My name is Colani

Chapter 52 Mendes at that time

Looking at Mendes in front of him, Hugo secretly despised him, "You are so damn lucky! You are actually Ronaldo's agent. With the support of Ronaldo, he must be able to make a lot of money. He can support his agent career alone!"

Look, now he has received a considerable agency fee from Hugo.

Hugo always looks at Ronaldo from the perspective of future generations, which led to him not believing that Seli told him that Mendes was sent away for 200,000 US dollars. He didn't know who Ronaldo's agent was in his previous life, but he must have been a tough guy.

But now Mendes, who is sitting in front of him, gives Hugo a very good impression, polite, enthusiastic and measured.

Hugo would never have thought that the 200,000 US dollars that Seli gave Mendes was the largest income since Mendes entered the industry.

Mendes's agent job was not intentional, but came from coincidence. Mendes was born in an ordinary family in Lisbon. His father was an employee of the Portuguese oil company, and the family lived in the company's welfare housing. Since his father worked very hard, his mother wove straw hats and baskets at home to supplement the family income, and little Mendes would go to Fontedat Beach on weekends to sell the fruits of his mother's labor.

Since childhood, Mendes has become a businessman and often goes to flea markets to sell old clothes. Like most energetic children, Mendes likes to play football with his friends on the company's field next to the apartment. He once worked in the Corneto ice cream factory, where his job was to hold the ice cream cone and catch the ice cream falling from the machine to prevent it from falling to the ground.

At the age of 20, Mendes left Lisbon with his brother who had lost his wife. At the age of 20, he came to Viana do Castelo and joined the Viana team as a semi-professional player with the simple dream of playing in the lower-level football league.

Off the field, he still had a business mind. He saw an opportunity and opened a video store in an abandoned shopping mall. Later, he opened a seaside bar and turned it into a nightclub. He often worked as a DJ and frequently met players from teams such as Braga, Porto and Guimarães. He had already begun to slowly accumulate certain football connections.

When he played for the Lanezis team, he still did business outside the field and took on the advertising work of the team's stadium, which brought extra income to the team.

Later, he met Nuno, the Portuguese goalkeeper who was still playing for Victoria at the time. The two became good friends. Victoria was a weak team, and Nuno had big dreams. He was unwilling to play for the weak team Victoria, but hoped to go to the four major leagues. La Liga is often the first choice for Portuguese players, and Nuno is no exception.

When Nuno was negotiating with Deportivo La Coruna about joining, Nuno remembered Mendes' friend and asked Mendes if he was willing to be his agent. Mendes didn't even have a license at the time. Of course, this is not important even now. Mendes had no experience, but he still agreed, so he started his own agent career.

Nuno was his first player. At that time, he relied on his diligence to successfully convince Deportivo La Coruna chairman Lendoiro to sign Nuno. Mendes naturally didn't have much agency fee.

Now there is only one agent overlord Vega in the Portuguese football circle. Others are scumbags, and Mendes is also scumbag. Therefore, his amateur expansion has not been very fast in the past two years, and there are not many players under his command. Some big agents don't look down on them. Ronaldo was also signed by him accidentally. As for Ronaldo's potential, he is not very sure, but he thinks this child will definitely appear in the mainstream league of European football. If he were Vega, he might not look down on Ronaldo today.

He didn't expect that he had just become Ronaldo's agent not long after Ronaldo came to Sporting Lisbon last year, but this year the kid brought him a lot of commission. Mendes felt that he was so lucky.

Hugo found Mendes not only because he wanted to see Ronaldo, but also because he wanted to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Mendes. There are many big-name agents and agencies in the football world now, but they may not look down on Trapani or Hugo. For example, if Hugo wants to meet Vega now, he has to see if he is willing. Hugo naturally doesn't want to have this fun!

Besides, Trapani is a team that can't be smaller, and it doesn't need those big-name players. Hugo's idea is to spend less money and do more work, buy some players and future stars that are enough for the team, instead of recruiting superstars. Even if superstars are willing to come, Hugo still knows that he can't afford it.

Hugo listened to Selli's story about Mendes. This kid can make money, but he is a small shrimp in the agent field, and it is very convenient to deal with him.

"For Cristiano, I want to say thank you! Actually, I had heard of him last year. I have been to Funchal, Madeira, and have seen him play football. But you should know that I had no plans to buy a team last year. This year, I have my own team, and I immediately thought of this little boy I had met before, so I really hope to see him grow up and play for my team!" Hugo explained the purchase of Ronaldo, but he made up a lie. He has never been to Funchal, what is fun there? !

