My name is Colani

Chapter 28 Target Tony

Selli is acting like a pimp, but he is also a responsible pimp. His current goal is not for the players but for Hugo, for the employer who needs him. He is not the player's agent, but a middleman.

Should Toni go to Trapani? Logically speaking, he should not go, as this is a step backward in his career, but Selli will not contact Toni to say that he should not go. This is determined by everyone's roles.

Hugo looked at Toni's information left and right, very fascinated. He took a fancy to Luca Toni!

During this period, he also knew a lot about Italian football. Now Italian football is called the "Little World Cup" by the world. What kind of existence is Italian football? It is a place to make a lot of money, attracting many foreign stars. There are seven heroes in the Warring States Period in Serie A, and each of them has the strength to compete for the championship.

The stars of these strong teams in Serie A have very high incomes, which can reach several million dollars after tax. However, these are only some of the top players. The gap between the rich and the poor in the top teams is huge, and the gap between the rich and the poor in many middle and lower teams and the upper teams is even greater. Most of the many football clubs in Italy are owned by private families. Not every family is so rich that they can burn money, so the gap between the rich and the poor among the players is also very large.

The salary difference between the players of the top teams and the players of the relegation teams is not ordinary, and the salary of the players in Serie A is also very large compared to the salary of the players in Serie B. It is quite good for Allegri to get tens of thousands of dollars at that age. After all, he is for retirement and is not an important player of Pescara at all.

As for Toni in the third division, his income can only be worse than Allegri, and whether he can support his family is another matter.

Can money move that young man's heart? !

Hugo decided to give it a try anyway. According to the information, Toni's hometown is in Emilia Romagna, close to Tuscany, and not far from Florence. If he is there, he can give it a try. In any case, this tall center forward must be a good addition to the team. Seli is a professional, and Hugo still believes what he says.

"Okay, let's go meet him! Do you have his agent's phone number?!" Hugo asked decisively.

"Agent?! He doesn't have an agent! Gigi, do you think he can support his agent?!" Seli laughed, "But I have his phone number, I will contact him immediately!"

Luca Toni is actually not at home at the moment, but in Milan. This kid is very lucky. He has been in the low-level league for a long time and has scored few goals. Last season, he happened to play for Fiorenzuola's team in Florence, which is also a team in the third division, but he is not happy here. The head coach does not appreciate him and often gives him a hard time. He only scored 2 goals in the whole season.

Depressed Luca Toni often drank to relieve his sorrow, and then a lucky love came. He met supermodel Marta Cheche in a bar. She was a champion of an Italian modeling competition and was already famous. Luca Toni was really pretty. He fell in love with this beauty at first sight and launched a very fierce love offensive. Well, the result was good. A guy who had problems supporting his family in the third division actually got a top beauty.

In Cisco Roma, Toni was able to perform very well. It is hard to say that love did not contribute to this!

Of course, Hugo didn't know these, and Seli didn't know either!

Seli knew Luca Toni and knew a lot about him, but it didn't mean that Toni knew him. Toni wanted to leave Cisco Roma and go to a bigger team and a higher level team. He wanted to realize his football dream, but one season alone was not enough and he couldn't attract much attention.

Without an agent, in fact, he could only rely on scouts, such as a scout who took a fancy to him and introduced him to a big club.

When Seli said he was a scout, Tony didn't hesitate and agreed to meet them.

"Dear, finally a team has offered me an olive branch!" Tony put down the phone and hugged Marta excitedly on the streets of Milan.

Marta didn't know Tony was a player at first. She found out after they fell in love, but this didn't affect his love for Tony. He knew Tony loved football too much. He didn't want to prove anything, he just loved football.

Tony's family was not rich. Both his parents were low-income people. When he was a child, Tony ate bread and took the bus to practice football for a long distance because his family didn't agree with him playing football. Later, Tony followed his parents' wishes, studied accounting, got a certificate, and had a skill. Later, he joined the hometown team Modena, which made his family reluctantly agree to let him play football. After all, with a skill, he could find a bowl of rice to eat even if he didn't play football in the future.

