My name is Colani

Chapter 25 Looking for a Headhunter

Before crossing, Hugo was an orphan and didn't miss many people, but after crossing, Hugo unconsciously brought into Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni's emotions. He also missed his family. He especially hoped that every night the family would have a happy meal at the table. In the United States, he also missed his grandfather, his father, his mother, and his uncle. Victor didn't call him for a week, and he felt uncomfortable, always feeling that there was one less person around him.

So Hugo could understand Alda's emotions.

Hugo hugged Alda's shoulders. His height reached about 180, while Alda was only 163, very petite. Hugo couldn't help but feel a little pity for his sister, going to a foreign country at such a young age, but he quickly withdrew this pity. Regardless of whether Alda would become the helmsman of the family business in the future, at least it would be good for her to go out now.

Hugo rubbed the natural curls on Alda's head and said softly: "I miss you when I go abroad! This is normal! I remember sometimes I couldn't sleep at night! I dreamed that we played in this orchard when we were young, and my brothers and sisters picked oranges here and ate them while picking!"

Alda also remembered his childhood. Although Hugo was dull when he was young, he still played with the children at home. Aisha was the eldest sister, and the other three were not too different in age. They often returned to this orchard to play. It was really happy at that time.

"Yes, it was fun at that time! Once you said you wanted to graft apples, but you cut down one of Grandpa's favorite orange trees. Grandpa was so angry that he blew his beard!" Alda chuckled.

Hugo still remembers this past. The orange tree is very strange. It is obviously the same soil and the same variety, but the fruits grown are different. There is an orange tree that grows very delicious and sweet oranges. Who knows that one day he and Victor suddenly want to graft an apple tree on it, because they think that after grafting, the apples will also be delicious. As a result, they cut down the orange tree directly. At that time, the grandfather was furious, but he still did not punish them.

After chatting about the past for a while, Hugo said: "We are always growing up, and you are also growing up. Don't you want to go out and take a look?!"

"Of course I want to, but I just don't want to leave you!" Alda whispered.

"It doesn't matter. I tell you, there will be many new technologies in the future! One of the technologies is that we can make video calls from a long distance, just like talking face to face. At that time, we can talk to you every day. If you want us, you can call us!" Hugo said mysteriously.

There are also video calls now, but they are too inconvenient. Hugo is referring to the arrival of the 3G era in the future.

"Is this true?!" Alda asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true! Brother, I know the current development of technology very well. Don't forget that I run an Internet company! Hehe, you will know it later!" Hugo said proudly.

"Anyway, put aside your thoughts about your family for the time being. You have your own life. Since you are willing to go out and see, then go out bravely! You will definitely not regret it!" Hugo encouraged.

"Yeah!" Alda nodded and said, "Hugo, you rarely talk to me like this!"


"Yes, you used to be alone and rarely played with us!"

"Really?! I don't remember! Now Victor pushed me into the sea, um, so now my head is clear! I love you!" Hugo joked.

"I like you now! Although, alas, you are still not in tune with things sometimes!" Alda commented.

Hugo was black line, it turns out that in the eyes of my sister, I am also a bit of a second-generation ancestor!

The next day, Hugo and Giorgio went to see Alberto Ricci together. Ricci was quite concerned about Trapani. Of course, his job was not just for the Trapani team. Trapani's own league was organized by him.

But he knew all the situations in Trapani. Hugo and Giorgio had made appointments with him, but he was not very clear about their purpose.

Giorgio explained the reason, and Ricci understood it and was very happy. In the past, Trapani could only be said to be a relegation team. Now that it has the intention to make progress, as the head of the local amateur league committee, he is of course happy to provide some help.

"You guys still don't know much about this business! Gigi, Giorgio, it's normal that you don't have a lot of money to invest. Besides, Rome was not built in a day. Take it slowly. As long as you can insist on small investments and go in the right direction, it is not impossible to enter the second or even first division in the future! The key is patience!"

Patience? ! Giorgio Esposito pursed his lips in his heart. I have been patient enough, but Trapani still couldn't make any progress. The important thing is money.