Mendes didn't know there was such a tortuous story. He didn't understand why someone would pay a high price to buy such a child. Now it's 1999, Ronaldo is only 14 years old. No matter how talented he is, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to be willing to pay a transfer fee of millions of dollars for him. However, Hugo's explanation makes sense.

Because Hugo is a son of a wealthy family. There is no shortage of such sons in the world. He saw Ronaldo and thought he was good, so he spent a lot of money to buy him. It sounds a bit like buying a call girl, but in fact, players are sometimes like this.

Mendes didn't mind that Hugo's team Trapani was a team in Serie D. The important factor was of course money. He, Ronaldo and Sporting Lisbon all had money to earn, so why not? Besides, Seli had made a solemn promise to him, and Giorgio had also made a promise when he arrived that Ronaldo would at least be able to appear in Serie A before he was 19 years old. Well, that's Serie A. It has to be said that Serie A is still very tempting now. Mendes was determined to help Ronaldo take a gamble. If Trapani couldn't do it in the future, there would be no other way. He had to take Ronaldo to climb higher branches. He also wrote it clearly in the contract. However, the penalty for breach of contract was a bit high. If the situation of not being able to play in Serie A occurred, other teams who wanted to take Ronaldo had to pay a penalty of 20 million US dollars, otherwise everything would be off the table.

Mendes was obviously not so strong at this time. In order to get the money, he signed such a clause with Ronaldo, but it was always better than nothing, right?

"I have to say, Mr. Colemani, you really have a good vision! Cristiano will become a good player in the future, I believe this is a good deal for you!" Mendes complimented.

"I think so too!" Hugo laughed secretly, you kid don't know how much advantage your brother has taken!

"This time I came to Lisbon not only to see Cristiano's recent situation, I also have something very important to talk to you about. In view of our good start of cooperation, I hope we can continue to maintain a friendship! My team is currently ranked first in the group in the Italian Serie D league. Promotion this season is not a problem. In the future, we will need a lot of good players to be promoted to a higher level of competition! We are also actively expanding our youth training business. If you help, I think my team will definitely benefit a lot! I don't know what you mean?! Mr. Mendes?!" Hugo began to talk about his purpose.

Mendes? ! Mendes of course agreed. This kind of thing is an opportunity for him to make money, and he will not refuse it.

"Of course, I'm an agent, this is my job, I feel very honored to be able to help you! If there is a suitable player, I'm very happy to recommend it to you!" Mendes smiled and nodded in agreement.

In a few words, the two of them discussed the cooperation. Hugo began to talk to Mendes about Ronaldo. Mendes still pays close attention to his players. Although he now travels around, he still often visits Ronaldo and communicates with him about everything in the team. Mendes, like Hugo, is also an amateur player. He is a little more advanced than Hugo and is considered a semi-professional player.

There are three major giants in the Portuguese league, Benfica, Porto, and Sporting Lisbon. These three teams all have excellent youth training. Sporting Lisbon's youth training camp has produced many world superstars. Figo and Simao both came from here, so the agreement proposed by Seli for loan training was a very correct decision from any perspective.

In the evening, Hugo invited Ronaldo and Mendes to dinner. Of course, the main thing was to meet Ronaldo. In addition to training, Ronaldo also had cultural courses to study. At this stage, it could not even be said that he mainly played football, but he spent most of his time studying. Ronaldo was free at night.

The 14-year-old Ronaldo was far from being as handsome as he would be in the future, but he could be called a little handsome boy. Hugo smiled and called him a little handsome boy, and Ronaldo was immediately very happy. Hugo guessed that this kid probably cared a lot about his appearance!

Hugo asked Ronaldo about his football and life like an older brother. Thinking of this, he suddenly asked Mendes about the life of Ronaldo's parents and whether they needed his help. Hugo's meaning was very clear to Mendes. Hugo said that if they were willing, Hugo was willing to provide them with a job.

Note: In reality, Mendes did not meet Ronaldo at this time, but became Ronaldo's agent after 2002. At this time, Ronaldo was still a member of Vega's agent circle. Due to the needs of the plot, there must be some discrepancies with reality, and there will be more in the future. After all, it is a novel, so please don't take it seriously.

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