My name is Colani

Chapter 66 You are really crazy

The 10 euro ticket price stopped Trapani fans from going to the stadium to watch the game. It was too expensive. There were not many fans who could come to the stadium to watch the game. Now, the average number of people in each home game has rarely exceeded 2,000. However, smart fans have a way. There are some buildings around the stadium. These fans actually took advantage of such space and stood on the roof to overlook Trapani's game from top to bottom. Their shouts were more enthusiastic than those of the fans in the stadium.

Trapani's stadium is not tall and the floors of the building are not high, only six or seven floors. However, such a way of watching football games always leads to accidents. In early December, a fan fell from the flat roof of the building and was tragically killed!

Giorgio naturally couldn't bear to see such a tragedy happen to the fans. To be honest, Hugo felt bad. The high price was set to prevent fans from entering the stadium. If there was a stampede or even a fight with the visiting fans in the stadium, it would cause a headache for the club. Now it happened outside. Of course, it has nothing to do with Trapani, but he still felt bad.

At Hugo's instruction, Hugo paid 20,000 US dollars in compensation to the poor fan's family as a condolence.

However, one person died, and there were thousands of fans standing in the same place. Old Morek was speechless. Of course, he couldn't persuade fans not to go to such a dangerous place to watch the game. The only one who could persuade him was Hugo. If Hugo lowered the ticket price, so many people wouldn't have run to the roof to watch the game.

"Uncle, you said it easily! The stadium has been in disrepair for a long time, and there are not enough security personnel. How can we ensure the safety of the stadium? You also know that our stands are not divided into home and away stands! Doing so is very dangerous. Maybe it will not be just one or two people who die at that time!" Hugo is now very sure that he has made the right decision, which is to raise the ticket price to prevent fans from coming to the stadium.

Only now can he understand the enthusiasm of the fans. Maybe the one who died was the one who had been with Trapani for a long time when the team was in a trough. With the current improvement in performance, there may be more and more diehard fans. The people in this place are different. The fans in Sicily often quarrel with each other. The match between Palermo and Catania is called the Sicily Derby. The scene is very hot every year. Even if they are only Serie B teams now, it is normal to have something to do in the derby every year.

Trapani, Hugo does not rule out that this group of fans may also evolve into such fans, fighting with all enemies!

It is right to let them stay outside the stadium. This is Hugo's conclusion.

The problem is this. Death there is related to the mayor of Trapani, but at least if he died in the stadium, Trapani Football Club can still bear some responsibility. It is better to scold the boss for being cold-blooded and Trapani Football Club for treating human lives as worthless than scolding the mayor for treating human lives as worthless. At least that's what Old Morek thinks.

"It's not impossible to lower the ticket price. Let's put it this way. The City Hall is responsible for paying for the complete renovation of the stands. In addition, the City Hall will mobilize police on match days and increase the number of security personnel on site. Then I can lower the ticket price!" Hugo said. The home money has not been received much during this period, and the City Hall has not lost much. Don't even think about Hugo repairing the stands himself. The money may not cost too much, but Hugo just doesn't want to spend money here now. He has ulterior motives.

Earlier, Hugo told Old Morek that he wanted a piece of land to build a new stadium to replace the current stadium. Old Morek was crazy about poverty. After seeing Hugo's crazy investment, he was very sure that Trapani's future was bright. As an industry of the City Hall, the stadium ticket revenue could make a lot of money, so he was unwilling to help Hugo.

At the beginning, Hugo swore to Giorgio that if Old Morek didn't help, he would not recognize this relative. As a result, it really happened. Hugo was very unhappy with his uncle, and now his uncle was obviously in danger of making him take the blame.

In fact, the city hall should have taken measures, such as forcibly closing the surrounding floor platforms to prevent fans from going up to watch the game, but Old Morek neglected it. Perhaps out of sympathy or something, he did not close the flat roof of the building before that. As a result, the incident happened. People scolded the police and the city hall, saying that they were incompetent.

"City Hall?! Gigi, do you think the city hall has money?!" Old Morek smiled bitterly, and then said: "Tell me, where in the country is there such a rule that the city hall pays for the repairs?!"

What Old Morek said is a huge fact. It is like this in Italy. Most of the stadiums belong to the government, and the most deceptive thing is that the repair costs of most stadiums are paid by the users. The government is very happy. It takes high rental fees, collects taxes, and does not spend a penny on repairs.