"You want to find players. I think why not try to find a scout. I know a guy named Leonardo Seli. He is a scout. He has a wide network of contacts in the scout circle. You can give him a little benefit and let him introduce some players to you. This problem can be solved!" Richie gave his solution very simply.

Scouting is also a circle. Some clubs have a special scout department, while some clubs do not. Some scouts work exclusively for a club, while others work alone. If they recommend a team, they can get a sum of money. This is like a headhunter in the workplace.

Hugo didn't know that it was excusable. It was unacceptable that Giorgio didn't know this after working in football for so many years, so Richie explained it. Hugo glanced at Giorgio. Giorgio met Hugo's eyes and his already red face became even redder.

"Is he reliable?! Is he good?!" Hugo asked.

"Why not?! Of course he is reliable! He and I are old friends. I will remind him. Don't worry about this! His level is also very good. He has recommended talents to the northerners! I will arrange for him to have an interview with you. You can tell him if you have any needs!" Richie patted his chest and promised.

Hugo was not too worried about the liar. After all, the consequences of Hengheng cheating me were not so fun. He was mainly afraid that this guy would make a mistake and send someone who was not worthy of being reused. That would be troublesome. He could not blame him for the level problem!

After saying this, Hugo and Giorgio were about to leave, but Richie asked Hugo if he planned to take a coaching certificate or something. He knew that Hugo seemed to be preparing to take charge himself. In view of this buddy's level, Richie hoped that Hugo would have a chance to go for a test.

"Yes, I am preparing to take the coaching certificate!" Hugo answered with certainty. The head coach of the Italian League D originally needed a certificate, but there were always changes. At that time, as long as Hugo's name was not in the head coach column, this certificate was not important to Hugo. Hugo wanted to take the certificate just to force himself to learn more about coaching knowledge.

"Now there is a good opportunity! There is a short-term coach training course at the Covilciano base recently. Are you interested in going?!" Richie asked enthusiastically.

Hugo was so cute. What the hell is Coverciano? !

"Ahem, Coverciano base is the training base of the Italian national team and the training base of Italian football coaches. Many famous head coaches came from there!" Richie explained.

Giorgio next to him didn't know either. He knew that the base was the training base of the national team, but he didn't know about the coach.

"Oh, is that okay?! I'm very busy now!" Hugo said.

What can you do with such a small club? Besides, isn't it better to have Giorgio in charge than you? !

Richie didn't think Hugo did a better job than Giorgio.

"Of course, they sign up by phone. As long as you pay the money, the training fee is not expensive, and it's only a short week, which will not affect the team's preparations. You can learn a lot of new things there, meet a lot of people, and accumulate some connections. This is good for the future development of Trapani!" Richie persuaded.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll go! Anyway, I'm relieved that I have Giorgio here!" Hugo thought about it and decided that it would be good to expand his football network.

You still have self-knowledge, Richie said in his heart.

"How about this, you arrange for Seli to meet me at the base, and we can have a good talk!" Hugo said again.

"Okay! No problem! They will start the class on June 20th, and today is the 18th. You have to leave tomorrow. I will sign you up immediately! It's just right to arrange Seli. I guess he is in the north at this time!" Richie said.

Hugo and Giorgio thanked them and said goodbye.

Back at the headquarters, Hugo announced to everyone that he was going to study. Morek was not there and was busy with his own business. Victor said: "I think the head coach is just like that. The most important thing for you now is to learn how to play football! Otherwise, how can you play when the time comes!"

Hey, this is a problem! It's a very serious problem! I am a striker, I have to play football, but I know that the football is round, but how to kick it is just in my mind, I still need to practice it.

"Can I wait until I finish the coaching course?! Besides, do you think I am going to learn the coaching course?! That thing is just those things, very simple, it is okay not to go, I mainly go to expand my network in the football circle, which will be of great benefit to the club in the future!" Hugo said, it is not too late to learn to play football after coming back.

Giorgio was silent beside him, Bai Ding Hugo was too confident, or he showed too much confidence, being a player is not easy, and being a coach is even more difficult!

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