My name is Colani

Chapter 18: Laying eggs in a shell (Part 3)

The Trapani Club also has members, but the membership fee is not only low, but more and more people are quitting the club. For example, Victor was once a member, but he hasn't paid the membership fee for two or three years.

Giorgio discussed with the team's management and players, and finally he could only see if there were other people willing to accept the team. Anyway, the most honest Giorgio didn't want to be the head of the family.

In the afternoon, in Giorgio's cafe, Hugo and his friends met the owner. The shop was very deserted, with not many people. It seemed that the situation was not very good. He himself could hardly continue, let alone invest in the team.

Victor and Hugo did not know this middle-aged man in his 40s, but Giorgio knew them. Who made the Colani family famous in Trapani? Alex knew him, but it was limited to knowing him, not very familiar.

After a cold greeting, Giorgio seemed very unhappy about the Colene brothers' backstabbing. Of course, he had no way to deal with it. When he heard that the captains of the team, Elio Bruni and Victor Colene, had a fight, he felt that it was not a good thing. He was worried that the Colene family would cause trouble for him, but he did not expect that the Colene family would not come openly, but secretly make trouble for him.

Of course, the team was going to be disbanded, and the things that made trouble for him behind his back still made him unhappy.

The scene fell into a cold atmosphere, and Hugo sneered in his heart, who do you think you are, buddy will just sit here and see if you don't speak.

Richie explained to the Colene brothers in the morning, hoping that they could have a good attitude to face Giorgio, who knew that the two brothers really didn't give any good attitude!

There was no other way, Richie began to persuade Giorgio. In fact, there were only two options for the team, either to disband or to hand it over to Colene. According to Richie's statement in the morning, the Colene family was very interested in the club. With their influence, Giorgio knew that he could only hand it over to the Colene family, otherwise he would be very sad here!

"I have no problem, but this team has no shareholders. We still have to hold a member meeting to see if everyone agrees to the transfer!" Giorgio finally expressed helplessly.

Looking at his pitiful appearance, Hugo still felt a little bit reluctant, perhaps because of the stumbling behind him.

"It's the team's luck to hand it over to us!" Hugo said to Giorgio before leaving.

Giorgio is really a kind man. He didn't mention his own requirements at all. Regarding his own interests, Hugo looked up to him again. It can be seen that this guy really loves this team.

"When I buy the team, I will be the first one to fire him!" Victor said bitterly.

"Why?!" Morek asked in surprise. In his impression, Giorgio Esposito was doing a good job.

"If we don't fire him, we can have our position!" Victor laughed.

"Haha, Victor, you are so right!" Hugo laughed, and his sympathy quickly disappeared. What else can we do if the original management is still here!

Morek was speechless. He began to express strong concerns about the future of this hometown team. The two cousins ​​were just messing around. Do they know how to run a team? ! I don't understand! Morek has no objection to playing around in the amateur low-level league, but this is the Italian Serie D league, so it should be more professional. After all, he has been in the football circle for ten years.

"Do you know how to run it?! In my opinion, we should let him continue to be the chairman of the team! He has been an amateur team manager for many years!" Morek objected.

"Why don't I know how to run a business?! Don't forget, he's just a coffee shop owner. Hehe, fifteen years ago, could he know how to run a team?! They can go from strangers to familiar, so can we!" Hugo retorted, kidding, it's so hard to acquire it, let others come to play, is it fun? ! Then I'd rather not invest!

"That's right, there is nothing in the world that can be difficult for the Colemani brothers! I say Alex, you are on the same side as us, why do you always side with them?!" Victor was angry.

There was no way to talk to these two brothers, Morek waved his hands again and again, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything! Anyway, I'll pay for it, even if I'll go crazy with you, so that you won't say I have no loyalty!"

"Haha, that's right! Isn't football like that! Easy!" Hugo said, hugging Morek's shoulders.

A few days later, Trapani Football Club held a general meeting of members. The venue was very shabby, just in the stadium, and not many people came. With such a bad performance, barely staying in the Serie D league, it was good to have more than 200 people.

"Is that all?!" Hugo asked Giorgio.

"No, we had 500 members at the peak, but later it became less and less. It seems that no one will come today!" Giorgio replied with a bitter face.

