My name is Colani

Chapter 39 Change of Mind

Who doesn't know how to brag? ! Lambert is not a fool. He can only listen to Hugo's words with a smile and reservation.

"We are now building a youth training center. Soon we will build our medical center, our training base, and our own stadium. Our goal is very ambitious. I think Kameni will be very suitable to grow here!" Hugo gestured.

"I believe it!" Lambert did not refute Hugo's face and said politely, "But you know that Carlos' level is far from being in such a team. In other words, he is a genius. If he joins you, he is actually gambling with his future. I am always skeptical about whether the Italian League C can be good for him!"

Oh, you doubt it, damn it, it's nothing more than money. If you really doubt it, can you bring him here? ! I'm afraid you will refuse it neatly after listening to Seli, instead of sitting in front of me and complaining now.

Hugo was talking to Lambert in a gibberish, and only Sely could understand him. Victor and the other three were just a foil. Victor was bored. Anyway, he didn't understand French, so it sounded really boring.

Victor ran away while listening. He saw Kameni practicing dribbling and shooting in front of the goal, so he ran down, patted Kameni's shoulder, and pointed at the goal. He knew that this little guy was a goalkeeper, so he wanted to test Kameni's quality.

And Kameni thought Victor was here to try him out. Anyway, it was just for fun. Although he would not join here, it was okay to play.

Kameni stood in front of the goal. He was young and had not grown up yet. His height of 180 was still a bit short for a goalkeeper.

Victor put the ball on the penalty spot, indicating that he would take a penalty kick and let Kameni be the goalkeeper. Kameni didn't even wear gloves, so he stood in the middle of the goal, half squatting, staring at the ball, waiting for Victor to shoot.

The first time he shot, Victor chose to volley the ball hard, trying to shoot to the left, but his footwork was not good and he shot it directly.

Kameni stared at Victor and showed his white teeth. He was smiling. Victor was angry when he saw the smile. Damn it, it was just a mistake. I will let you have a taste of my power next time.

The second time he shot, Victor still chose to volley the ball hard. In order to maintain accuracy, he volleyed the ball in the middle of the goal. Kameni did not move at all. He put his fists together and directly hit the powerful shot. Maybe the force was too great. He hit the ball and shook his hands hard. It seemed a bit painful!

It was lost again. Victor could see that this little guy did not move in advance at all! Could it be that my level is so bad that you don’t even move at all!

For the third penalty kick, Victor decided to add some fake moves, imitating the pace of penalty shooters on TV, jogging, pausing, and then watching Kameni's movement before shooting. Kameni really took a small step to the left, and Victor chose the right, but he saw Kameni's quick reaction. The little guy kicked the ground with his feet, and with a side dive, he firmly caught Victor's weak shot in his hands.

Hehe, Kameni showed his white teeth again.

Allegri saw this scene from a distance and shook his head. He was watching Kameni just now. He watched the third penalty kick taken by Victor in its entirety. Most people might attribute it to Kameni's quick reaction, but Allegri knew that it was actually Kameni who deceived Victor. A small step made Victor fall for it.

However, Victor didn't know. I don't believe your reaction is so fast!

With a gloomy face, Victor once again placed the ball at the penalty spot. This time he did not shoot quickly, but was observing Kameni. Hehe, he found Kameni's shortcomings. Kameni was not tall, so it was difficult for him to calculate the position of the two corners of the goal. Victor then found the secret to scoring goals and shot at the two corners.

But shooting at the two corners requires skills. Victor is not at the level of being able to shoot wherever he points. Staring at the ball, Victor prayed silently, God bless, let me hit the upper left corner once! Let me hit it once!

"Bang" the ball flew out!

Victor's strength was not too great. Kameni had an advance move this time. His eyes were always on Victor's feet. He could see the part where Victor was going to pass the ball. Victor pushed with the arch of his foot, so it was destined that the strength could not be too great. Obviously, the angle was very tricky, but Kameni's bounce was excellent. He flew up and flicked the ball with his fingers, and the ball flew out of the goal post.

Oh! Damn it! Victor was like he was on the court, holding his head in regret, obviously, obviously, the angle of my shot was very tricky, he thought that next time, maybe he couldn't hit such a perfect angle.

Unconvinced, Victor's forehead was written with a big "convinced", I don't believe I can't score a penalty today!

