My name is Colani

Chapter 627 Donation

"What do you mean today?! Are you humiliating me?!" Later that night, on the way back to Trapani, Bielsa couldn't suppress his anger and questioned Hugo. He felt that this was not a dinner, a friendly dinner, but he was being ridiculed by Zamparini.

Well, Zamparini was completely enraged. He kept ridiculing Bielsa at the dinner table. His words certainly wouldn't irritate people enough to overturn the table, but the hidden meaning was that you are just a gangster in South America. It won't work in Europe. You are definitely finished.

"I'm not humiliating you! I'm using you as a shield!" Hugo said seriously.


"Yes, shield! You know what? I treated him to this meal. I made a bet with Zan Dazui that whoever lost the derby would treat him to a meal! Oh! Unfortunately, my team lost! So I have to fulfill my promise. I have to treat that damn old guy to a meal and then endure his gossip! You are the head coach of the team. Tell me, what reason do you have to avoid all this?! You should accept his ridicule with me!" Hugo's reasoning is quite similar.

"We are one team in this team. I, you, and all the players are one. If people want to laugh at us, they are not just laughing at you, but also at me and the players! You have to know that it is not easy for me!" Hugo said loudly.

Bielsa was speechless and did not speak for a long time.

"But, but I always trust you! Although we didn't win and didn't get enough points, I think your changes are effective. I hope the way the team plays now, I am willing to give you time, even two more years!" Hugo paused for a moment and threw a carrot to Bielsa.

"I thought you would be disappointed!" Bielsa said after a pause.

"Of course there will be, I am also disappointed! But I have higher aspirations now, I think you can bring us a better way to win! So no matter what, I will still let you do it! I admire you very much, so I will bring you to dinner together, I want you to know that our top management is also under pressure!" Hugo said.

"Is this considered pressure transmission?!" Hugo was able to speak from the heart, Bielsa relaxed a lot and said with a smile.

"Yes, pressure transmission! We will bear the loss together!" Hugo nodded.

"Thank you very much for your trust, Mr. Colemani! I will do my best to do a good job, I believe in this team! The boys are great, they are very malleable!" Bielsa promised.

"If you need any kind of player, you can tell Alex, Giorgio, or Selli! Of course, if you want, you can also communicate with me directly. My door is always open to you!" Hugo also made his own promise.


After the game in early October, the national team match day began again. After 7 rounds of the league, Trapani won three, drew two, and lost two. Such results are obviously not up to standard.

Since Trapani entered the Serie A, the head coach has been replaced almost every season for whatever reason. The frequency of coaching changes is very high. It is not as high as that of the big mouth, but it is almost the same. So the media began to hype that Bielsa was going to leave. The sources of the news were varied, but none of them were true. The club was too lazy to refute the rumors. Bielsa knew the attitude of the top management towards him and didn't care about the nonsense of the outside world, but the media speculated that they had ideas without refuting the rumors!

However, on the match day in this country, the lively news was not that Deschamps was going to return to Trapani, but that Hugo really fulfilled his promise and donated 100 million euros to the Football Association for the bid for the 2012 European Cup and the Italian player youth training.

When the Champions League draw was held in August, Hugo made such a big statement, and no one doubted the authenticity of his words, because everyone knew that he was the richest man in Europe and had plenty of money. However, as time went on, Hugo remained silent, and more and more people began to become unconfident. In addition to those who knew the inside story, some media began to speculate whether Hugo would fulfill his promise.

At this moment, Hugo's fundraising ended. On October 11, Hugo officially donated 100 million euros to the Football Association, which was a timely help to the Football Association.

This was the second time Hugo appeared in front of public reporters after the Champions League. This season, Hugo has not appeared much after his marriage.

One hundred million funds, one hundred million funds, no one is more generous to the Football Association than Hugo. Such a donation action will undoubtedly increase the favorability of many fans towards Hugo himself and the Colemani family.

"To be honest, 100 million euros, I feel bad!" Hugo pretended to be in pain, causing good-natured laughter from the guests and reporters at the donation ceremony. Regardless of whether it was to expand his influence or not, everyone was happy to see that he could actually take out money.

"However, I think if the money can really be used where it matters most, it won't hurt me! Taking advantage of so many people, I also want to reveal my true feelings. When my brother, cousin and I took over Trapani, we just wanted to have a football team. Later, we wanted to make Trapani better. Later, as our horizons broadened, I hope that our Italian football will be good!"

"We have vigorously developed the team's youth training. We hope to change the current situation of Sicily's weak football. From now on, it seems that we have achieved certain results!"

"I hope this money can help those teams that are willing to contribute to the youth training of Italian football, such as Atalanta, Juventus, and Inter Milan. Of course, they are big clubs and do not need more financial support. There are many small clubs that do a good job in youth training. I hope that the use of funds can be tilted towards them!"

"The future of Italian football still depends on how well our youth training is done! I have had some exchanges with Mr. Rossi. Every team in Italy is good at using veterans. The veterans are experienced. For Italy, which pays attention to tactics, this is definitely a very effective means, but from another perspective, the excessive use of veterans also suppresses the growth space of young players. Therefore, in the allocation of funds in the future, there will be a rule that which club is better at using young players will be more likely to get financial and policy support! This is good for Italian football, and some wealthy teams should not make trouble here!"

Hugo suddenly announced such a decision at the ceremony. He is a donor, and he has the right to make some special requests on details, which is understandable.

The people below were whispering, Galliani looked unhappy. Needless to say, everyone knew who Hugo was talking about. Milan had the oldest average age, and Ancelotti was least fond of using young people. Juventus's chairman Gigli was also unhappy. Juventus was also a team that loved to use veterans. Ranieri's main strikers this year were still Piero and Trezeguet, and Inter Milan. These three teams had many young talents on loan.

According to Galliani's idea, as long as the money was in the hands of the Football Association, he wanted to get a share of it, even if he knew that the money would not be much after the share, a mosquito was still meat, and he had to fight for it. Hugo's words undoubtedly cut off his thoughts.

What kind of big tail wolf are you pretending to be? How many Italian players do you have in Trapani? ! The whole foreign legion, even the current captain Kameni is a foreigner, and he is a black man. Has any Italian team ever had an African captain? !

However, this kind of dissatisfaction can only be hidden deep in his heart.

After all, what you can't get is still much more than what you can get, because Hugo's donation is of great significance. This money also has another use, which is to prepare for the 2012 European Cup. To say it is preparation is just a nice word, it is actually a public relations fee.

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