My name is Colani

Chapter 19 A dumb person eats bitter herbs

Hugo began to look through the financial report that he had carefully checked yesterday. He understood everything at a glance. It was a shame for the team not to go bankrupt. They owed $100,000 in debt. The damn Rich cheated him, and the damn Giorgio cheated him!

He kicked the door of the chairman's office hard, but it was useless. He calmed down. It was not that others cheated him, but that he was not careful. He was thinking about owning his own club. He didn't look through the team's financial situation seriously yesterday.

Regarding the financial aspect, Hugo could see it very clearly, but Victor and his ilk didn't understand it. When Hugo told him that the team had a debt of $100,000, Victor was furious.

"How dare they play tricks on me! Play tricks on me, Victor Pacilio Colani, they don't even know whose territory this is! Don't stop me, brother, I'm going to beat that damn bald guy, beat that bastard who runs a coffee shop! I'm going to beat them so hard that they won't even recognize their mothers!" Victor tried to shake off Hugo's hand.

"Bullshit, who fooled you?! Everything was clearly laid out in front of us yesterday, and we didn't see it! Who can we blame?!" Hugo scolded. Of course, beating people is very simple, but there is a problem.

Face, yes, face! Hugo estimated that even if they were given ten guts, they would not dare to deceive him and Victor, so Hugo thought that this was not intentional, and there was no problem of concealment. In the final analysis, it was his own carelessness. Knowing that this group of people were unreliable, he, an experienced person, should have seen more.

What should I do now? ! Beat them up, and my famous Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni actually suffered a loss on such a problem? ! Wouldn't it be a joke to let others know about this? ! Face is worthless, but it is more important than money, so let it go.

"Do you want to tell all the people in Trapani that we are fools, took over a mess, and were deceived?!" Hugo asked back.

Uh, Victor also has a face-saving idea, this is really the case.

"That's it, I can still afford 100,000!" Hugo could only swallow the bitter pill and swallow it himself.

Hugo's prediction itself was not wrong. Giorgio Esposito had no intention of deceiving the Colleni brothers. He thought Hugo and the others had seen and accepted the fact of debt. Who would have thought that he met two careless guys? As for their cousin, it seemed that they were not very interested yesterday and did not notice such things.

So, the Colleni brothers, who were in high spirits, dealt with the debt problem on the first day of their appointment. It was really different to have money. Hugo and Victor quickly completed the first thing and repaid the team's debt.

As for the second thing, it was naturally to gather the players of the team. The team had a head coach, an amateur head coach, whose main job was to teach at a local middle school. Because our Mr. Colleni wanted to try his hand at being a head coach, unfortunately, the head coach was informed at the dinner party last night that he could get out!

So the players didn't know that Hugo couldn't wait to see his soldiers, and Victor couldn't wait to see Elio Bruni's face again, because he had decided to get rid of the captain.

The players of the team are all members of the team. They had met yesterday. It was impossible to have time today. Besides, there were other things to be busy with, such as merging. Hugo merged Trapani Football Club with the empty shell Trapani FC, changed the team logo, and changed the jerseys. He turned the original Trapani Football Club into his own private team and changed it as he wanted.

The members didn't know that the Trapani Football Club they supported was actually just a name.

Oppose? ! The objection was invalid. Later, some members really opposed it. Before the start of the 99-00 season, they marched directly to the headquarters of Trapani Football Club in the stadium. Haha, there were only more than ten or twenty people. They strongly opposed the subversion of the team tradition by the Colani brothers.

What's the use? It's useless!

"The team is mine, I can change it however I want! If you don't like it, it's okay, just quit the club, I don't need your membership fee!" Hugo said coldly to the protesting members.

No one did anything to him, the Colani brothers forcibly completed the merger of the two teams and established the new Trapani Football Club, of course, with the help of Alberto Ricci.

After being busy assigning responsibilities to various departments and busy with the merger, a few days later, the Colani brothers finally had time to summon the players of the team. They issued a notice early on what time to gather.

