My name is Colani

Chapter 20: Mass Escape

But Morek and Victor are actually similar. They don't know much about what a football coach should do. Victor first thought of getting rid of Bruni, who was a thorn in his side.

Hugo is Hugo after all. He immediately searched for a lot of football knowledge on the Internet to make up for it. Finally, he has some clues. Of course, whether it works or not depends on practice.

"I always feel that you are different from before?!" Morek always felt that his cousin had become a little weird since drowning. He was completely different from the introverted Gianluigi before. How should I put it? He became more outspoken.

"Huh?! Is that so?! Do you think I have become smarter or stupider!" Hugo touched his chin and said this deliberately.

He was also very strange. He didn't have this personality in his previous life. He was much more calm and steady, not as unscrupulous, outspoken, and uninhibited as he is now. Oh! Forget about being uninhibited, but generally speaking, he can't be called uninhibited now.

Is it because the old Gianluigi had this aspect, or is it because of the time travel that caused some changes, which stimulated the devil deep in everyone's heart? !

This change is not the first time Hugo has felt it, but think about it, it's nothing, I just need to be more restrained in the future, can't I be a little willful if I have money? !

"Well, that's not the case, I always feel that your personality is not like this!" Morek said, scratching his head.

"I am still me! Maybe it's because I have experienced life and death, and I look down on everything! Maybe this is the real me! Hehe, I still remember that my aunt is called Rossetti, I still remember that your wife is called Christina, and I also know..." Hugo smiled.

"I'm not talking about the same thing! Anyway, I like the way you are now! I haven't seen you so enthusiastic before! Well, that's it!" Morek interrupted Hugo's chatter.

"That's right! I also think I'm in a good state now!" Hugo said proudly.

"Then I want to ask, have you ever played football?! For example, in the United States! It seems that you haven't played here!" Morek moved to the point.

"The truth is that I have never played football! Not even for a minute! I don't have time. Look, I have been busy since I came back, and I haven't had a chance to show you my football skills! But I have watched a lot of games! I think it's not difficult!" Hugo answered confidently.

Morek was completely shocked. My god, this guy wanted to be a coach without playing for a minute, and he also wanted to be a player. It turned out that he was planning to bring the Italian team from the amateur league to the provincial amateur league committee!

The Italian Amateur League actually manages only one level of amateur league, which is Italian League. In fact, the leagues below it are organized by the committees of various regions themselves, so Morek had this idea, just like sliding from the central government to the local level, maybe in the near future it is likely to slide to the level of Trapani City, which is really miserable.

But now that it has come to this point, Morek can only let Hugo mess around. He can feel that Hugo is very interested now and will never allow him to disrupt his own arrangements.

As they were talking, the two had already arrived at the stadium. Victor, who had just driven Bruni away, saw Hugo and came over excitedly and said, "I just drove Bruni away! Didn't you see the old guy's face, tut tut..."

"All the people are here?!" Hugo didn't care whether Bruni left or not. According to his recent analysis, the old guy's goal-scoring ability was too poor. He originally planned to be the main striker, and Bruni could be his substitute. Now that Victor was driven away, it didn't matter. There seemed to be a substitute center named Vincent De Piolo in the team, who was also quite tall.

"Here, they should all be here!" Victor responded.

Hugo counted silently, it seemed that there were only about 20 people, and this had to include some of the new players they recruited, which meant that only 8 or 9 of the previous players came!

Haha, they are really brave! Hugo thought depressedly, what on earth stimulated these guys!

Hugo took out the prepared roster and started to call the names one by one. Those who didn't come directly drew a cross with the pen in their hand. If they didn't come today, they wouldn't come in the future. That's it.

After the roll call, there were only 21 people. The most damning thing was that there were two amateur goalkeepers before, but neither of them came today. Hugo didn't know if there was a goalkeeper among the newly recruited people. It was estimated that there was no goalkeeper, and his face looked even worse.

After a moment of depression, Hugo had to bite the bullet and start his inaugural speech.

"Okay, I just called the names! Anyone who didn't come today has been removed! This team has nothing to do with them anymore!"