Enjoying it, Victor kept shooting, of course the quality of his shots plummeted, Kameni's goalkeeping became easier and easier, shooting 20 times, but didn't let Victor score a goal, of course Victor himself missed 10 times, this footwork is also bad enough!

Of course, Victor will not admit that his footwork is very bad, it can only show one thing, this black guy is two brushes!

Victor's shooting also attracted other players in Trapani. In this team, the most recognized player with excellent footwork is Allegri, and the best shooter is of course the captain Toni.

So the players recommended Allegri and Toni to give it a try. Kameni looked at the players watching and became even more energetic and proud. He still has a show-off side. After all, he is a small person, but under Allegri In front of Tony, he could not guarantee that kind of success rate. Allegri hit seven of ten shots, each ball was within the goal frame, but Kameni also saved three of them.

Toni made five shots, and his efficiency was worse than Allegri. Two of his shots missed the goal frame, and Kameni also shot three.

Allegri and Tony both gave the dark-skinned boy a thumbs up, which was really outstanding. You must know that he is only fifteen years old now, and his mental quality is quite outstanding, and his reflexes are amazing.

"If he really comes to our team, it will definitely be good news for us!" Allegri said to Tony.

"Yes, he is really outstanding. I have never seen such a powerful 15-year-old guy!" Tony also sighed.

Italy's now famous goalkeeper Buffon is only 21 years old, and he is already recognized as one of the top goalkeepers in the world. He made his Serie A debut at the age of 17, and it was with Parma, one of the Seven Sisters, but Toni is He has never seen Buffon's 15-year-old, but now he has only seen Kameni's 15-year-old, hence his sigh.

Of course Hugo and the others were not paying attention to the court, but were discussing money. It was obvious that after on-site inspection, Lambert had the intention to dissuade Kameni from coming to Trapani. Unless something happened, at least Sebastien would The $50,000 that Lee mentioned was no longer what he wanted.

"$50,000?! Mr. Colleni, this is really not about money! I think Carlos is really not suitable to stay here. I think it is better for him to stay in Le Havre than here! Let's not talk about it. Secretly, I brought him here for the purpose of inspection. I think your existing facilities and competition intensity cannot meet his growth requirements!" Lambert immediately heard Hugo's offer of an agency fee of US$50,000! Start pretending.

I'm a fool, Hugo cursed secretly in his stomach, but he still smiled and said: "Haha, a fifteen-year-old kid, well, even if he is a prodigy, he is a genius, I can give you 50,000 US dollars. Very good! Mr. Lambert, I know the situation in Le Havre very well. He can only stay in the youth team there, let alone other places. Are you willing to let him transfer to one of the five major leagues? Besides, that’s not a wise choice!”

"Yeah, Adrian, think about it, how many people in the Swiss Super League and the mainstream European leagues remember this genius?!" Selly persuaded from the side. What he said is also true. In the non-mainstream leagues, the same goes for geniuses. What may decline is very likely to decline. In four years' time, if Kameni is still in a non-mainstream league, he will definitely not be described as a genius.

"Although Trapani's current situation is not satisfactory, Mr. Colaini is willing to help his hometown team rise. Playing in Serie A in a few years is really not a dream, whether it is for Kameni or for Kameni. It will be of great benefit to you as well!" Selly continued.

Seeing Lambert not farting for a long time and being in a stalemate, Selly couldn't figure out why Lambert, who was originally very enthusiastic, changed his mind!

"Okay, okay! That's it for today. Let's all think about it. How about it. It's still early for Lambert. You and Kameni can go back to the hotel to rest first, and then we can talk about it in the evening?!" As a middleman, Seli suggested this.

"Yes! Mr. Lambert, you can think about it again! No matter whether the business is successful or not, I am very happy to meet a friend like you! Let's continue chatting at dinner tonight!" Hugo didn't wait for Lambert to agree. , he stood up and said this, he wanted to see what Lambert's reaction would be like.

If Lambert insists on refusing at this moment, then it's probably out of the question.

However, Lambert stood up with a smile on his face, shook hands with Hugo, and said: "Okay, let's think about it carefully. I also have to ask Carlos what he means. After all, although he is young, he knows some things." Quan, I can’t just sell him out in a daze, hahaha!”

Hearing these words, both Hugo and Selly knew that there was a chance. It seemed that Sui had changed his mind. He disliked the 50,000 US dollars and wanted to increase the price!

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