But when it was time to gather that morning, many players still didn't come. Obviously, they heard the news that the Colani brothers not only kicked out the management, but also the only coach of the team. These people were a little disappointed, so they didn't need the Colani brothers to ask them to get out, they would not come on their own, anyway, they didn't get much money from here every year, and playing football was not their main business, so it didn't matter if they didn't come.

But what caught Victor's attention was that Elio Bruni, the former captain of Trapani Football Club, actually came.

Humiliating himself! Victor sneered in his heart.

Elio Bruni, with a height of 187, plays as a striker on the field. He has scored many goals for Trapani Football Club in the Italian Serie D League in recent years, but now he is a little older, 34 years old, and his physical condition is not as good as before. Last season, he scored only 6 goals, which was very shabby. His performance on the field was not good, and of course the performance of the whole team was not good.

When he was playing football, Victor had just learned to run, so when Victor insulted them, as the captain, he had no choice but to stand up and compete with Victor. Victor was not short either, with a height of 188, and the two of them had a grudge.

He came even though he knew that the Colani brothers had acquired the team, because he couldn't bear to leave the team. He still maintained his passion for football and Trapani Football Club. Although he knew that he might face humiliation, he still stood firmly on the field.

Bruni was very supportive. Several of his former teammates gathered around him, but he was absent-minded. The teammates who came today were only interested in money, because they had heard that Hugo had offered a high price to recruit people, and they hoped that they could stay.

"Yo yo! Isn't this the famous high-altitude bomber?! How come you have time to come here today?!" Hugo hadn't come yet. Victor and Luca Zanetti and a few others came to Bruni. When Bruni was younger, he was known for his strong body and excellent headers. He was called the bomber by Trapani fans, borrowing Klinsmann's nickname.

The players around Bruni did not back down. It was true that they wanted to stay here to make money, but if Bruni was treated unfairly, they would also feel sympathetic, so at least they held on to the momentum.

Victor's official position in the team is now the general manager of the team. Bruni still wants to stay, so he has to swallow his anger and say: "I am the captain of the team! Why can't I come here!"

"Captain?! Who told you that you are the captain?! To tell you the truth! You are no longer the captain! And considering your poor performance last season, I really can't think of any reason for us to keep you!" Victor mocked.

"You..." Bruni was furious.

"How can you be like this?! It's just a fight, I didn't expect the Colena family to be so rude?!" One of Bruni's teammates cunningly used provocation.

Victor blushed. Of course, it was a personal vendetta, but it was still a bit embarrassing to be exposed.

"I'm using public power to take revenge on my own?! Haha, it's hilarious! You country bumpkins, ask yourselves if this old man is still suitable for the court?! He only scored a pitiful 6 goals last season, and he's the main center forward! Is this result justified?! I let him go for the good of the team and everyone. Our results last season were dragged down by him!" Victor made a specious argument, but what he said was also true.

Bruni was a little embarrassed now. If Victor said it was completely nonsense, Bruni could ignore it, but it was not completely nonsense. If he could score 15 goals like the previous season, Victor might not be so arrogant. After all, it was quite unwise to drive away a center forward who could score goals.

Bruni thought too much. Even if he scored 15 goals, Victor would still find a chance to get him out. He was just seeking revenge. According to Victor's idea, he even wanted to drive everyone away. Of course, this was unrealistic. Trapani played in the Italian Serie C, not the Premier League or the first-class league. The level was still needed.

Bruni was silent for a moment and left without saying a word!

His teammates couldn't persuade him, but no one begged Victor. They hated Victor.

"Let him go! He is a burden if he stays! You still stop him, why don't you just go with him!" Victor said arrogantly.

For the sake of money, I will endure it!

They didn't leave. Victor left Bruni's small group.

Hugo came late with a list in his hand, followed by his cousin Alessandro Morek. Morek did not have much time, unlike Hugo who was a hands-off boss and handed over Google Europe to his subordinates, but Hugo pestered him every day these two days. Why? It is not easy to be a head coach with ambition.

Hugo, who had no water in his bottle, was just a fan. It was impossible for him to become the head coach of the Italian Serie D team. At least he had some self-knowledge. He believed that three cobblers were better than one Zhuge Liang. He discussed with Morek and Victor every day about what tactics to use and how to play in the new season.

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