My name is Colani

Chapter 50 My brother is short of money

"I understand what you mean, but I really don't know what kind of city Trapani will become in the future, or I don't know what I hope to build the city into!" Old Morek said very honestly.

Alas, my uncle is just a country bumpkin, but Hugo is no longer surprised. He has been to Naples, which is a big city in the south, but the city appearance is not ordinary bad, and the environment is not good at all. Compared with many small and medium-sized cities in China in the past life, they have worked hard to create civilized cities, and the cities in southern Italy are obviously far worse.

This is different from the north. Northern cities such as Milan and Turin are much cleaner and tidier than southern cities. This is only one aspect. For example, Turin is the headquarters of the Fiat Group and the automobile city. Milan is the international fashion capital and Rome is the political center of the country. The cities in southern Italy do not have any significant characteristics. Besides, it is difficult for poor places to have any characteristics.

Although Italy is a member of the European Union, its economy seems to be mainly based on family business. In other words, you can see many century-old shops and brands in Italy, but few companies have grown bigger and stronger.

Trapani is located near Palermo. The largest city in Sicily is Palermo, and the largest port is also Palermo. Trapani has a small population and is mainly based on family economy. It is certainly difficult to develop.

"Do you know China?!" Hugo asked.

"China, of course I know. Don't you and Victor speak Chinese?! What's wrong? You can't tell me that we still need to learn from them?!" Old Morek is of course not familiar with China. In his impression, China is synonymous with backwardness.

"You are right! You really need to learn from others!" Hugo said with a pout, "China is not as backward as you think! Especially in terms of urban construction!"

In his previous life, at least during the years when Hugo returned to China, he had been to many domestic cities, especially tourist cities, and the environment was very good. This is the result of the efforts of these cities. Trapani wants to build well, so why not learn from others' experience.

"Don't you know the city's positioning?! Let me tell you this. Take some coastal cities in China as an example. They are neither industrial centers nor technology centers, but their urban construction is also excellent, and the living standards of the people are also very good, because they have a good positioning. They do nothing but define their city as a tourist city, specifically for receiving domestic and foreign tourists!" This is the result of Hugo's thinking for a few minutes. Trapani has a harbor and a beach, so why can't it become a tourist city? It doesn't matter how big it is, at least it can attract tourists to spend money.

"Haha," Old Morek laughed, "Gigi, are you kidding me? What's so special about this place? It's a tourist city. Who the hell is stupid enough to come here?"

"Haha," Hugo laughed three times and shook his head, "Ah, uncle, uncle! As a junior, I'm embarrassed to say that you have a wooden head! No?! Who said no?! There are old shops in the streets with hundreds of years of history, ports, and you can enjoy the sunshine of the Mediterranean, beaches, and beauties. If it's done well, this place will be a tourist destination that perfectly combines classics and modernity. Why isn't there?!"

Hugo was not talking nonsense. Old Morek was dumb when he heard it. He didn't think too much. It seemed that there was indeed something here, but thinking about the situation, he still felt it was too difficult.

"It's hard to attract customers! What's there to be afraid of? Just spend money to renovate it, and the old shops and streets will be rejuvenated! Well, let me give you some suggestions!" Hugo doesn't think it's difficult. Of course, he also knows that the city hall is very poor, but there is a way to attract foreign investment, and it doesn't necessarily have to be funded by local funds.

"I know what you are worried about. If you tell me that the city hall has no money, I can understand this. After all, we are poor and have bad water here." Hugo said.

The reason for the lack of money is... because some families take the lead and set an example by evading taxes, so the city hall is naturally poor. Of course, it is difficult for old Morek to say this. By the way, the construction company taken over by his own son also evades taxes.

"First, we don't have money, but we can attract foreign investment. The Chinese are all carrying out reform and opening up, so why can't we do that here! The city hall can give them preferential policies and special tax incentives to make them willing to invest here!"

"Second, create a good investment environment, crack down on evil forces, and create a good social security environment! Ensure the personal safety and interests of investors!"

As soon as Hugo finished saying this, Old Morek signaled with his eyes. My goodness, our family is the biggest evil force, uh, according to some politicians.