"Rules?! I don't know what rules are!" Hugo forced a rebuttal.

"Take a good look at the stadium rental contract, it is clearly written in it!" Old Morek said the killer.

"Hahaha, that's what's written in the contract?! Unfortunately, even if it's true, I don't have any money now, I really don't have any money!" Hugo heard what was written in the contract, and he immediately started to play tricks in another way. The contract was made by Victor, who knows what's written on it, just treat it as true.

"You!" Old Morek was speechless. They were all relatives, and he couldn't apply to the court to ask Trapani Club to enforce the terms of the contract. Moreover, even if Hugo repaired the stands, he could not reduce the price.

Thinking of price reduction, Old Morek thought that he might be able to find relevant departments to force Hugo to reduce the price. He didn't know what he was thinking now. Hugo had been so obsessed with it that he actually agreed to the high ticket price, and now he wanted to reduce the price.

No, this trick won't work either. If this trick is used, Hugo may force the stadium to close and refuse directly on the grounds of safety!

In short, what old Morek could think of was that he found out that Hugo was cheating, and then blamed the whole thing on the city hall. Moreover, Hugo was shameless, and he knew he was a relative, so he wanted to force him!

"Tell me, what do you want?!" Old Morek sat down on the sofa angrily.

"Okay, I'm the best at talking about conditions! The first option is that you help me get a piece of land and I build a new stadium! The second option is that you help grant the current stadium and surrounding land use rights. Give it to me, I will use it to build a new stadium!" Hugo said seriously.

"You have a beautiful idea, but you don't want to consider the situation in the city hall?!" It's a cliché again, and it's still the same request.

"Uncle, you are really..., well, I don't know how to put it! You really have too little knowledge! There is a Chinese saying that long hair is short of knowledge. I see that you are bald, so your knowledge is not very good. "Damn it!" Hugo shook his head, these country bumpkins are like this, they don't open their eyes to see the world, they only care about the immediate interests. Old Morek is just greedy for the immediate interests, or the interests that can be seen with the naked eye.

"I heard that your reform plan has been approved by the city council and the provincial council recently, right!" Hugo continued, "Don't just see the benefits you can see! If I It’s you, I will choose the first option, give me a piece of land, and I can build another center around the stadium. Think about it, how much income will it bring to the city hall? You don’t believe in my ability, I can come up with all the reform plans, why can’t I do this?”

"Besides, I just don't understand. You want to be the mayor here for the rest of your life?! Shouldn't you be helping your relatives now?! Of course, you are not only helping me, you are also helping yourself, and you are also helping Terra. Pani City! You won't care about the flood after you die!" Hugo said rudely.

Recently, Old Mock has taken action, and his work efficiency has finally become higher. Whether it is in the central government or in Sicily, a relatively autonomous region, the Parliament is a strong presence. The power of the government is smaller than that of the Parliament. The reason why Morek is so fast is due to a small place like this. Although the parliament is also complicated, it is better than the national parliament. Therefore, old Morek can clear things up and get things done as soon as possible. The next step is the city hall. After collecting money, on the one hand, you have to attract foreign investment, and on the other hand, you have to find a way to receive the money yourself. There will never be a private person to deal with public environment and public security issues for you. This has to be solved by the city hall.

Old Morek was struggling. In fact, he only had one problem now, which was whether to believe what Hugo said. Believe it or not, it lingered in his mind for a long time. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said to Hugo: "Okay. Come on, I’ll give you a piece of land near Pacheco!”

"No! I want the seaside! I want to create a miracle in the world!" Hugo categorically denied, "And it will definitely be easier for you to pass by the seaside, right?!"

"You actually want the seaside?!" Old Morek couldn't believe his ears. The first time Hugo expressed his request, he didn't even mention that he wanted land by the seaside, but Old Morek directly rejected it.

If I had known that what you wanted was the beach, I should have agreed to it! Old Morek thought to himself.

"Build a stadium by the sea?! You are really crazy!" Old Mock really thought Hugo was crazy!

"Yeah, that's what I plan to do! To be precise, I plan to build the stadium on the sea, and then build a commercial center on the coast, connected to each other. Ah, from the stadium VIP room, you can not only see the stadium, but also enjoy the scenery. Would you like to go to the Mediterranean? "Hugo thought it was beautiful. This plan was his own whim, but the practicality needs to be verified by experts. If it doesn't work, Hugo will have to build the stadium on the seaside. , that way you can also enjoy the sea view.

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