My name is Colani

Chapter 40 Greed

"That nigger is really good, but he really doesn't look like he's 15!" Lambert took Kameni to the hotel arranged by Giorgio. Hugo and Morek began to discuss Kameni. Victor thought Kameni really looked good, and he gave this evaluation.

"Can you stop calling him nigger?! If you go to Milan and are called a thief, how would you feel?!" Hugo scolded impatiently.

"Oh, don't call me! Nigger is just a name, it doesn't mean anything. Now I have a good impression of him! Besides, he can't understand what we are talking about!" Victor argued.

"Forget it, don't say it! You think he's good?! Why?!" Hugo didn't know what happened in front of the goal.

"It's not that I think he's good, but that Xiabi and Luca both think he's good. I guess they are players in the high-level league and must know more than us. The two of them tested the nigger with penalty kicks. Xiabi scored 7 and was saved 3, and Luca scored 5 and was also saved 3!" Victor was embarrassed to mention his results.

"It sounds like it's really good!" Morek, the fat cousin, praised.

"I don't think it's a big deal, it just shows that his reaction is really as quick as Leo said!" Hugo gave a half-hearted evaluation.

In fact, penalty kicks are not just about reaction.

"So what do you mean?!" Seli did not leave, he asked quickly.

"I mean to get rid of him. I think this is a very good deal. Maybe he will become a talent in the future and bring us a lot. At least now you all think it's good. I think he can be the main player of the team!" Hugo concluded, and Morek and Victor both nodded in agreement, thinking that this idea is not bad.

"But it's obvious that greedy Lambert wants more money!" Morek reminded.

"Leo, what price do you think he can accept?!" Hugo asked Seli.

"It's hard to say exactly. I'm not familiar with him, and I don't know him, but in my opinion, the fact that this kid can give him a commission of 50,000 US dollars is already quite good! Who knew this bastard was so black-hearted?! Maybe he wants 60,000 US dollars, or maybe 100,000 US dollars!" Sely shook his head and sighed. This agent is not kind. At least when they were in France, everyone agreed that the initial bargaining price was 50,000 US dollars.

"100,000?! This damn French guy is such a greedy ghost!" Morek cursed fiercely.

"Why don't we draft a contract, beat them up, and force them to sign it!" Victor suggested.

Hugo and the others were really speechless. Is your head really filled with tofu dregs or something? You can even think of such a method? !

If, just if, if Trapani has its own strong scout team and has a colluding agency, it is not ruled out that such a method can be used to force players to play for them, but the current situation is that Trapani has nothing, no deep roots in the football circle, and can force Kameni to sign. To be honest, even if he signs, he will not be protected by law if he is under 18 years old. If he offends an agent, if Lambert makes a big fuss, Trapani's reputation will be bad. Who can be expected to recommend their players in the future?

So Victor's idea is undoubtedly a stupid idea!

"Your brain is only suitable for doing simple work. I don't think the position of chairman is suitable for you at all!" Hugo said contemptuously.

"What's wrong, what are you afraid of? This is our territory. If he dares to go out and talk nonsense, we will give him a taste of his own medicine!" Victor said unconvinced, as if he had seen what everyone was worried about.

"Hey, don't do stupid things! We are a team that has been operating legally, and we don't do such things!" Hugo greeted.

Legal operation? ! Damn it! Seli laughed in his heart. From the beginning, Hugo's team had done the most illegal thing, evading taxes and cheating the government.

"Then how to deal with that black-hearted French guy?!" Victor said.

"Hehe, now if we meet his conditions, I have a way to deal with him. I will lower the salary for Kameni, and then I will raise Kameni's salary, on the condition that he must fire that damn French guy!" Hugo said his plan.

"But he still made a fortune!" Victor muttered.

"But at least we won't be tortured by him in the future. Now he can instigate Kameni to join an Italian team, and soon he may also instigate Kameni to leave us. You know, the contract between us and Kameni is not a professional contract!" Hugo analyzed, "And if Kameni is really a genius, the loss of the French guy will be huge!"

After hearing what he said, Victor and others felt that the brother was indeed insidious, but the method was definitely good.

