My name is Colani

Chapter 69 Kameni's Confession

"Come on, Carlos, sit down. We won't have class today. I'll tell you a good news first!" After dinner, Hugo and Kameni went into the bedroom arranged for Kameni, which was also Kameni's study.

"Good news?! Mr. Colemani! What good news?!" Kameni respected Hugo from the bottom of his heart. The reason was that Hugo was his teacher, not because of his football skills, nor because Hugo paid him a salary. Teacher is naturally a respected profession. In Kameni's mind, this teacher is more reliable, knowledgeable, and knows astronomy and geography. Kameni prefers Hugo to give him language lessons, so when calling Hugo, he has always been used to calling him Mr. Colemani. In fact, many people in the team like to call Hugo Gigi or Hugo, and several teenagers call Hugo Boss.

"Christmas is coming soon, the league will be suspended soon. I plan to give everyone a bonus. You performed very well in the first half, so I decided to give you a special bonus. Don't tell others!" Hugo said with a smile. According to the plan, the players were supposed to receive a bonus in the first half, and Kameni was supposed to receive more bonuses. The reason was to give Lambert a slap in the face. I had thought about it at the beginning.

Hugo said that Kameni's performance was an unquestionable fact. Trapani has made great progress this season, but the players' abilities are there. They can't stop the opponent from attacking their half. They can't do it. Kameni's role is reflected at this time. At the age of 15, he showed a relatively high level. He is a goalkeeper who likes to attack. At least for now, the timing of attack is still very good, and his ability to save in front of the goal is also outstanding.

Of course, he is not without shortcomings. Seli came to watch a few games later and said that Kameni was sometimes too young, lacked experience, and the timing of attack was not so correct. In addition, high-altitude balls were one of Kameni's current weaknesses. After all, he was only 180 cm tall. He also said that Kameni was a little nervous and sometimes distracted. However, he was absolutely sure that if Kameni could work hard to correct these problems and grow taller, he would become an excellent goalkeeper in the future.

"Really?!" When it comes to money, Kameni is of course happy. His family situation is not good. In the past, he basically mailed the salary that Hugo gave him to his family instead of using it himself. Now he can get a bonus and he can help his family again. At least his father can move two less bricks!

"Of course it's true. Can I still lie about this?! And I tell you, your bonus is 50,000 US dollars! Look, how do you spend this money? This is a lot of money. If you are willing to save it, I will help you save it. If you want to send it back to your home, we will go to Palermo to do this!" Hugo asked.

"I'll send it back home!"

"You won't keep any?!"

"I don't have anything to use. I don't have to pay for food and lodging!"

"Who said it doesn't cost money? Ha, I remember, you've been living in my house for so long, you should pay some rent, right?!" Hugo joked.

"Okay, whatever you say!" Kameni also laughed along with Hugo's words.

"Just kidding, of course you don't have to pay! But I have to remind you that you'd better not let Mr. Lambert know about this money! Hehe, Carlos, look at our relationship now?! You and I are in a teacher-student relationship, I won't cheat you, and I think you know the reason why I don't let you tell Lambert. To be honest, I paid Lambert an agency fee of 80,000 US dollars for you to come here, which is already a lot! If he knew you got this bonus, I don't think he would let go of the share!" Hugo began to flatter Lambert with a fake smile.

The agency fee of 80,000 US dollars, while Kameni did not get a penny. At this time, Kameni had just received 50,000 US dollars. He was thinking about money. Suddenly Hugo said that Lambert easily got 80,000 US dollars. This made him feel bad. Mr. Lambert should leave me some soup. He knew that my family was poor.

"Haha, okay! Okay! The good news is this. You got one of the best bonuses in the team! Let him go for the small money! I hope you can play here for many years. Don't worry, I will never treat you badly!" Hugo clapped his hands to attract Kameni's attention and said, "Although our place is small, you can get a starting position here and make a lot of money. I think many Serie B and even Serie A teams can hardly do this!"

Serie B, Serie A, these two words flashed through Kameni's mind like lightning!

Yes, Marco was not wrong at all. Kameni did see a scout at the school gate!

