My name is Colani

Chapter 41 Crazy bottom price

After some haggling, Selly successfully negotiated the agency fee to US$80,000. Lambert refused to lower it even a little bit, so Selly could only do this. Regarding Kameni's salary, Selly insisted on giving the Serie A level. The salary of a youth talent is only US$6,000 a year after tax. Lambert has nothing to do. After all, he is young and meets his requirements. He is actually not too entangled in arguing about Kameni's salary. You must know that in Le Havre does not have such conditions, it has doubled.

Kameni was not satisfied with his salary. He had been in Europe for three years and he generally knew some of the local living standards. However, after Lambert's persuasion, Kameni agreed to sign.

Next, the two parties signed a contract. There were other items in the contract, such as the conditions for Kameni to attend a local school. According to Lambert's request, Trapani added all of them. , these don’t cost much.

After spending tens of thousands of dollars, Trapani made another deal to buy a young talent, a new goalkeeper. Originally, the team had two goalkeepers, but there is no doubt that in front of Kameni, , they can only give way.

Lambert stayed for less than two days and left the remote village of Trapani amid Hugo's silent curses. Kameni followed Hugo's plan and arranged to live in his own home. Hugo's move did not There was no opposition from the elders in the family, perhaps because they were older and their racial discrimination was not so serious. It was good to have a child, but there was strong opposition from cousins ​​Aisha and Victor, but they were not the ones who made the decision in the family. It can only be invalid.

Hugo's idea was also very simple. Kameni had a language barrier, and it was not easy for Trapani to find a translator. Hugo decided to be Kameni's Italian teacher and casually showed his caring attitude. When Lambert left, Hugo immediately implemented the second step of the plan. He did not expect that Salli negotiated such a low salary, so he gave Kameni $10,000 in cash, which was euphemistically called a signing fee.

All this is to win over Kameni, waiting for the right moment to let him kick Lambert away.

Of course, there is another important reason for doing this. He is worried that Kameni will be severely racially discriminated against in this team and in Trapani, which will affect his mental health. He does not want Kameni to waste tens of thousands of dollars. drift.

When he mentioned this reason, Giorgio praised him for working really hard for the team!

Lambert left, but Selly did not leave. According to the original goal, Selly completed the work assigned to him by Trapani. Hugo expressed his satisfaction and immediately gave Selly a reward of 100,000 US dollars. This The remuneration is a bit scary. You must know that Trapani paid for Selly's business trip expenses.

"Don't be surprised, Leo! But I like seeing you like this!" Hugo said with a smile, "I never begrudge my generosity to people who help me! You have done a great job, and this hundred thousand dollars is yours If you are willing, we can choose to cooperate for a long time. You have your own network. I hope it can help us! I can give you a reward of 100,000 US dollars every year!”

"Haha, Gigi, thank you for your generosity. I feel very honored to work for you! I am very happy for us to continue to maintain this relationship!" Selly put away his surprise and agreed with a smile.

Of course, Celi does his best. Even in the negotiation process, Celi is the main force, as if he is the representative of Trapani, and has done many things that are beneficial to the club.

The two chatted happily in the office, and Hugo thought about Messi and Ronaldo again. Some time ago, he asked Giorgio to take care of this matter and find someone. Who knew that Giorgio's connections were thin, but now There was no reply. Now looking at Sely, Hugo thought for a while to see if Sely could help.

"One is Argentina and the other is Portugal?!"

"Yes, one is called Leo Messi, an Argentinian, and the other is called Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese. I have explained the situation to you. They are all teenagers. Do you think it is difficult to find them two? Difficult?!" Hugo asked with anticipation. It would be wonderful to find that. Can I organize a two-sword team in the future? It's so beautiful to think about.

"This is not difficult. I don't have many connections in Africa and Asia, but this is not a problem in South America. You said they are geniuses. I think they must have gained a lot of fame. Maybe it will be easy to find them!" Selly smiled and said that this was indeed not a difficult problem in his opinion.

"But the problem is how to find them. Even if they are the geniuses you want, I think it will be difficult for them to join Trapani!" Selly said matter-of-factly.

"Do you think there is any way that we can have them?!" Hugo asked. He was extremely concerned about this. He also knew that people would only come to this ruined temple in Trapani if ​​they were stupid.

