My name is Colani

Chapter 29 Sincerity

Compared to Hugo, Tony is of course a poor boy. Not to mention that Hugo is rich now, his family can definitely let him act like this. This is fate.

Tony and his girlfriend Marta arrived as scheduled. Yes, Hugo's pretense was successful. Tony felt that the person who could live here must be a legendary successful person, but when they saw the ridiculously young Hugo, they had deep doubts.

"Haha, are you scared by Mr. Colani's youth?!" Seli joked.

"Uh!" Tony and Marta were a little embarrassed.

"Haha, it's okay. You are very welcome to come here, Mr. Tony, Miss Chequet!" Hugo used a kiss on the face to Tony, and he used a French kiss on Marta's hand.

"I am Gianluigi Pasilio Colani. I hope my youth doesn't shock you! Let's talk in the garden! This way!" Hugo smiled and led the way.

"Well, I was really shocked!" Tony said matter-of-factly, "I didn't expect you to be so young!"

According to what Seli said, Tony knew that the boss wanted to meet him in person today. Tony didn't expect the boss to be so young. What team is it? ! Which Serie A team's son is this? !

Tony thought to himself.

"Luca, don't look at Mr. Colemani's youth, he is young and promising! The market value of his private company in the United States has exceeded 200 million US dollars. He also has other investment projects. His career is booming. Football is just a hobby of his!" Seli immediately started to brag beside him. Of course, what he said was not untrue. The market value of Google is not yet 200 million, but it should not be too far away.

As for other projects, I'm sorry Hugo only has Apple's stocks, and other projects are still in his mind.

Okay! This is the legendary genius business child, or everything in the family!

As if seeing through Tony's thoughts, Seli added: "These are all owned by Mr. Colani personally, and his family business is also very large!"

This is a bit exaggerated, too large, the Colani family's business is mainly Sicily's export to the outside world, just invisible rich people, there is no great industry in Italy at all.

Sitting down in the garden, the waiter served the drinks, and Tony couldn't wait to curiously know which club the big boss in front of him was from, he couldn't help it!

"Ahem, Mr. Colani is the actual owner of Trapani Football Club!" Seli said from the side, at this time of course he needed a pimp to speak.

"Trapani?! Sicily?!" I didn't expect Tony to know the existence of such a place, but his face was not so good.

It is true that northerners have prejudices against southerners. In Italy, it is rare to see players willing to go to the south, especially Sicily, to play football. That place is the most chaotic place in Italy, and Tony certainly has such an idea.

"Ahem, yes, it is currently in the Italian League!" Seli continued.

Tony and Marta's faces turned green. Not only did they go to the worst place in Italy, but they also lowered their status to the Serie D league. Well, I think I was unlucky for today's meeting. Why didn't I ask clearly on the phone?

Marta also regretted secretly. She thought that the team that gave her boyfriend a chance was a Serie C team, but she didn't expect that it was not even Serie C2. If she had known, she would not have stopped Tony from calling to ask clearly.

"Can I say a few words?!" Hugo looked at Tony's increasingly embarrassed face, took a sip of coffee, and finally spoke.

"I know you northerners, haha, don't want to play football in the south! This is normal, but I can assure you, Luca, if you are willing to play football in my team, you will definitely feel the warmth of home in Trapani! You will feel extremely safe there. In Sicily, no one dares to touch my players!" Hugo vowed.

"So you don't need to worry about safety issues! Secondly, my team is currently in the D-League, this is a fact, I can't lie to you, since you chose to come here to meet me, I believe we are friends! We in the Colene family don't lie to friends! But the D-League is also temporary, Seli is right, I have money, and it's really a lot of money, so I will invest a lot of money in the team, and it will be promoted to the top league within a few years, I can guarantee you this!"

"If I can't fulfill my promise, I can let you go for free, and you can go wherever you want Where to go!"

"Yes, Mr. Colena has the ability to get Trapani promoted to Serie A! This is not a problem! Luca, you just need a little patience! We came to Milan with 200% sincerity, and Mr. Colena is credible! Besides, according to my understanding, your contract with Cisco Roma has expired. You performed very well last season, but no higher-level team has yet noticed your ability! Even if a team takes a fancy to you, can you guarantee that your experience will not be the same as in Empoli? ! Not the same as in Fiorenzuola? ! "Sely asked.

