My name is Colani

Chapter 26 My roommate is Uncle Jiong

Hugo was just trying to save face, and he just said it. He really didn't think coaching was easy now. The deeper he got to know the coach, the more crazy he was.

Ricci's registration went smoothly. There was nothing wrong with it. To put it bluntly, this project is to train the next generation of famous coaches for Italy. Of course, the more talents the better. As long as you pay, you can go. Of course, some levels of training require invitation letters. Hugo only signed up for the elementary level, so he didn't need an invitation letter.

Ricci didn't explain it to Hugo very clearly at the beginning. This course can't get anything. To get a certificate, you have to take a formal UEFA.B course. Coaches who get the UEFA.B course can coach teams in Serie C and Serie D. There are restrictions on the participants.

This time, Hugo participated without any restrictions. It was like an interest class, so Hugo was able to sign up. Of course, such a course will also attract many people who are interested in coaching, such as retired players or players who are about to retire.

Hugo's travel is not a big problem. He is used to it. It doesn't take too long to fly from Palermo to Florence. It's already afternoon when he arrives in Florence after a transfer in Rome.

After renting a car, Hugo easily came to the Coverciano training base in the northeast corner of Florence. It is not far from the Franchi Stadium in Florence. The Franchi Stadium is the home of the Florence football team. Hugo really wants to see it, but he doesn't have time today.

Hugo doesn't plan to live in the city center. He plans to stay in the training base because there seems to be a football field here. He can play football here first. His mother is really laughed at by Victor.

There are separate rooms available, but Hugo chose a double room. Another purpose of coming here is to meet more people in the football world. Hugo expects his roommate to be some great god (retired famous players or famous players who are about to retire).

It was not yet evening, and he was lying in bed when he saw the "god" in his mind. A man in his thirties in sportswear walked in. When he saw Hugo, the god was full of curiosity and doubt.

Before he put away his luggage, he asked, "Who are you?!"

"Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni!" Hugo jumped up from the bed and stretched out his hand to answer.

"Are you Sicilian?!" Hugo spoke with a more obvious Sicilian accent, and people could tell it at once. His tone was a little discriminatory and unsatisfactory.

"Yes!" Hugo was a little nervous and pulled out his clenched hands with a cold tone.

The man in sportswear smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't mean that, you know! My name is Allegri Massimiano!"

"I've been to Sicily before, and I met a robber. Well, I was fine, but all my money was robbed, so I walked 5 kilometers!" Allegri explained.

Sicily is indeed so chaotic, there is no one for five kilometers. Where did your teacher go? It's so miserable. Hugo felt a little better and accepted Allegri's explanation.

"There are good people in Sicily, such as me!" Hugo said.

"I believe it!" Allegri put down his bag, "You look too young, are you here for a short training?!"


"Of course, I am indeed younger, but I am very interested in being a coach, so haha, let me take a look!" Hugo explained.

"Nice to meet you!" Allegri may feel that the way he greeted just now is not very harmonious, so he extended his hand again.

"Nice to meet you too, just call me Gigi, or Hugo! As for you, what can I call you?!" Hugo said enthusiastically.

"You can call me by my name, Allegri is fine!" Allegri said casually.

"No, it seems that we are not intimate enough. How about I call you Shabi?!" Hugo decided to take a small revenge on Allegri, a small action.

"Xia Bi?!" Allegri was puzzled. The pronunciation of my first name and last name is too different. Is it a nickname or a nickname? !

"No, it's Shabi! It's the transliteration of Chinese, which means very wise. You look very wise, so I gave you this nickname!" Hugo waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Uh, thank you for your compliment! Xia Bi! I like it! You look very Xia Bi, and you can actually understand Chinese!" Allegri also praised.

Uh, you are shooting yourself in the foot!

"No, I can't bear this name, but you can!" Hugo shook his head.

"Okay! It's up to you, you can call me whatever you want!" Facing the child, Allegri decided not to care.

"By the way, how about I treat you to dinner tonight, as my apology for what happened just now!" Allegri said apologetically.

"Okay, Shabi, you are such a good person! I will make friends with you!" Hugo reached out and patted Allegri on the shoulder. What can Allegri do? He can only smile. This little brother is very active.

The two of them had a famous steak in Florence for dinner. They had a good chat during the meal. Allegri learned that Hugo was the boss of the team. He really couldn't understand how the boss had time to train coaches, even for a team in Serie C.

