My name is Colani

Chapter 51 Treating Messi

"But you plan to sell it to your family for $30 million! Gigi, if I remember correctly, you seemed to have said that your company's market value is only $200 million, right?!" Alda said contemptuously.

"I did say that, but he has a good prospect! The prospect is undoubtedly good! So $30 million is my bottom price, and this is still a friendly price for the sake of the family! To be honest, I persuaded the family to do oil futures because I didn't expect the day when I sold my shares to come so soon, otherwise I would let the family buy this part of the shares! Now I want to sell it, thinking that we are a family, oil futures can sell part of it, and then buy this part of the equity, the appreciation will definitely be better than oil!" Hugo explained.

"Well, what do you think I will say? To be honest, I have only been here for less than a month. Can you expect me to be an investment genius? What decision do you make about this matter? I think you should ask your grandfather, uncle or father!" Alda said realistically.

"That's true! But I'm not the one asking. I'll only give the family one day to consider. You are now representing the Colani family. Go ask the elders for their opinions. If they are willing for us to make a deal and sign an agreement, you will attend the temporary shareholders' meeting on behalf of the Colani family and complete all the formalities. If they are not willing, I will find other investors, and the price will only be higher than this!" Hugo looked businesslike.

"Tsk, Gigi, is this how you ask for help!" Alda expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Ask for help?! I'm not asking for help, I'm giving the Colani family an opportunity! It's up to you whether you choose or not! Don't forget, my business is completely separated from the family. Now we negotiate!" Hugo laughed angrily. Little girl, do you know what your brother gave to the family? !

"Okay, I'll call and ask now!" Alda took out her mobile phone and called home quickly. She was young and really didn't dare to make the decision.

The result of the call was that Grandpa Pacilio agreed to the offer without hesitation and was willing to sell a large part of the oil futures he had bought to buy the shares held by Hugo. Alda had already told Grandpa about Hugo's official attitude, so Grandpa naturally had no intention of talking to Hugo.

Grandpa's idea was very simple. Hugo said that if there was something profitable, there must be something profitable. Since Hugo still held a large part of the shares, it made no sense for the family not to make some money.

"Alda, the family has made a wise decision! You will deeply understand what I said in the future!" Hugo said with a painful heart.

With money in hand, there was naturally nothing to panic. Hugo took the money with peace of mind. Hugo finally set off for Rochester, which is the base camp of the Mayo Clinic, where Messi sees a doctor.

Selli took Messi and his son to finally meet Mr. Colani, who had only heard of him but not heard of him. Jorge Messi was stunned. He did not expect Mr. Colani to be so young, young enough to be his son.

"You are really young, only a few years older than me!" Hugo often contacted Messi during this period, and Messi became more familiar with him. The shy man was no longer timid in front of Hugo, whom he had never met.

"What else do you think?! Haha, nice to meet you, my name is Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, you can call me Gigi or Hugo, of course it's better to call me Hugo!" This was the first time everyone met, and Hugo officially signed up with everyone again.

Jorge Messi and future superstar Leo Messi also introduced themselves respectively, and Messi asked why you are called Hugo.

"This is the nickname my brother gave me, because I like the French writer Hugo very much! So he would call me Hugo, and everyone around me knows it!" Hugo laughed.

"What about you?! Leo, do you have any nickname?!" Hugo asked with a smile.

"No!" Leo Messi answered succinctly, and his mood suddenly seemed to be not so good. In fact, he has a nickname, "Flea", but unfortunately, as the name suggests, this flea is small, which seems to be very related to his size, so he doesn't like this nickname.

"No, then I can only call you Leo!" Hugo saw that he seemed unhappy and changed the subject, "Let's go, you have already had an examination here yesterday, so let's go see the doctor together!"

There was also a translator who came with Messi and his son and Celie. This translator was invited temporarily. Messi and his son and Celie could not speak English. Celie could speak Spanish and French, but not English. The place for medical treatment was the United States, and Hugo had not arrived for a long time. Celie had to ask for a personal translator, otherwise it would be really difficult. Fortunately, Hugo had indeed contacted the doctor for him through Simon Barbani before, and he had completed some things for medical treatment. Messi and his son and Celie did not have much trouble.

The result was no different from the diagnosis in China, and it was indeed dwarfism.