During the Empoli period, Toni was even worse. He only got three appearances in Serie B and did not score a goal. In Fiorenzuola, he was more than 20 substitutes and starters.

"It's different if you go to Trapani. There, Mr. Colemani can give you a long-term contract and let you be the core of the attack. Trapani's strength is definitely not worse than Cisco Roma. They just signed Serie B player Massimiliano Allegri and are still looking for new targets in the transfer market! The task of the new season is to upgrade. Maybe it only takes three years for you to play in Serie B. You are still young now, and then it will be time for you to show your skills!" Seli continued to blow.

"When you get to the team, I can make you the captain! You are a natural leader!" Hugo threw out the captain's position.

"If you are willing to go to Trapani, I can give you this number! US dollars!" Hugo stretched out two fingers!

"Twenty thousand?" I don't know why Hugo always likes to make such gestures, but Tony misunderstood it very unappreciatively. Twenty thousand? ! It's a little more than what I got in Cisco Roma.

"What twenty thousand?! Why do you always misunderstand what I mean!" Hugo said with a smile, well, that Shabi misunderstood me, and you, a handsome guy, also misunderstood me.

"I'm talking about an annual salary of $200,000! Two hundred thousand! Dollars! If the team can be promoted, I will have a lot of bonuses for everyone. I can guarantee that your salary and bonus income in the next five years will not be less than $3 million, after tax! All this is after tax!" Hugo repeatedly emphasized.

OMG, Tony was shocked again, Marta was shocked!

Seli was also shocked. Originally, Seli and Hugo discussed that Tony would be paid 50,000 a year, plus 80,000 or 90,000 in bonuses. Who knew Hugo would change his mind at the last minute.

This amount is the income of the middle and lower players in the first team of a big club like the Northern Three Bears. For Serie C players, this salary is not generous, it is crazy!

No wonder Tony and his wife were shocked, and Seli was also shocked!

"Luca, I just want to say that salary is a small problem. You should see my sincerity through such numbers! I sincerely invite you to join my team!" Hugo looked at Luca Toni with eager eyes.

He didn't know why he believed in this guy so much. It was intuition. Intuition made him feel that signing Toni would greatly improve the team.

In fact, he didn't know that this intuition actually came from the influence of Giorgio and Seli. Italian football is famous for its chain defense. Many of the outstanding forwards in Serie A are not stationary center forwards, but rely on sensitive sense of smell and running.

Tanks like Vieri are rare. Luca Toni made Hugo feel that he was this type of center forward. He was not fast, but he had strength and height. Toni was not as good as Vieri, but his shooting skills were not good. He had not yet opened up in some aspects.

But in the lower-level leagues, starting from Serie A, such a center forward is actually very useful. The tactics are not so rigorous, and the players' abilities are not as strong as the defensive intensity of Serie A. A strong and big man like Toni is simply a crushing posture on the front line, which is very useful. Even if he can't score, he can create two opportunities for his teammates.

According to Seli's private speculation, Seli believes that Tony still has a lot of room for improvement. Last season may not be luck at all. Maybe it is the accumulation of years of learning that ushered in an explosion. It is luck that no team is interested in him.

Listening to Hugo's sincere words, Tony was moved, and Marta was also moved.

"Honestly! Mr. Colemani! The offer you gave me is hard for me to refuse. It is very tempting! But no matter what, this is an important decision for me. I must calm down and think about this matter. Can you give me a day! I really need to think about it!" Tony said carefully after calming down.

You can see his sincerity and struggle in Tony's eyes. Hugo knows that Tony really loves football and is not willing to succumb to the amateur league. But money is really tempting. This is also Tony's truth.

He has worked hard for several years and it is impossible for him to earn so much, unless he really gets it and can really transfer to a serious big club.

"Well, okay! Luca, you really surprised me. To be precise, I find it hard to imagine your refusal. According to the discussion between Celie, me and the team management, we originally planned to give you an annual salary of 50,000 after tax. Who would have thought that I really love you! Uh, Miss Chequet! This is not your kind of love!" In order to emphasize his thirst for talent, Hugo used the Italian word for love and made a little joke using this word to adjust the somewhat tense atmosphere.

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