"I didn't expect you to have your own team at such a young age! It's amazing!" Allegri exclaimed.

"It's nothing, it doesn't cost much! My interest comes from last year's World Cup. I think I can be a head coach and a player, so I came here!" Hugo smiled.

Damn, you can be willful if you have money, you can do whatever you want! Allegri secretly envied, thinking that he had been struggling in various leagues for years, all for money!

"But being a head coach is not easy!" Allegri said. He is a veteran and has worked with many coaches as a player. He knows that it is not easy, especially now that the role of coaches is becoming more and more obvious.

"So I'll try it first and see!" Hugo said indifferently, and then asked again: "What about you?! How about you, you are not young anymore, do you plan to be a coach after retirement?! Where are you..."

"Pescara!" Allegri added helplessly.

Pescara is currently in Serie B, near Lazio and close to the capital, but for Hugo, of course he doesn't know.

"What level is he!" Hugo's words are always inconsistent. Allegri hasn't answered the previous question yet, and he has moved on to another topic. Allegri thinks Hugo's thinking is too fucking jumpy.

"Serie B!" Allegri replied embarrassedly. He is now nearly 32 years old and is at the end of his career. He has played in low-level leagues for a long time. He also has experience playing for first-class teams, but he is a substitute on the bench most of the time. At his best, he is only between a substitute and a main player. The most awesome team he has played for is Naples, but at that time Naples had already declined. Maradona had left long ago, and he was just a substitute. He only played 7 times in a season.

Now he said that he played for Pescara, which is not entirely true. To be precise, he played for Pescara last season. Now his contract expires and he is a free agent without a next home. He is now preparing for both hands. On the one hand, he is looking for a new club, and on the other hand, he comes to the training class to see if he is really interested in taking this path.

"Well, good job!" Hugo said with a thumbs up against his will, "I didn't expect you to be a player in Serie B!"

"I also played for Naples!" Allegri said proudly.

"Ah! I didn't expect it! I'm sorry!" Hugo exclaimed in surprise and praised repeatedly.

"Alas, it's nothing! It's just a way to make a living!" Allegri said with a wry smile. Who didn't have enthusiasm when playing football? ! But when it becomes a profession, you have to consider the problem of stomach. Allegri is now just looking for a bowl of food, making more money, and there are families to support.

"It's difficult to even find a team now!" Allegri accidentally revealed the bottom, which was really an unintentional mistake.

"Hey, isn't it in Pescara?!" Hugo said in surprise.

"Ahem, my contract with them ends at the end of this month! I have to find a new club!" Allegri was embarrassed for a while, and then returned to normal.

After listening to Allegri's self-introduction, Hugo felt that this guy had been in the league above the third division for a long time, so he should have some strength. He is now 32 years old, and he is old, but if his own team can count him, it is also good. This guy does not want a transfer fee!

Calculating his mind, Hugo asked tentatively: "I say, Shabi! To be honest, I felt very kind when I saw you for the first time. You and I seem to be very predestined! It is not difficult for you to find a job at this level. There is an opportunity in front of you!"

Damn, isn't it you! Allegri was holding back his laughter. He didn't want to go to Trapani. This is a team in Serie C. This is not important. The key is that he doesn't think Hugo can come up with the salary to match what he wants in his heart.

Now is the late 1990s. Compared with the crazy player salaries N years later, the current salary income is not worth mentioning. Although the current Italian football is in the era of the small World Cup, the salary is still a big gap from the future. However, for Allegri, his goal is to be comparable to the middle-class income in Italy after tax.

The salary he gets in Pescara now, minus taxes, is about 40,000 US dollars a year. How much can an amateur club in Trapani afford? ! What a joke.

"Haha, thank you, Hugo, but I appreciate your kindness. I think I am still capable of playing in a higher-level team!" Allegri smiled and shook his head and refused!

Don't worry, brother, let's talk about this slowly!

After so long, he hasn't found a new club, and he came to join in the fun to see if he can take the UFEA certificate exam to find a way out. Hugo is not that stupid. He thinks this matter is actually worth talking about!

Note: During this period, Allegri is still playing for Pescara instead of being a free agent. Please don't be too serious. The plot requires that the time when he becomes a free agent be advanced by one year.

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