"Can he continue to grow taller by injecting growth hormone?!" This is the question that Hugo is most concerned about.

"Although it is a bit late to seek medical treatment now, I am sure that he can continue to grow taller by injecting growth hormone, but we are still not sure how tall he can grow!" Dr. Klein, the attending specialist, said to Hugo, "But I think with some professional help, maybe he can grow to more than 165!"

Messi is only 140cm tall now. It is said that his father said that his height has not changed in the past two years, which proves that he has stopped growing. It may be caused by poor family conditions and lack of nutrition. His disease was discovered a little late, which is extremely unfavorable to Messi.

165cm is good news. Hugo immediately translated it to Messi and his son, who were overjoyed!

Hugo told Dr. Klein about Messi's situation. He told him that this was a child with great football talent. His future was bright, but because of this disease, he might never be able to show his talent in football again, so he begged Dr. Klein: "No matter how much money I pay, I will try to let this child stand on the court again in the future!"

Dr. Klein was also quite moved after listening to Messi's story. He comforted Messi and his son and Hugo, saying that they would do their best to help and give Messi the best medical treatment to help Messi grow taller.

The news from the doctor was relatively good. After leaving the hospital, Messi and his son felt like they were reborn and thanked Hugo.

"Don't thank me. I don't want Leo's talent to be unrealized. You know, I have a long-term contract with him. Of course, I will try my best!" Hugo smiled and shook his head, but he was still very happy. Messi, no matter how awesome you were in your previous life, I saved your football life in this life. Ahem, you should repay me and serve me for ten or eight years.

After solving this problem, everyone felt much better. Hugo took Messi and his son to visit the surrounding scenic spots and took Messi to the amusement park to enjoy a rare leisure time.

Dr. Klein quickly took out a medical plan. This plan not only included drug information, but also some physical exercises. Dr. Klein also combined it with the fact that Messi would now receive football training.

He pointed out that during the past six months, Messi and his son needed to stay in the United States for testing at any time, and then they could return to Argentina for treatment and go to the United States for a checkup every six months. Such an arrangement certainly made Messi and his son and Hugo overjoyed. In this way, at least Messi only needs half a year to resume normal training, which will not delay his growth in football.

When saying goodbye to Hugo, Leo Messi was reluctant to leave. Mr. Colena didn't look like the club owner, but more like an older brother. Alas, Hugo in this life doesn't know how to take care of people, but Hugo in his previous life was an orphan and was more considerate of others. Of course, this depends on the person and the time. In the eyes of the club, Hugo is suffering from schizophrenia. When he is in a good mood, he is good to everyone. When he is not in a good mood, he plays the piano and gives orders blindly, gets angry easily, and scolds people as a daily routine. He looks like a second-generation rich kid.

After completing the most important task of the trip to the United States, Hugo rushed to China. It was already the end of September. He often called Giorgio and Victor to learn about the team's situation. Without Hugo's intervention, the team was running better. In addition to the two league games when Hugo was there, the team had completed 6 rounds of leagues and one cup match of the amateur cup. The team won all 6 league games and currently topped the group standings. However, the second place Marsala was not far behind them, with only two points. Marsala is also a team from Sicily and is a close neighbor of Trapani.

In his previous life in China, Hugo had been to many places. He was nostalgic for this trip home. He wanted to stay longer in every place he had been to. He also went to the orphanage to see if his former self was there. However, everything was in vain. No such person was found. Fortunately, he had known that this would happen. When he was in the United States, he knew that all the people he had studied with during his previous life were gone. Even the professors had changed. They were not everything he knew. All the connections in his previous life seemed to be annihilated in an instant. Even Dean Zhang was gone. The orphanage did exist, and he donated $100,000 to the orphanage to show his kindness.

The investment project was also quite smooth. When he arrived in China, the giant Internet company in his previous life had just been established, and they did not refuse his investment, so he invested $3 million in it without hesitation. Later, he also invested $3 million in another chat communication company, and the proportion of equity he obtained was not small.

He stayed in China for a long time because he didn't want to leave. It was not until he felt that he would forget Trapani if ​​he stayed any longer that he reluctantly left for Portugal. His next stop was Cristiano Ronaldo. After seeing Messi in person, he also wanted to see Cristiano Ronaldo in person, the future superstar that already belonged to Trapani.

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