My name is Colani

Chapter 70 Big Shot Tavecchio 1

Sunday is the last round of the first half of the league. Trapani's opponent is Catanzano from the Carabuña region. This team was relatively strong last season and is a professional Serie D team. They almost got promoted last year, but they didn't start very well this year. Recently, their form has improved and they have surpassed Marsala to become the second in the group. However, the gap with Trapani is still too big. They are already 11 points behind. Trapani only lost one game in the first half.

After this game, it will be the Christmas holiday. At this time, Serie A does not have a winter break. However, there are not so many games in Serie D. There is a free period around Christmas. After Trapani plays this game, Hugo will give everyone a holiday. Toni and Allegri, who are out of town, can go home for Christmas. Of course, most of the team members are locals and go home every day.

Hugo did not sit on the bench to watch the game, but sat in the stands, because Ricci told Hugo in advance that there was a big shot to introduce to him today. Who was this big shot? Carlo Tavecchio, the president of the Amateur League who had just taken office.

The Amateur League elected a new president this year. The president is from Lombardy and is now over 50 years old. His relationship with Ricci can be traced back to the early years. Tavecchio used to work in everything, including odd jobs and bank managers. In the end, he did business. What business? Timber business. The forest coverage rate in Sicily is shockingly poor. Naturally, there is no timber here, but there is a need for timber in all aspects of life.

Tavecchio does this. He used to be a timber broker and bought timber imported from Russia to Sicily. By chance, he met the local Ricci, but he had no relationship with the Colene family. He did not buy timber to Trapani.

This is not the election. After being elected as the chairman this year, Tavecchio will naturally go to various regions to watch the games and inspect the work. This time he went to the southern group. The game of Trapani, which is currently ranked first in the group, cannot be missed. However, due to time constraints, he can only come today. However, Hugo will naturally treat him to a meal after the game. This is a proper etiquette. Moreover, Richie said that it is very beneficial to have a good relationship with the chairman of the amateur league.

The benefits are naturally needless to say. In Italy, playing football has always been similar to playing politics. With gangs and factions, the support of a big man will definitely get some care in all aspects, such as the schedule. Even if Trapani is promoted to the professional third division in the future, Tavecchio, the chairman of the amateur league, can also help Trapani.

"Alberto, I never thought that your place actually has so many talents! Were you still a relegation team last year?!" Tavecchio expressed his feelings in the chilly stands. Sicily has a typical Mediterranean climate. In fact, it is not very cold in winter. The temperature rarely drops below zero, but when the sea breeze blows, it still feels a bit like winter.

"Haha, Mr. Chairman, this is all because of Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni! That young man I just mentioned to you on the road! He is an extraordinary young man. It is said that he has a very high IQ. He is a smart man from the Colleni family. He studied in the United States and established his own company. I heard that his personal assets have reached 1 billion US dollars. He is a veritable young rich man! I am afraid that he can't do this with money!" Richie continued what he had not finished saying in the car, bragging about how awesome Hugo was.

Of course, his boasting was a bit outrageous, but this was not his imagination, but somehow, many people now say that Hugo is rich enough to rival a country, has a large industry in the United States, and has a lot of assets. Richie is just learning the rumors on the market.

Trapani's billionaire, the word "rich" made Tavecchio's eyes light up. He is also a businessman and has money. In Italy, football and politics are combined. If you don't have money, don't think about playing politics. Similarly, if you don't have money, don't think about playing football. Tavecchio has also been a mayor. Step by step, he slowly got involved in the football circle, accumulated rich connections, and finally reached the position of chairman of the amateur league. He relied not only on dealings, but also money.

Tavecchio, who had just been elected as the chairman of the amateur league, was already considering whether he should have a good relationship with Mr. Colene and then go to the next level in football politics!

"He is so rich at such a young age?! Is the Colene family rich?!" Tavecchio asked.

"Haha, Gigi, I know him very well. I think he is really rich, but I don't know about the Colelli family. It's hard to tell. You know, here, hehe, the wealth of some families is hard to estimate!" Richie laughed.

What is this place? It's like this in Italy. Who knows how many invisible rich people there are? Anyway, tax evasion is rampant and not just in Sicily.

"Now that you mention it, I really want to meet this young man as soon as possible!" Tavecchio was a little impatient, and then he changed his mind and got a little angry. What the hell is going on? This is the first time I come to your home court. It's fine if I didn't notify you to welcome me with drums and gongs. I asked Richie to tell you that I'm coming. Why are you still not showing up on the court? !