"Uncle, what do you mean by your eyes?! Our family is now a serious businessman, and besides, how can we commit crimes now?! If you can persuade the parliament to agree to increase the management of public security issues, I think the family will definitely help, because the times are different now. We can't always stick to the old way. Making money is the most important thing!" Hugo said with a guarantee.


Hugo explained to Old Morek in detail some measures to promote local development based on what he had seen and heard in his previous life.

"So many?! It seems that it is not easy to do this job well! Almost all of what you said needs to be approved by the city council. I don't know if they will agree!" Old Morek retreated in his heart when he knew the workload.

"This is not something I can help you with. I dare say that if the city hall really follows the terms and conditions I said, there will be gains! Trapani cannot go with the flow. Sicily is poor, but it does not mean that we should continue to sink in Trapani. If you are an official who does not serve the people, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes!" Hugo teased.

"In addition, I will tell you another good news. It is a friendly investment. If you are really willing to persuade the city council to carry out reforms in Trapani, I am willing to register my investment company in Trapani, and persuade the family to register the family business investment company in Trapani. I can tell you, hehe, we are doing big investments and big businesses. In the future, you will know how good this is for Trapani's finances." At this moment, Hugo does not mind making less money and being an honest taxpayer.

"Okay, I'll give it a try! It's not easy to convince those country bumpkins! They have to get something out of it!" Old Morek said, stroking his bald head.

"Okay, that's all I can say! You can do whatever you want, uncle! I'm going to the United States and won't be back for a long time. I hope the city hall will have taken action when I come back! Alas, how can I put it? I'm also from Trapani, and I hope my hometown and the people there will be good!" Hugo stood up and said goodbye, "But then again, uncle, your thinking is incorrect. If you want to go further, the most important thing is to go to Rome. You know what I mean. Here, haha, no matter how well you do, I don't think it's any use. Look at Berlusconi. That old guy can be the prime minister. What does he rely on?! Think about it carefully!"

Not wanting to get involved in politics doesn't mean Hugo doesn't understand.

After giving advice to his uncle, Hugo quickly set off for the United States. This time, he not only planned to stay in the United States for a while, focusing on accompanying Messi and his son to solve Messi's medical problems, but also planned to go back to China. He wanted to visit the orphanage where he stayed in his previous life and donate some money to repay the orphanage's upbringing. In addition, he wanted to make some investments and make some money!

Hugo first went to Silicon Valley and met his two partners. Hugo not only asked the two if they were interested in buying part of his shares, but also communicated with them about the future development of Google.

Hugo also kept his private thoughts. In the future, he planned to establish Android, and the Android system is an important part of Google's future development. However, he has no such plan now. According to Hugo's theory, it is best to follow the direction and time of the previous life, so that he can grasp the advantage of foresight, so he is not in a hurry.

Brin and Page did not have the money to buy the shares that Hugo wanted to sell. Hugo only thought of his family when he met Alda. Why? ! Why not let your family buy this part of the shares? At least the benefits will not flow to outsiders. What's wrong with that?

"Have you heard of Google?!" Hugo asked his sister with a smile.

"Why haven't you heard of it? I often use it in school now! Gigi, I didn't expect you to be so famous in the United States! Not long after I came here, the Italian classmates I met were talking about you!" How could Alda not have heard of it? Hugo and his team focused on promoting universities.

Alda studied at Harvard Business School, which was of course also in the focus of promotion.

"Really?! I don't care. Fame is not what I need!" Hugo said calmly.

"I know, you only know how to make money!" Alda teased.

"Now I want to talk to you about business. Although I know you can't make the decision, I want to talk to you and see what your choice is! I am short of money recently, so I want to sell part of my Google shares, which account for 10% of Google's shares. I want to sell it for 30 million US dollars. Are you interested in taking it over?! If you are in charge of the funds of the Colani family!" Hugo said.

"30 million US dollars?! You are going to sell part of your shares in just one year?!"

"Yes, 30 million US dollars! Didn't I tell you?! I am short of money. I have to support the club and do other projects, so I want to sell part of my shares, although I am reluctant!" Hugo said pitifully.

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