My name is Colani

Chapter 65 The boy's dream

"Actually, I've wanted to talk to you guys for a long time. You see, I've been very busy since you came to the team. So I didn't have time to talk to you. I thought of you guys immediately when I had some free time during this period!" Hugo smiled and stared at the four teenagers. The teenagers were of different heights. Antonio Perotti was almost as tall as Hugo, and the other kids were slightly shorter.

"Boss, is there anything we did that you are not satisfied with?!" Antonio has been much more honest since he was scolded by Hugo last time. Now he looked at his friends and asked the leader.

"Anthony, you are still angry with me! Ahaha, you know me, haha, I scolded you at that time, and I didn't take it to heart! To be honest, my tone at that time..., cough cough, was a little harsh!" Hugo said with a laugh, "But I'm not going to cause trouble for you today! I just want to ask how you are doing here?!"

How are you doing? ! Of course it is good. No matter how they are tortured by old players, older players, and a "schizophrenic" boss, generally speaking, the work of several teenagers is still very easy. They will not be forced to do other things during training. Instead, they will train as usual. However, they will definitely not have much chance to play. However, they can easily get $10,000 from Colena every year, plus Hugo's reward, so they certainly think it is quite good here.

"The boss is like our reborn parents, he is so good to us!" Marco Bruno was busy flattering.

"Bullshit! The boss is not our reborn parents, he is basically our parents!" Salvaletto Giordano was even more disgusting.

There is no way, just like Tony's perception, this is not a normal team, a flattering team, the boss likes to flatter, the so-called upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked, the little guys have also learned this.

"Who asked you bastards to flatter! Tell the truth, tell the truth, do you understand?!" Hugo said with a straight face.

"Well, of course it's good. I think if, if we can get the expected bonus at the end of the year, then it will be wonderful for us!" Antonio Perotti dared to tell the truth.

"If you say it, I will believe it! Of course, I am not bragging. If you guys didn't catch a good time, how could you make money so easily!" Hugo was quite pleased. In fact, we are still the ones who are straightforward in giving money. "Year-end bonus, don't worry, that will certainly not be a problem! Do you know what I, the boss, have the most?!"

"Money!" The four teenagers answered in unison.

"That's right, I don't have much, but I have a lot of money!" Hugo laughed with his head raised.

"Hehe, let's go, let's talk while walking. I want to ask you, if you didn't play football, what would you do?!" Hugo asked as he walked.

What? ! Oh, this topic has really not been seriously thought about by a few teenagers. Maybe they will be like other teenagers in society, looking for jobs everywhere, maybe as a coolie or a clerk, or they may follow some bosses to collect protection fees. Who knows!

"I want to learn how to drive! I can be a truck driver! I can also drive for you, my boss!" Marco Bruno thought about it and said.

Hugo kicked him and laughed and scolded: "You want me to flatter you?!"

"I want to be a lawyer!" Simon Falco said. He was the quiet one among the children. I didn't expect that his ambition was this. You know, lawyers have to deal with people all the time.

"I think I might be a doctor! Doctors are good, saving lives and healing the wounded!" Salvaletto Giordano followed.

"Anthony?! What about you?!" Hugo nodded and looked at Antonio Perotti who didn't catch up.

"Me?! I don't know what I can do! Let's talk about it after I stop playing football!" Antonio Perotti replied.

"How can I not know? You won't be unwilling to get involved in anything else except playing football?!" Hugo laughed.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I want to play football!" Antonio Perotti replied in a low voice.

"Have you ever thought that we will be promoted next year, but the team will definitely introduce new players. We will become a serious professional team, and some players will definitely leave at that time! I have consulted many people, and their opinion of you is that you may not be suitable to continue playing football! I can also say with certainty that you are very likely not to stay in the team next year! We have to control the size of the first team, and we can't let you be caddies, right?!" Hugo said.

The four friends were stunned. This is really bad news! Only one year of fun, and there will be no play next year!

Then they looked gloomy again. Being young does not mean that they don't understand. When they reach the C2 League, the team will definitely change again. It is indeed as Hugo said that it would be strange if they, the substitutes among substitutes, were not eliminated!