Tony is now in a very awkward situation. He thought his performance was worthy of Serie B, but there was no olive branch for a long time. He was unwilling to stay in Serie C, and the money was too little. These were all realistic problems that needed to be considered.

"Didn't they say what team?!" Marta kissed Tony and asked.

"Uh, I forgot!" Tony remembered at this time that he didn't ask at all. It was not right to say that no one was interested in him. There were many calls to him during this period, but they were all from Serie C1 teams, not any from Serie B. He rejected them all and said that he would think about it carefully.

It happened that Tony didn't ask this. He wanted to take out his phone to ask, but Marta stopped him.

"Forget it, it's almost July! Let's wait and see!"

Marta meant that July was about to begin, and each team's preparations also began in July. Tony should listen carefully to the other party's offer, even if it was a C1 team, it was better than procrastinating and waiting anxiously.

"Listen to you!" Tony said softly, praying silently in his heart, God, let a Serie B team take a fancy to me, I don't care about money, I just hope to get a chance!

Without mentioning Tony's expectations, Hugo, accompanied by Seli, immediately signed a contract with Allegri in Florence. The contract period was not long, only two years. Allegri was already 34 years old in two years. It depends on the situation at that time.

It is worth mentioning that Hugo discussed with Allegri when signing this contract. The salary on the contract was only 10,000 US dollars, and the rest of the salary was given to Allegri privately. Why do this? Because of tax avoidance.

Italy is a country with serious tax evasion. The tax is high. If a small club does not evade some tax, it will be like living a miserable life. Unless it is really rich, as long as it is careful, nothing will be found out. Everyone knows it, and Allegri knows it well.

With Seli, Hugo is very confident in Allegri and immediately gave Allegri $90,000 in cash.

"Shabi, you should pack up well. I have already told the general manager of the club, Giorgio Esposito, that he will come to greet you when he arrives in Trapani. Don't worry, everything will be arranged properly. Don't worry about the security problem. No one dares to touch my players!" Hugo assured domineeringly, fearing that Allegri would have sequelae of robbery.

"Haha, I'm not worried about this. I will go back and tell my family that I will go to Trapani soon! It is my honor to play for you. I will definitely use my rich experience to make a difference to the team!" Allegri was very happy carrying a bag full of cash. It is fucking different to be rich. He didn't expect his roommate to be so young and straightforward, and he didn't hesitate to take the ball.

If he knew that Hugo had tens of millions of dollars in assets and would become a billionaire in the future, he would know that tens of thousands were just a number for Hugo now!

Hugo really treated the money as a number. Although he knew that he couldn't withdraw much money to his football career now, he still didn't feel anything special. He just gave it to him!

"Hey, if we can upgrade, I tell you that I will have extra rewards. I can guarantee you that your bonus will not be less than 30,000 US dollars!" Hugo smiled and encouraged. At this time, he felt the magic of money!

Allegri was happy again. His annual salary in recent years was not much, and he had savings. He could live a good life in the future by careful calculation. But now it's the end of his career. It's not a bad thing to earn more. Who knows what will happen in the future.

"In addition, I will give you a piece of advice for free. Look, I give you all US dollars. Remember to hold more US dollars, pounds, and lira in the future. It's boring. Hurry up and exchange the lira in your hand into euros!" Hugo added a sentence.

The European Central Bank was established last year, and the euro has been exchanged and used in Italy since January this year. However, it will not become the only currency until 2002. Now both currencies are used in Italy.

After finishing Allegri's business and the training course, Hugo stayed in Florence for one night, and flew to Milan with Selli the next day.

Lobbying Toni is a very important matter. It stands to reason that Selli should have explained it clearly to the impatient Toni on the phone, but Selli is very cunning. He knows that if he says the Italian team, people will hang up the phone immediately. Who has the patience to talk to you!

So he did not reveal Trapani on the phone, but just kept saying that he was a scout who had connections with many big clubs, and also mentioned the names of several stars, saying that they were players recommended by him, to win Toni's trust, so that Toni did not even ask who was interested in him.

In order to show his sincerity, Hugo rented a villa hotel on the outskirts of Milan immediately after arriving. This is what it means to pretend to be better, to make Toni feel that he is rich and capable.

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