro the team leader, a whole family football team, no one is considered an outsider, which is fundamentally different from the Trapani club.

Of course, Alda's position is temporary, and she is also going to study in the United States, so after this holiday, she will step down.

"Why don't we just forget about it today? Maybe tomorrow will be better!" Victor's other best friend Mannini Coppola suggested.

"How can this be?! It's agreed that today is today! At least we can try out one or two!" Victor thought so. It's not necessary to admit all of them. It's also okay to pick one or two.

"Since they are here, just accept them all!" Hugo said.

"Okay! Okay! Everyone! Come over here! I have good news for you!" Hugo jumped onto the main stand, stood in the first row, and shouted loudly.

Hugo didn't know them, but it didn't mean that these people didn't know Hugo or Victor. They all stood up obediently.

"I have good news for you! You have officially become a member of Trapani FC starting today. You have been gloriously admitted!" Hugo waved his hand and recruited all 12 people present.

A thousand dollars buys horse bones, this is what Hugo thought. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that Hugo decided to distribute a sum of money to everyone immediately.

Victor was dumbfounded, and was dumbfounded again. Brother, this is too childish. Whether it is a damn horse or a donkey, it has to be taken out for a walk. Is that how you decide? !

The players below looked at each other in astonishment. At the very least, this was not in line with everyone's idea of ​​the recruitment process. After all, there had to be some testing of the ball, physical fitness, etc., and at the very least there had to be a competition, right? ! Just passed it? !

Several of Victor's buddies looked at each other. They knew that Hugo didn't know anything about football. Of course, they didn't know that Hugo still knew a little bit about football.

Hugo cannot be allowed to make such a mistake!

"Hugo..." Luka opened his mouth to speak.

"Alright, let's start distributing subsidies for season training, 2 million liras per person! Alda, please give this money to everyone immediately!" Luka swallowed it back before he could speak. In fact, this money is not much. It's a lot, but even less is a lot. According to the income level of Sicilian people, this amount of money is about one-tenth of the annual income. Italy is an average country in Europe, and Sicily is undoubtedly the poorest place.

It is already very good for non-professional team players to get such a sum of money!

For example, it is estimated that the players of Trapani Football Club cannot earn so much in a year as a whole, but Hugo is only talking about a part of it.

"Oh oh oh" the bumpkins below cheered. Everyone knows Hugo. It is said that he is the smartest guy born in the 1980s. Now he is not only smart but also very generous. Anyway, his family has a lot of money!

Isn't this the end? Is there any benefit? ! Many people pricked up their ears and planned to hear what Hugo had to say.


"I tell you clearly that this is only part of it. We will also have other rewards, including advertising, sponsorship, etc. Excluding the club's operating expenses, we are very willing to spend a lot of money based on the team's performance. Come reward everyone!”

The players below were all smiles, even several of Victor's buddies laughed, and they no longer said anything like whether Hugo was stupid.

The two brothers Victor and Alessandro also smiled bitterly. After all, everyone had decided on this idea, using money to recruit amateur players, but this can't be done randomly, right? ! The team only needs 30 people at most. Even in the amateur league, there are 18 or 20 people. The good guys gathered 12 today. They know well that Luka and other best friends are crooked. Split Zao, the original plan was to recruit in three days, what will happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? ! What if there are too many applicants? ! The team cannot support idle people!

Hugo signaled the people below to calm down, and then said: "Well, the benefits are definitely for everyone. If the team performs well every year, everyone's income will not be less than a regular job, but everyone must also concentrate on participating in the team's work. Activities, who the hell takes money and doesn’t want to participate in team activities, you all know what the consequences will be!”

The players below were all quiet. Victor and a few of his buddies looked at the bumpkins from the countryside and deliberately clenched their fists with evil eyes. Everyone probably understood the meaning.

The bumpkins immediately said loudly: "They will definitely come! We will beat anyone who doesn't come!"

Anyone who doesn't come is a fool. Hugo is very right. This is no longer the treatment of amateur players. It can at least be regarded as everyone's second career.

As he said, Hugo asked Alda to cash it in for everyone without saying a word. Alda reluctantly handed out the money he brought. Everyone who got the money was very happy. Hugo watched The players, with their eyes shining, hummed in their hearts: "Money can make all the difference. I don't believe I can't recruit a group of people even if I pay for it!"

Victor was also very happy, and since then he has also formed a team. Hehe, Trapani Club will be good to watch by then. Think about it, during the preparation stage for next season, those guys will learn that the city hall has rented the stadium to Home, hehe, it’s too late to cry!

There is only one stadium in Trapani, let’s see how they play it!

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