Miserable, how can it be described with just one word miserable.

The members of Trapani Club held a brief general meeting of members standing on this court. The team is a public type, nominally belonging to all members, so this step is necessary. Those who did not attend are almost the same as Victor. They have not paid membership fees for two or three years and have been expelled long ago. Therefore, the number of people is still enough for the team to make major decisions.

The meeting was very brief. Even though some people were unwilling, most of them agreed to change the team from public to private. From then on, the team's surname was no longer everyone but Colaney. Of course, the members were still members, and those who were willing to remain members People, Hugo stated on the spot that everyone can continue to keep it. The membership fee is the same as before, which is only about US$50 a year, which is quite cheap.

Now that the membership meeting has made a decision, the subsequent change of legal representative will of course go smoothly, and the owner of the team will become Gianluigi Passilio Colaini.

When the legal owner of the team became himself, Hugo was filled with joy. He really didn't spend a damn penny. He just needed to register with the amateur league for a small fee.

But such a smart guy found out one day later that he had been fooled. After changing the legal representative, Hugo invited the previous management to dinner. The invitation was malicious. After the dinner, the guy immediately announced, "The new The team needs more professional management, so these half-bottles can go home and do their own business! "

So it turned out that all the top and bottom managers of the club were fired. The team's work was their side job. Of course, there was a salary, but it was very small and not worth remembering. However, the Colaney brothers' turning their backs and denying others made many people feel... Dissatisfied, Giorgio even walked away. The two brothers acted too domineeringly.

Play, play, I'll wait for you to lose! Giorgio drew a circle in his heart and cursed silently.

"Look at their bitter faces! I'm in a great mood!" Victor laughed while sitting in Hugo's Ferrari. Today he finally realized the joy of having power.

"Hehe, from today on, I am the boss, you are the chairman of the team, and Alex is our general manager! There is a Chinese saying that people's hearts are moved. I really don't believe that we can't handle this little guy. A small amateur team!" Hugo responded confidently.

"Me?! I can't! Besides, I have no interest in running around! I think it's better to let Luca do it according to the original plan!" Morek smiled bitterly and refused. He really didn't have the energy. He wanted to do his own thing. The construction company business is not just for managing the team.

"Luca?! Look at his head, what can he do as a follower of Victor!" Hugo laughed. Luca is indeed such a person, and Victor is his leader. Hugo doesn't believe that big guy at all. Guy can be a general manager.

There is another building next to Trapani Stadium, which also belongs to the city hall. When Trapani Club rented the stadium, it also took this building with it. This became the residence of Trapani Club and the legendary headquarters. .

Hugo and the others made a mistake and only rented the stadium without taking the building. Now that the team belongs to Colaini, they will naturally continue to rent it.

The jubilant Colaini brothers arrived at the headquarters the next morning, and were dumbfounded. Although the Trapani sparrow was small, it had all the internal organs. He didn't drink much wine last night, but he was quite courageous. In one fell swoop, he defeated the original management I went out, but today I discovered that there are really many departments, including transfer, finance, logistics, business, technology and other departments!

How the hell are you playing this? This is not singing Northeast Duerezhuan, which can be played by two people, nor is it playing three and a half sentences, which can be played by four people.

At this moment, Hugo secretly regretted it. Damn it, no one told me that there were so many things going on in Trapani!

"What are you afraid of? We have people!" Victor said.

"Yes?! Luca?! Manny?! Adriano?! Marino?!" Hugo shouted loudly, what can this group of people do? !

"They can still do it. If you don't understand, you can learn slowly!" Victor Nono said.

"When they learn how to do it, this team will be almost disbanded!" Hugo said angrily.

If you are careless, you will lose Jingzhou!

The blow didn't stop there. Several companies called the headquarters in the afternoon.

"Well, a few days ago, your chairman Giorgio Esposito borrowed some money from us!"

"Borrow money?! Brother, don't you know that he is no longer a member of the team?! You go find him, you don't know where he lives, it doesn't matter! That coffee shop at No. 24 Di Carlo Street belongs to him !”

"Well, he borrowed it in the name of Trapani Club! So you know I can only ask the team for the money!" said the other end of the phone hesitantly.

"Ah!" Hugo fainted when he answered the phone.

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