"To all the players who are here today, I am very happy that you have become a member of the newly formed Trapani Club. I extend a warm welcome to you! Our team is both a team with a long history and a young team! Our goal is very simple. We want to be the best team in Sicily, the best team in Italy, and we want to kill the damn Yankees! So you will be honored to have played in this team in the future!"


Cracking, Hugo has been bragging for a while. For a long time, he didn’t get to the point. He expected the former Trapani club player to talk about something “realistic”. He couldn’t hold it back. Think about it, it was just for money. I came here and witnessed with my own eyes how that general manager Victor avenged his personal vendetta. I secretly felt that I had no moral integrity. Now Hugo is still bragging. He is bragging to the sky. Everyone is talking about reality. A guy who is holding his breath interrupts Hugo. He really had the courage to interrupt Hugo's speech. After all, it was not a wise decision to go against the Colaney brothers, but interests still prevailed.

"Gigi, we want to know if it's true that you get paid to play football here?!" He asked in a very gentle tone.

Unfortunately, the timing was not right, Hugo didn't like people interrupting his conversation.

"Who told you about a salary?! This club is privately owned by us, but it is not a professional team. It is an amateur team, understand?! You are amateur players and you are paid?! Do you deserve to be paid? ? ” Hugo blurted out, “Grandma, please interrupt me.”

Some of the old team members were talking about it!

"Shut the hell up! Anyone who doesn't want to do this can just get out!" Hugo roared. It was too much. Don't you know how to bow to the boss? !

"Just leave!" The old team members were really ready to leave.

Morek was anxious. He couldn't leave. What would he do if he left? !

"Don't leave! No one is allowed to leave! You will know the consequences if you leave!" He who didn't like to rely on family power had no choice but to threaten.

Several old teammates immediately stopped in their tracks. They were also worried about settling the scores of the Colaney brothers and were very hesitant.

But the guy just now stood up and said: "We must leave today! You are not trustworthy! If you stop us, then we will seek justice from Mr. Colaney!"

It seems that there is an argument for giving money. Morek was speechless. Some things still have to be fair. These players are all villagers after all, and my grandpa probably won't allow the three brothers to blatantly bully these villagers, and It's hard to say that these guys' relatives or fathers are making a living in the Koleni family's business. That's not good!

In the end, Morek could only watch the group of people leave, leaving behind the new team members who looked at each other, a cheerful Victor, and a silent Hugo.

Hugo actually regrets it. What's going on? It seems that my prestige, brother, is not too high. Otherwise, if they are so rude, how dare they complain first? ! Escape collectively! At least in Hugo's opinion, these guys lack the most basic respect, at least let me speak slowly.

"Just leave! They are nothing! The Chinese have a saying, without him Zhang Butcher would have no pork to eat!" Hugo said loudly to the remaining people.

"Yes, without him Ferrero, we wouldn't have chocolate to eat!" Victor was very understanding, and quickly changed it into a statement that everyone could understand.

Ferrero is a world-renowned chocolate manufacturer. The hazelnut chocolate it produces is delicious and very popular in Italy, and is also loved by Sicilians.

Next, Hugo announced something that shocked the new players who didn't know about it. He officially informed everyone that he would now serve as the team's new head coach. He vowed that under his leadership, the team would win next year. He will definitely appear in Serie C. Of course, money is indispensable for everyone.

This was the end of the not-so-satisfactory player meeting. The recruited players all really wanted to play football. They didn't even know there was such a thing as a salary at the beginning. Now of course the salary is even more serious. Yu If you say that being a head coach and a player is a surprise, it is a surprise, but they think it doesn't matter, who told Hugo to pay.

"It would be difficult for us to do without them!" Morek complained in the office. He complained that Hugo was too impulsive and drove away the original players at a disagreement.

"These guys need to be taught a lesson! Let them know who is the leader of this place! They have no intention of respecting me at all! They don't respect me now, and they won't respect me even more when I become the head coach in the future. !" Hugo defended.

Oh, you know the authority of the head coach, but this is too much! Morek cursed.

"But they left. Where can we find players, be able to enter the club, and then let the team gain a foothold in the Italian League. They are basically the best players in our region!" Morek analyzed with a wry smile.

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