My name is Colani

Chapter 42 Show me some color

Giorgio is the general manager of the team. He has been very motivated recently. The reason is simple. Everything in the team seems to be moving in a positive direction. According to his original proposal, the team needs to strengthen the forward line and goalkeeper. However, with the help of Seli, Hugo has completed an upgrade of the central axis. There is a C1-level Toni on the forward line, or more accurately, the Serie B level.

In the midfield, there is Allegri who has been in Serie A. He is a little older, but he is experienced and his help to the team is obvious. This guy is also a free coaching member. Of course, Toni is now a member of the glorious management team. Who asked him to work part-time as a financial director?

The goalkeeper position is the black kid Kameni. There is no language barrier, and football is the best language. Soon, Kameni made everyone feel much more at ease.

If there is anything unsatisfactory, Giorgio is most dissatisfied with the fact that the half-baked Hugo is still fulfilling his duties as the head coach. Of course, he is a half-baked player. He has power in front of the players, and the players are afraid of him, but there is definitely no trust. No one trusts Hugo's head coach ability.

Hugo is also living a happy life. The team is thriving, and he is doing a great job as a head coach. He often tells dirty jokes, shows off his power in front of the players, and takes part in training and "demonstrates" himself. He is living a comfortable life.

Of course, Hugo is not a very decisive head coach. Often his orders cannot be executed, and he used to be angry. However, under Allegri's persuasion, he rarely gets angry now, because Allegri said that the players' abilities are there. Your ideas are correct and extremely wise, but the players don't have the ability to execute them. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to buy players.

Allegri is very good at communication. He won't say that you are just playing nonsense. He borrowed the problem of ability. Hugo is no longer angry because he has no money to buy players. It's not easy. The team is not a problem that can be solved by buying players. The club is still planning a training ground recently. At least the place where the game is played cannot be used as a training place. We must find a place in the suburbs where everyone can train well. Hugo has set his sights on a piece of land of about 20 acres at home. What he is considering now is whether to buy it by being shameless or spending some money!

Everything is moving in a positive direction. On August 13, Trapani also served as a sparring partner and went to Palermo to play a friendly match with Palermo in Serie B. As a result, Trapani, who was playing away, actually tied Palermo at the level of Serie B. That night, Trapani's management was overjoyed. Hugo also invited the whole team to visit nightclubs, drink, eat and pick up beautiful women.

There is no team in Sicily now, and there was no team in Serie A last season, 98-99. Sicilian football is in a bleak period under the glory of Italy's "Little World Cup". Palermo, Catania and Messina are only in Serie B. Last season, they were in the lower middle of Serie B.

Palermo's current situation is not optimistic. Of course, it's all because of money. Poor Palermo can't afford to buy players. The level is just like that. It is still bleeding. The strength has declined compared with last year. The pre-season game was originally an insignificant game. As a result, Palermo, who didn't pay much attention, was tied 0:0 by Trapani, who paid much attention.

Hugo also played in this game, and he was still the starter, partnering with Toni on the front line. Of course, he didn't know that his role in the team was one plus one equals zero, but everyone who watched the game knew that the coach of Palermo thought that Trapani was indeed amateur level. Not only was the ability of a certain striker very poor, but he also ran around like a headless fly.

But this amateur team made him feel frustrated. Of course, he had already discovered that Pescara's midfielder Allegri was in the opponent's team. There was also a tall striker named Toni, who was particularly good at physical confrontation, and a central defender named Victor Colene, who was also good at fighting. Kameni's black goalkeeper repeatedly resolved the threatening balls on his side and attacked decisively and resolutely.

Being able to draw with Palermo not only made Trapani's senior management very satisfied, but also Allegri and Toni were very happy. Toni certainly hoped that the team could achieve the goal set by Hugo and enter a higher level league as soon as possible. Allegri was because the team was openly head coached by Hugo, but in fact most of the work was done by him. In other words, this team has his hard work. Could it be that my brother is really a genius coach? I am so-so at playing football, can the coach still be proud in the future? !

Some people were unhappy about this game, and the one who was unhappy was Kameni. Although it was a sparring match and a friendly match, there were still nearly 5,000 spectators at Palermo's home stadium, Stadio Favorita (the former name of Stadio Barbera. It was not until 2002 when Palermo chairman Enzo Barbera passed away that the stadium was renamed Stadio Enzo Barbera in memory of the chairman. This stadium was also a venue for the Italian World Cup and can accommodate more than 30,000 people). The summer break is long, and the fans are a little anxious waiting. A game against a Serie D team, a bottom-ranked neighbor, nearly 5,000 spectators is not a small number.