"Leo, can you help us get a feel for that damn French guy?! I think as a middleman, you might be able to get a clear number!" Hugo asked Seli to ask first, which was also a common method that always required a middleman to help.

"Of course no problem, I'll call him later and see what his psychological price is!" Seli said no problem.

Lambert took Kameni back to the hotel, and in the hotel, Kameni directly expressed his position, saying that he was unwilling to join Trapani. Lambert was actually not only performing his agent duties, but also Kameni's guardian in France.

"Haha, I can understand your mood. They look really bad, but I can also see that their boss is very rich. It is said that he is very powerful in the local area. The young Mr. Colaney is not a simple man. The United States has its own company, and its business has now expanded to Europe, and he is also a top student at Stanford University in the United States and a member of the High IQ Club! In short, I have no doubts about the future of the club!" Lambert also started to fool, at least the club's members! Level cannot be used as a reason for Kameni to reject Trapani at this stage. He wants to take Kameni's thinking to another aspect.

"Carlos, tell me, why do you play football?! Why do you come to Europe?!" Lambert has said this for a long time. He mentioned this question when he brought Kameni to France. We are Come to make big money.

Money is what Kameni longs for, and of course football also brings him happiness. Although he is young, his poor childhood environment makes Kameni very eager to stay in Europe and make big money.

"Money!" Kameni's answer spoke directly to his heart.

"Yes, football is not just something you love. In the future, it will become your means of making a living. It is your job and you need it to make money. You have forgotten that your mother has to work 12 hours in the factory. Did you forget that your father was carrying heavy bricks to the point of vomiting blood?"

"A few years ago, you were too young to make money in Le Havre, but now I think you are capable of making money. Now is a good opportunity. Although their level is a bit lower, they can provide you with generous benefits. You can even help your family! Tell me, should we seize this opportunity now?" Lambert was pure and good at asking Kameni to focus on money. above.

"Well, you're right, Mr. Lambert!" Kameni changed his mind after thinking about it for a moment.

"Haha, that's right! Besides, you are an underage player now. If they really don't suit you here, we can leave next year. They have no reason to stop us!" Lambert said with a wink. .

This made Kameni feel relieved and asked: "How much money can they give?!"

Just as Lambert was about to answer, his cell phone rang. When he looked at the number, it was okay, it was Selly's number. Lambert had a smile on his face. Most of the people who called him were here to listen to his request in private. He knew very well, So I can't help but be happy. Since I am so rich and there is no transfer fee to worry about, I have to let that young gentleman pay some blood!

He signaled to Kameni that he had a call to answer, and then hid far away and started bargaining with Selly.

Of course, Lambert would be more direct when dealing with this middleman, directly asking for an agency fee of US$100,000.

"Haha, Adrian, Mr. Lambert, don't you think your request is too much?! Your quotation is definitely unacceptable to Mr. Colaney!" Selly sounded a little angry. Damn, Sure enough, the lion opened his mouth and doubled the original amount. It was too much, too much!

"Man, we are talking about a genius again, a genius who plays the main role in the Swiss Super League team! He has lived in France and Switzerland over the years. I have paid a lot, and I feel that I should receive this reward. My offer is not Not too much!" Lambert said calmly without getting angry at all when facing Selly's sarcastic remarks.

"Ha, genius?! Adrian, we are all in this circle. Do you think there is really a lack of genius in this world?! Do you think Kameni will definitely be able to fulfill his talent?!" Selly asked with a sneer. .

Lambert is not clear about what he said. In fact, there is no shortage of geniuses in the football world. There are all kinds of geniuses. The key is that many geniuses hurt Zhongyong. They were great when they were young, but they may not be the same when they grow up. As insiders, they knew so many examples that there was no need for Selly to give them to Lambert.

It also takes a process for a genius to grow into a star. If you are not careful, all your efforts may be wasted. Maybe it is an injury, maybe because of personality, maybe because of the living environment. Many things will affect their growth. Kameni can really grow into a player. Can a world-class goalkeeper live up to his talent? ! No one can guarantee or even say whether he is a true genius or not. It is difficult to say.

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