Hugo seemed very leisurely as he drove to the stadium. Today was an unfortunate day. He naturally spent the morning at the headquarters and had lunch with Giorgio at noon. However, after lunch, this guy felt a little He felt sleepy, so he went home to take a nap without setting the alarm clock. It was so late. He didn't take Tavecchio seriously. He was the chairman of the Amateur League, so he would no longer be in charge of me next year. Of course, you still have to do things to save face, such as going to the stadium early to greet the chairman.

But this sleep was too much. Fortunately, his home was not far from the city, and there was no traffic jam here. He walked slowly to the stadium. There was a good car under the office building, and he entered the stadium in a jiffy.

The agreement with his uncle only took two days, and the club started to reduce the price before this home game. Each ticket was 1 euro, so the football stadium was packed again. Seeing the stands overcrowded, Hugo suddenly felt a sense of comfort. The feeling seems to be much better than the one or two thousand people there some time ago.

The game has already started, and the stands are already primitive. A fan who was watching the game with great interest was pushed by a hand from behind. He was a little impatient and wanted to turn around and yell. Is this a fucking joke? ! Looking back, he quickly shut his mouth because the one who did it, Hugo, was still cursing, "Get out of my way, don't block my way! The damn stand should be demolished!"

To get to the seat reserved for the senior executives, Hugo had to pass through the fans in the middle row. However, there were many fans and the stands were relatively close to each other. Hugo had to pass through a human jungle, so he was very annoyed!

"Haha, I'm sorry! Alberto, I'm late!" Hugo said sorry to Alberto Ricci with a smile in the noisy scene.

Richie cast a complaining look at Hugo, "Didn't I tell you earlier that Mr. Chairman was coming today? Why are you so late and not punctual?" But he introduced in a nonchalant manner: "Gigi, this is Mr. Carlo Tavecchio, the chairman of the Amateur League. Mr. Chairman, this is Mr. Gianluigi Colleni, the boss of Trapani! I said That young talent!”

Tavecchio had no intention of turning around when Hugo greeted Ricci. At this moment, he was really getting more and more angry as he thought about it. How many minutes had it been since the game started? It had already been half an hour. This meant that he was talking about this bastard. With prior knowledge, I was left alone for half an hour. Not being punctual is a habit of Italians, but it also depends on the occasion. I am the chairman after all. You are not giving me face!

So he didn't look back, meaning he wanted to give Hugo a signal. I'm not happy!

Hugo had just been busy saying hello to Richie, then he caught sight of a stranger and guessed that this old guy with the same bald head was the chairman of the league.

When Ricci introduced each other, Tavecchio sat on the bleacher seat without even moving his buttocks. However, when he turned around and planned to shake hands with Hugo, the guy was shocked. The Hugo in front of him was too young, too young to be true. There is only some fluff on the corners of the mouth, which is commonly known as the hair has not grown all the way. Hugo doesn't know why the beard grows so slowly. Of course, he is not confused about it. In fact, the men in his family are more elegant, and Victor's beard is not necessarily the same. There are more than him, but it is understood that some organs are still normal.

After a brief pause, Tavecchio stretched out his hand, and Hugo also smiled and stretched out his hand, saying, "Hello! Mr. President, welcome to Trapani! Your arrival makes me happy." We are so prosperous here, I am deeply honored!”

Hugo was still very gentle and decent in his speech, but he just didn't let Tavecchio hear the words he said to Ricci, "I'm late, sorry!" No matter how sweet the flattery was, Tavecchio still Vecchio couldn't help but said with a fake smile, "Haha, Mr. Colaini, you are a young man, and it is wrong to keep us two old guys waiting for so long!"

Go ahead, go ahead! What the hell are you doing? What kind of dog are you that dares to point fingers here? ! Hugo was a little angry when he heard Tavecchio's fake smile and direct response. You and I are just strangers. You taught me a lesson as soon as you came on stage. Who do you think you are? !

"Haha, it doesn't matter! The game has just started anyway!" Richie said haha. He knew what Hugo's virtues were. He was not afraid of anything. In fact, the head of the Colaney family was moody. It is said that in the team He was schizophrenic and young and energetic all day long. Tavecchio may have forgotten that this is Sicily, but Hugo can do anything. In Palermo, he talked and beat people, but he didn't even make a fuss. No.

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