My name is Colani

Chapter 570 opta

Many people called, and Hugo was so annoyed that he even turned off his phone!

He didn't watch Trapani's league game on the weekend, and watched the Champions League draw on TV.

After facing the powerful Barcelona in the round of 16, Trapani had good luck in the quarter-final draw, and they drew the Dutch giants PSV Eindhoven.

This is a good draw. Of course, none of the teams that can reach the quarter-finals are easy to deal with, but in comparison, PSV Eindhoven is inferior to Trapani in all aspects. Next season, Serie A still has four places to participate in the Champions League, but the Dutch league has limited places and fierce competition. When it comes to league distractions, everyone is actually the same, so the pressure factor in this regard can be ignored. Besides, who wouldn't give it a try when they have reached this point? !

Julia Bonaparte actually came at noon on Sunday. Hugo had called her and explained his situation. It seems that she came to visit Hugo today.

"Why are you here?" Hugo really didn't expect Julia to come, because in his eyes, they had always been in single-line contact over the years. He often went to see Julia, and Julia usually talked about work on the phone.

"Why can't Julia come?! That's great!" Hugo's mother said happily, and warmly invited Julia to sit down.

Hugo smiled, and thought that his question was indeed a bit funny.

"You are injured anyway. As your subordinate, I think I should come to see you!" Julia explained, "Also I want to ask you something!"

"Thank you for your concern, Julia! Thank you very much!" Hugo said sincerely, "But you should still talk about something, I hope it's work, you know, when I'm with you, I really don't know what to say if I don't talk about work!"

"Uh!" Julia's face darkened, and then she laughed cheerfully: "Actually, I feel the same way! Okay, let's talk about business!"

"Are you an expert in football?!" Julia asked with a smile.

"Of course I am! Who am I?! I was the head coach..." Hugo looked indignant.

"Well, you are! Please don't get excited!" Julia rolled her eyes at Hugo.

Hugo stayed for two or three seconds. Julia was really beautiful. Her wavy hair made her look more mature. Hey, it seemed that some parts of her body were more mature too!

"Pa! Papapa! Beast!" Hugo slapped himself in his heart!

Hugo crossed his legs unconsciously because he had to hide the embarrassment of some parts of his body. He remembered a certain night. Haha, the entertainment news always gave us girlfriends, but they didn't know that this woman was really having an affair with him. What a bunch of fools!

Okay! Let's get back to the point!

"Ahem!" Hugo pretended to cough twice.

"What are you doing?" Julia asked curiously.

"I didn't do anything!"

"You were distracted for ten seconds!" Julia said.

"Well, is there?! Sorry, I thought of something else!" Hugo was suspicious. Are you sure it was more than ten seconds? Why do I think it was two seconds?

"Ahem! Okay, let's talk business! What do you want to talk to me about?!" Hugo coughed twice.

"Have you heard of Opta?!"

"I have! A company specializing in sports data. I want to ask your opinion. Didn't you say you are an expert? I want to hear the opinions of professionals!" Julia said.

"Do you mean that yourself?" Hugo asked.

"No, they are seeking investment, and they took the initiative to find our investment company!" Julia explained that at this point in the investment company, it was more that others came to her, rather than her looking for others.

"Do you think I know more than you?! Actually, no! I only know that they are a company that makes a living from sports data, and I know nothing else! So you have talked to them?!" Hugo asked.

Julia nodded, took out a stack of information, and handed it to Hugo in detail about Opta.

Hugo knew that in the distant United States, sports data is widely used, and the largest sports data company is also in the United States.

The application of football is not very extensive. In the United States, they like baseball and do this kind of big data. In Europe, it is football. There are also several companies in Europe doing this business. The main use is still for gambling companies. They can use these data for preliminary analysis, and then combine various factors to give initial odds.

Data companies also cooperate with the league to provide some necessary post-match data analysis to make fans watching the game more clear.

Optia was founded in 1996 and has been developing for ten years. In the face of competition, their development momentum can only be said to be okay, but if they want to grow stronger, they still need to vigorously promote the practical application of data application and let everyone know the benefits of big data.

Hugo has known the existence of this kind of thing for a long time. Please forgive him for not being interested in baseball, and he doesn’t know whether the data provided by the data company is very related to the improvement of the team’s establishment? !

After reading these materials, Hugo threw the materials around him casually.

"I'm curious, why did they look for you?!"

"Correction! They are looking for you!" Julia smiled.

"Looking for me?!" Hugo was surprised. Everyone knew that as the boss, he had nothing to do with the affairs of Hugo International Investment Company.

"What are they? Why can they find me, or you?" Hugo continued, "If every company comes to me like this, I will be busy receiving people every day and can't do anything!"

Hugo is pretending to be a big shot. Not everyone is qualified to come to him directly for investment. He has not reached Buffett's status yet, but it is a matter of time. Let's set the stage first.

Julia smiled, and smiled beautifully!

"I thought you would be interested. They said it would be good for Trapani! So I decided to tell you about it."

So that's what happened!

"You came here just for this?!" Hugo asked.

"Of course! Your phone can't be reached!" Julia's words made Hugo feel a little disappointed.

"Ahem, of course the most important thing is to see if you are okay. If you die, no one will pay me!" Julia saw that Hugo looked unhappy, and added another sentence.

Hugo was happy, "Can a broken toe kill someone?!"

"That may not be the case!" Julia retorted.

"Well, what do you think?!" Hugo was in a good mood.

"I don't know! Now I'm consulting you, the expert!" Julia shrugged.

"I don't think it's good for my team!" Hugo said. He really didn't believe in this kind of thing. Football is a sport full of unknowns, and the quantification of data can't represent anything.

"To be honest, I have guessed why they came to me!" Hugo said again, "They are really smart guys!"

"Why?!" Julia smiled. This woman smiled a little too much today, but Hugo said he liked to watch it.

"Trapani will become their living advertisement. They probably want to use us for promotion!" Hugo said what he thought.

"Okay! You are right. I guess they mean this!" Julia admitted that she had talked to the other party. The other party did not hide this purpose. They thought it would be a big deal.

Because the Americans are the precedent for everyone.

"Okay, let them come and talk to me! I hope they can impress me. If they impress me, we can invest in them." Hugo concluded.

Julia left without having lunch here. Hugo's mother complained to her son, "Why didn't you keep her? She likes you!"

"But I don't want to start a new relationship now!" Hugo thought of Musasa.

"Alas!" Lida could only remain speechless, but her son was still young and there would be opportunities in the future.

After sending Julia away, Hugo immediately started to look up information and collect everything about data companies, especially the American stats company. Hugo wanted to know their data applications.

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