Kameni couldn't understand Italian, let alone the Sicilian dialect. The crowd looked at the dark-skinned Kameni and of course spoke rudely, giving Kameni loud boos. It wasn't the first time that Kameni encountered this situation, and he was calm. With his outstanding performance, this group of scum became more and more excessive. When Kameni went behind the door to get the ball from the caddy, the fans behind the stands threw bananas to insult him and abused him from a distance!

Little Kameni didn't have such a strong sense of resistance. He silently took the ball from the caddy and continued the game silently, but the pain in his heart can be imagined. Hugo saw everything completely on the other side. His lungs were about to explode. This group was simply scum, the scum of Sicily, but he didn't say anything on the spot. He was determined to teach that group a lesson, he must teach it!

When the game was over, the group of people had not left yet. Hugo ran to the stands behind the goal. Trapani's players did not realize what Hugo was trying to do in a hurry. Victor knew from Hugo's face and Hugo's usual love for Kameni that he was very dissatisfied with the group of racists.

Victor immediately called Trapani's players to follow him to the stands. The group of people had no idea why Hugo ran over!

"Come on! It's you, come down! Who did you throw the banana at just now?! Come down, you coward!" Hugo stood in the stands, pointing at a guy with a bare upper body and messy tattoos and yelled.

The group of people were really stunned. Oh, there are still people who dare to come to Palermo's territory to provoke them. This is the sun rising from the west!

The tattooed man immediately jumped down with a leap, and there were several people following him, but it was obvious that there were not many people in a team, and only more than ten people came down one after another.

The tattooed man said arrogantly: "What's wrong, you haven't even grown all your hair yet, I threw it! You are quite brave, dare to challenge me here?!"

"I challenge you?! Fuck you! I'm going to beat you up!" Before he finished speaking, Hugo's fist had already rushed over, and he also flew over, using all his strength on his fist, and hit the tattooed man's nose hard.

"Crack!" The tattooed man's nose was broken, tears and snot flew up, and he fell backwards directly to the ground. He was suddenly attacked. Although Hugo's playing football was like taking a walk, he was not fake in fighting.

Seeing the tattooed man fall to the ground, the Palermo hooligans who followed him to jump off the stands were stunned for a short time, and then they planned to siege him. At this time, Victor had already brought the Trapani players over, and even the fat man Morek who came with the team came over.

"Stop, who dares to move! I am Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, from the Trapani Colani family, who dares to move?!" Hugo pointed at their noses and shouted viciously.

Most of the Colani family's business is in Trapani, but if you say they are not famous in Sicily, you are wrong. Without fame, Hugo dared to say to Allegri and Toni, "Don't be afraid, no one dares to touch you in Sicily!"

Sure enough, there are a few people who know the Colani family. Everyone is mixed up in the underground. Everyone knows about some big families in Sicily. Some people even know that the Colani family has a little son named Gianluigi Pasilio Colani. It is said that he came back from the dead. Could it be this little guy in front of him? Isn't he a player? ! How could it be that guy? !

Once a person shows his weakness, he can no longer stand up on the spot. The same is true for gangsters. They are also afraid of messing with the Colani family!

"I told everyone in my team that no one in Sicily can step on their heads! Whether it is now or in the future, this sentence is still valid! Today you don't know that I said this, so I will only punish you slightly. If it is you again in the future, don't blame me for being rude. I will make you regret coming to this world!" Hugo clapped his hands and said coldly.

"Luca, catch him!" Hugo immediately said to Luca Zanetti.

Luca Zanetti did not hesitate at all, and ran directly to the opposite side. In front of the gangsters, he grabbed the tattooed man who was still lying on the ground and threw him in front of Hugo. The gangsters did not move at all.

The tattooed man heard Hugo's shouting on the ground. He was just a street gangster, commonly known as the street brother, but he was still a million miles away from the real underground order maintainers like the Colani family. When Hugo introduced himself, he knew that today's beating would be in vain. Brother, I didn't offend you, but I cursed that damn black man, do you care? ! Is it that important? !

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