"Don't be sad. In fact, the main reason I came to you today is because of this. Although half a season has not passed, I have already considered the next season. You are all locals of Trapani. I must be responsible for your future. At least I want you to have a skill in the future! Not only you, but also all the players who don't want to leave but have to retire next season, I will be happy to help everyone. They are adults. They can go to my company and my family's business! But you are different. You are still young, so I want to ask you what you want to do in the future. I can help you without reservation!" Hugo said sincerely.

The four teenagers were all dumbfounded. Is this the legendary irritable, stingy, and cruel boss? !

But then they knew that what Hugo said was true. They knew that Hugo was rich. At least in their eyes, maybe Hugo was the richest man in the world. He could do it, and it moved them again.

"Look at Carlos, he is young, and we sent him to school. You can also go back to school if you want! You don't have to worry about all the expenses in the future. I can afford everything for you. I know your family must be in a difficult situation, and I won't let you ask your family for a penny! The question now is, are you willing?!" Hugo patted the short Simon Falco and asked.

"I am willing!" Falco took the lead in expressing his opinion, "But, this money is considered as a loan from me, and I will return it to you later, okay!"

The boy has a lot of self-esteem.

Hugo was stunned for a moment, and immediately agreed. Not only did he agree, but he also said to them: "I am not free, this money is considered as a loan from you! How about returning it to me when you have money in the future?!"

Salvaletto Giordano and Marco Bruno both agreed, but Antonio Perotti expressed: "I don't want to study, I am not suitable for studying! I still want to play football!"

This little bastard, how can you explain it clearly, you are not suitable for playing football!

"Anthony, what do you think of my football?! Tell the truth!" Hugo asked seriously.

"Tell the truth?!"


"You play like shit!" Antonio Perotti plucked up the courage to comment.

Uh, Hugo was so upset, am I that bad? ! The other three teenagers couldn't help laughing in front of the unusually gentle Hugo.

"You think so too?!"

"Uh, sorry, boss, you are really not suitable for playing football! You are too poor at even the basic skills, and you are so lazy! It's like taking a walk on the court!" Giordano answered with a smile.

"Ahem, okay, okay, let's not talk about my playing football! I was just playing for fun! I want to say this to Anthony! Look at me, I'm not suitable for playing football, so I'm very conscious. You don't know yet, Xia Bi also said the same thing about me. He said I'm not suitable for playing football, so I accepted it. Today, I stood on the side of the substitute! Not only today, I'm afraid it will be like this in the future, and it will be like this on match days! What I mean is that Anthony, you have to accept such opinions. People can't always see their future clearly. You have to learn to accept the opinions of others! They all say that you won't get any results if you continue to play, so just accept it! You said you want to play football, I think it's a bit difficult. Are you interested in doing football-related work, such as being a coach or something, I think it's still good!" Hugo said patiently.

"You don't have to answer now, you can still think about it! If you really want, I can help you!" Hugo said.

Antonio Perotti nodded helplessly. He was really unwilling to let him give up football, but everyone commented like this. Is it true that I can't become a great man? ! Frustrated and confused, this is Antonio Perotti at this time.

"Okay, don't think about it now! Let's talk about something happy! I can tell you about my travel experience in China!" Hugo clapped his hands and laughed.

"Boss, you don't seem to be that difficult to get along with!" Bruno suddenly commented.

"Hahaha, you finally know?! There is a peach blossom temple in Taohuawu, and there is a peach blossom fairy in Taohua Temple. The peach blossom fairy planted peach trees and broke peach branches as wine money. When he was sober, he sat in front of the flowers, and when he was drunk, he had to sleep under the flowers. Day after day, he was drunk and sober year after year. I don't want to bow in front of the carriages and horses, I just hope to die in the flowers and wine. The dust of carriages and horses is fun for the rich, and the wine cups and flowers are fate for the poor. If you compare the rich and the poor, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky. If you compare the poor and the poor to carriages and horses, he has to drive and I have to rest. People laugh at me for being too crazy, but I hate that people can't see through me. Remember the tombs of the heroes of Wuling, there is no wine and no flowers, and I hoe the fields." Hugo recited a whole paragraph of ancient Chinese poetry.

Great! The four teenagers were relieved. The boss had returned to normal and started talking about Chinese again! I don’t understand. I don’t understand at all!

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