"According to the current situation of the club, of course it is impossible, but if the team can play in Serie A in the future, maybe it will be different!" Selly said with a smile.

Wait a few years, wait a few years until the day lilies are cold! At that time, Trapani had the capital to compete with those big clubs, which is impossible even if you think about it!

"As for now, there is no way. We can sign an agreement with their current team in advance, and then let them come to Italy to play when they are 18 years old!" Selly said the solution.

Hey, this is a pretty good idea. As expected of someone who is in the industry, he has a smart mind.

"Is this okay?!" Hugo had never heard of this. Does this mean online shopping reservation? !

"Why not? The key is to see if their current team is willing to sell them!" Selli said.

"Do you think they can be sold?!"

"Of course, in the football world, no one is not for sale. After all, everyone is looking at money now, and there is no such thing as non-saleable teams in South America, including non-mainstream leagues in Europe!" At present, the football world has not evolved to the future ten years later, but since the Bosman Act came out, the transfer market has gradually become active. Non-mainstream leagues and South American teams have also tasted the sweetness of selling players. Selli is very clear about the current situation.

"The key is to see how much you are willing to pay!" Selli took a sip of coffee and added.

"They are real geniuses?! If they can make more money in the future, I always doubt whether they will make a move so early. I think they are not stupid!" Hugo shook his head.

"Gigi, how can you be so sure that they are geniuses?!" Seli felt very strange.

"Well, I also heard from someone. That person was sure that they were geniuses. I forgot who it was. When I was in the United States!" Hugo laughed perfunctorily.

I would be surprised if he believed you. Seli is not a fool. Football geniuses who can be heard of in the football desert of the United States must be geniuses, but they have no influence in Europe. This is hard to say. However, Seli is not obsessed with this. He doesn't know that Hugo is a time traveler.

"Well, let's put it this way, Gigi, do you know how I persuaded Lambert to lower his requirements?! What kind of player do you think Kameni will be in a few years?! What height can he reach?!" Seli asked back.

"How do I know? I'm not a god!" Hugo said with a smile. But if I was a football fan in my previous life, I would have to be a god in this life. Maybe Kameni was really awesome in his previous life, but now, Hugo really doesn't know. He has never heard of Kameni, Tony, or Allegri in his previous life.

"That's right, even if he is called a genius now, who can predict the future!" Seli wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "In the final analysis, what you are doing now is a venture capital!"

"I understand this. They should be regarded as commodities with variable value!" Hugo said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean! Your current team is also doing risk investment. Maybe in a few years, Toni and Kameni may be worthless. The same is true for Messi and that thing..."

"Cristiano Ronaldo!"

"Well, the team that owns them is also doing risk investment. Even if they are praised as geniuses now, they can't guarantee that they will grow into geniuses in the future. Now someone is willing to buy them. There is only a price issue. And the younger they are, the lower the price I think. If you really plan to own them, you might as well try the method I said. They are very likely to be sold! How much do you plan to pay?!" Seli explained.

"I am willing to give this number for one person!" Hugo raised 5 fingers as usual.

"Gigi, your gesture always makes people ambiguous. Can you tell me directly, 50,000?!" Seli guessed bitterly.

"No, no! I am willing to offer a transfer fee of 5 million US dollars to each of their teams!" Hugo said lightly. As a person of later generations who knew the two heroes, 5 million US dollars was a great bargain, so Hugo was very calm.

But Seli's mouth was as big as a goose egg, and he muttered to himself, "You are really crazy! Really crazy!"

"No, I'm not crazy! Leo, no matter what you think, you can help me negotiate at this low price and help me win them. If you can negotiate these two deals, I can give you a reward of 500,000 US dollars. Now you just need to tell me, are you willing?!" Hugo said domineeringly.

"Uh, yes, why not?! Gigi, we are also old friends. Of course, I am willing to try to contact them, but I can't say that I can guarantee that I can win them, because you are so sure that I have doubts. Maybe 5 million is not enough to win them!" Hugo's certainty really made Seli a little unsure.

"It doesn't matter. I can't take any more! I can't lose my business for them. If this really works out, I will have to sell some of the stocks I hold! Of course, it would be best if I could pay it in installments!" Hugo told the truth. He couldn't afford such a large sum of money. The only way he could do was to sell his Apple stock or transfer some of his Google shares to other people.

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