"Uh, Mr. Colenay, I want to tell you something!" Thinking of the generous remuneration given by Mr. Colenay and the "tireless" teaching for him, Kameni felt that he should tell Hugo about what happened to him recently, because this scout has been bothering him.

"Oh?! What's wrong with you?! Are you unhappy at school?! Carlos, this is unavoidable. There are some things you need to overcome. You must have knowledge and learn to face the eyes of the world! No matter how the outside world sees you, you must always think about me. I treat you as my younger brother!" Hugo knew that Carlos might talk about the scout, but he pretended that he didn't know.

"That's not it. Thank you, Mr. Colemani. It's my greatest honor to know you. I will remember you no matter where I am in the future!" Kameni said sincerely.

Click, can you stop saying that? ! Now I'm afraid you'll run away! Hugo really wanted to curse in his heart. Is he going to run away? !

"Well, I'm talking about another thing. Recently, a scout named Felice Russo found me. He said he could introduce me to a Serie B team. He has been lobbying me at the school gate for the past three days. I have always refused, but he didn't give up! I don't know what to do!" Kameni finished the matter in a concise manner. Hugo breathed a sigh of relief. So that's the case. I said that I still put a lot of effort into Kameni. This child is a trustworthy child and will not leave me.

Stalking? ! Hugo doesn't understand some scouts. Some scouts are disgusting. They take a fancy to a player, pester him, and promise all kinds of benefits, especially benefits for the player's career, just to get the player and recommend him to the club to make a fortune. They are not agents. Agents will really care about the player's future career.

But scouts don't do that. They usually buy players in one go. The other party said that Seli recommended Tony to Hugo, and he made a fortune. However, he doesn't care whether it is good or bad for Tony, whether it is a tiger or a cat, it has nothing to do with him. He was hired by Hugo and will only do things that are good for Hugo, and the agent will more or less weigh this point.

"This matter?! Don't worry! I will warn him to stay away from you and not disturb your study life!" Hugo said to Kameni after being relieved.

The next day was Friday, and Kameni had to go to class as usual. When school was about to end in the afternoon, Hugo asked Victor to find someone to settle the matter. Victor, Luca Zanetti and a few others ran to the school gate and found the sneaky Felice Russo. They beat him up and then scattered.

Russo was beaten black and blue. How could he face people like this? ! The problem was that he didn't know who beat him. He called the police, but he didn't see who beat him clearly. Besides, even if they saw it clearly, the local police would not trouble Victor. As long as it was not a disability or death, the police would let it go if they knew that Victor beat him up.

Russo had some guesses in his mind. Maybe he had brainwashed Kameni for the past few days and let the Trapani club know. It was said that the boss was very powerful in the local area. Now he was beaten. Russo understood that he could not take risks anymore. Sicilians were all thieves and robbers. It might not be worth it to lose his life here. He wanted to complain, but there was no evidence. Forget it!

He thought too much. Hugo just wanted Victor to solve the problem. Victor was also sensible. He would never kill Russo, but just teach him a lesson.

Later, Hugo and Victor heard that someone at the police station reported that he was beaten, but he didn't see the appearance of the abuser. Hugo couldn't help but give Victor a thumbs up, "That's it, do good things without leaving a name!"

"Haha, I guess that guy will definitely not dare to look for Carlos again!" Victor said proudly.

The problem that Kameni was troubled by the scouts was finally solved, and Hugo was relieved. As for Toni, Hugo also figured out one thing in the past two days. Toni will not leave, because no matter where he goes, he can never get the income comparable to his current one. In the Third Division, he actually gets nearly one million US dollars a year. Who can give him that and who has the courage to give it to him? Even if Toni would consider it for his career, Hugo thinks that since he chose the high salary half a year ago, there is no reason for him to give it up after half a season. Besides, Toni is living a very good life here. Victor's captain's armband was given to him. He is also the favorite player of Trapani fans. Every time he plays at home, Toni is treated like a king by the home fans. The most fans wave his portraits and wear the No. 9 jersey. This is a treatment that Toni has never enjoyed before.

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