My name is Colani

Chapter 628 I am not a politician

The football world in Europe is very realistic. Whoever gives a benefit will return the favor. 50 million euros in public relations fees can accomplish a lot of things. If someone decides something, they will definitely find a way to get it done. The one who decides the right to bid is the UEFA executive committee.

The executive committee is elected by the member states of the Football Association. There are conflicts of interest in all aspects, and it is not simple, so public relations still needs to be done with great effort.

But this money has two effects on Italian football. First, it is a booster. Everyone knows that this money must exist, which makes Italian fans or citizens have strong confidence in bidding for the 2012 European Cup. As the saying goes, "money makes things easier"!

Second, this is also oppression to the government. The poor central government supports the bid, but it has no money and some cities are not very cooperative. Now Hugo's blatant donation has aroused the appetite of the whole people. I am afraid that local governments have to weigh whether they should go against the will of the public.

If they don't want to pay for it, what should they do? The club should be responsible for building the stadium. Anyway, they have long wanted to introduce the model of English teams.

So from this point of view, Italian clubs that want to build stadiums can foresee that local government councils will relax certain policies under public pressure and give the team the benefits of building new stadiums.

From this point of view, Galliani and others undoubtedly hope to see such benefits.

At the end of the ceremony, there was a session of interviews with reporters, and Hugo also openly talked about the issue of the new stadium.

"New Sports has done a lot of research. The reform of Italian football has reached a point where it cannot be delayed! If we want to revitalize Italian football, it is not enough to rely on youth training alone. We must also ensure that all teams can survive. How many low-level teams cannot be registered this year?!"

"I can't remember the number, but it is enough to teach us a lesson. It is not only a lesson for football people. We should manage the team rationally. It is also a lesson for the government. They should give us policy assistance. We should know that if the football industry is well developed, it will also contribute a lot of taxes to the country. They can't let Italian football continue to decline!"

"Just take the stadium problem. It should have been solved long ago! But some local councils are still stubborn. I say, sooner or later they will taste the power and become the sinners of history!" Hugo cursed bitterly.

Galliani and others all applauded after hearing this. Although there are some people who cheat and have bad sides, as football people, they generally hope that football will develop well.

"Mr. Colani, have you ever considered going into politics?! Maybe you can change this situation!" A reporter made a fuss.

"No! No, no, no! I will never go into politics. I won't have such an idea, not even a little bit! I am not Mr. Berlusconi. He has political and business talents, but I have no interest in him!" Hugo praised Berlusconi in disguise, which is a kind of team.

Recently, Prodi's life has become more and more difficult. People with insight believe that he is afraid that he will step down during his term of office. Who will take over? Berlusconi.

However, Hugo is not interested in Berlusconi's politics. He did not do anything good during his term of office. He is an old pervert. If it were China, I don't know how many people would despise such a politician. Yes, he is a politician, not a politician.

If the Colelli family wants to do it, they will do it as the second Agnelli family, not as a politician!

The Agnelli family has always been in a transcendent position. Politicians can fall at any time, which greatly affects their reputation. Berlusconi's reputation is not good now, but why is he still in power? First, he is rich, has a wide network of contacts, and many financial groups support him. Second, there are not many people who can be selected from a group of crooked melons and cracked dates. Berlusconi is just so-so.

Besides, the people of Italy are a very strange nation. Anyway, they all have to go down, so it doesn't matter who they choose? !

"You have done a great thing this time!" Galliani said to Hugo sincerely at the donation banquet.

"I am not you. You do things that are beneficial to Milan in your position in the professional league. I am different. I am at a higher level than you!" Hugo doesn't mind mocking Galliani. He may be mean at any time. There is nothing he can do.

"Hahaha!" Galliani laughed without any concern, "At least I didn't do anything bad!"

This is a bit shameless. The presidents of the Football Association are all from Milan. They can do good things by colluding with each other. Hugo now knows more and more inside information and feels that it is a good decision to crush Carraro.

Now some of the dirty deeds of the three northern powers have been gradually exposed. Inter Milan, which has stayed out of the phone gate incident, is not a good bird. Moratti doesn't know if he is confused or what. In the past few years, he actually monitored the phone calls of his core players, such as Vieri. This guy is now like an enemy of Moratti.

In this regard, what good birds can the three northern powers have? ! Hugo thinks that his buying of footballs is a small matter. These people are much more fierce. No wonder De Laurentiis has been promoted to the first division and has been fighting against the three northern powers all day long. Serie A is getting more and more lively now, but it's a pity that Hugo has kept a low profile!

"Forget it, let's not talk about this! I'm here anyway, so you'd better not do anything stupid. Mogi didn't get in, but maybe next time I can send you in to play with him!" Hugo threatened.

Do you have the capital? ! No one would say such a thing. Those who said Hugo didn't have the capital could have said it a long time ago, but now he has the capital, unless Galliani has no weakness, but this is impossible. He knows his own business.

"Okay, I'm just kidding. Do you think I have such great ability? Mr. Berlusconi will be willing to give up an old friend like you?!" Hugo laughed and comforted Galliani.

Galliani was going crazy again, and Hugo's words were as out of tune as ever.


The donation activity was so effective that it was unimaginable. Many powerful figures such as the speaker of the municipal council said that it was no problem to repair the stadium. We will definitely support the development of local teams. In less than a week, many teams' plans passed the parliament's review, and finally stopped procrastinating.

Except for some bosses who are unwilling to invest in building stadiums, other teams have been recognized by the parliament. Milan has also obtained the right to build a new stadium. They will get the right to lease a piece of land outside the city. Inter Milan spent a sum of money to buy the Meazza Stadium for reconstruction. The cost of reconstruction and construction will not be too different, but the area around the Meazza Stadium is a mature area after all, which is beneficial to commercial development. Moratti undoubtedly received strong support and help from his sister-in-law.

After the national team match day, Trapani welcomed Inter Milan, which ranked first, back to the league. Inter Milan had a frustrating life. In the years under Mancini, Juventus fell first, and then Trapani. Last season, they were overtaken alive. Do you think Inter Milan can be frustrating? !

But the game on October 21 is a great opportunity for them, because Trapani is not only short of soldiers and generals, but also affected by the national team match day, and the recent state is really not very good. Although it is an away game, Inter Milan is still full of confidence because their state is just right.

Inter Milan now dominates the standings again. Trapani, who was competing with them last year, has now dropped to ninth place. This result is too embarrassing!

The current situation is that every team hopes that Trapani can hold back Inter Milan, because it is obvious that Milan is not in good shape at the beginning of the season. Although Juventus plays well, its strength is always limited. All teams that want to compete for the championship do not want to be left too far behind by Inter Milan after ten rounds. Trapani should undoubtedly complete the task assigned to them by everyone at home.

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