My name is Colani

Chapter 80 How is my daughter? !

"Oh, so it's wrong to say you're lucky!" Bastien Bonaparte said sincerely, as if he was apologizing, saying that Hugo's luck also negated the suspicion of Hugo's ability.

"Actually, that's not entirely true. Of course you have to have luck! Betting on football requires a little bit of luck! But the situation at that time was that I needed a sum of funds, so I could only gamble like this!" Hugo immediately admitted.

"The times are different now. We have entered the Internet era. I am most optimistic about this aspect, so my investment projects are generally Internet companies! This is the industry I am most familiar with! But when it comes to capital operation, this is not My strengths! I can only talk about it in front of my family. In fact, I know very little about the rules, which is why I need a professional manager!" Hugo finally told the truth, of course he can continue investing. Internet companies, there will be more Internet giants in the future, and you can find investment projects at will, but it will take many years to show its power. Now he wants to make money and accumulate capital, and he also wants to replenish the team, so he must get it in his hands as soon as possible. of cash becomes more.

He can't do this, unless 2002 comes soon, the ball must be gambled again.

"You told the truth!" Bastien Bonaparte said with a smile, "But I still think you are really amazing. In just over a year, it is incredible! Maybe you are a genius in business! "

"I'm definitely not a genius, Uncle Bonaparte, I still know myself!" Hugo said modestly.

Bastien Bonaparte is different from Passilio. He is a descendant of a noble family. He is well-educated and has rich experience. He can chat with Hugo very well. He is young and knowledgeable about Hugo. Guang, I admire him a lot. You can’t say that he is completely right, but at such an old age, he has unique insights into politics, economics and other aspects. This is very rare. He doesn’t know that Hugo is from the Internet explosion. The times have come, how can one not know something about it? !

This is a talent. Deep in the bohemian spirit is the character of a promising young man! The more Bastien Bonaparte looked at Hugo, the more he felt that this little guy was really good and talented, and he also spoke funny and made people happy. If he was his son-in-law, he would definitely be a good choice, Jue Leah was much older than him, so that wasn't a problem.

"Gigi, you said you wanted to find a professional manager. Uncle, let me recommend one to you. What do you think?!" Bastien Bonaparte looked at Hugo with a smile.

"Yes, why didn't I think of you?" Hugo suddenly realized. In terms of relationship, Mr. Bonaparte is obviously very close to his family. The person he recommended should be a trustworthy person, and the most important thing is that This uncle is different from my family. My family is said to be a rich man, but he is not. He has a broad vision and has better connections in the business world than the Koleni family. He should be a good expert in capital operations.

"But there is a problem with the candidate I recommend to you, and that is experience! She is trustworthy, but she is lacking in experience, but I can guarantee that she is a doctoral student from Harvard Business School! I also had experience working in a large investment company, but it was only for a short period of half a year!" Bonaparte talked about his selection problem.

In fact, Hugo thinks it doesn't matter which business school you graduated from. Business is not about who can learn more than the knowledge in the textbook. Of course, you must first understand this industry, so what you have studied is also a requirement. Graduated from Harvard Business School , he should know a lot, but it is true that this experience is too lacking. After only half a year of working, Hugo believes that no one in this world is a genius. If there is, the genius must be himself, because I am foresighted and have no actual experience. It is difficult to say that you are a good manager through training.

Hugo was silent, he didn't want this person!

"His experience is really lacking!" Hugo said hesitantly, with an obvious rejection.

"Oh, she lacks a little experience, but I think you are still in control of the main goals of your company. What you need is someone to help you run errands and check your accounts, and the operating funds you give him are also good. It’s only about 10 million U.S. dollars. This is a small-capital operation. Do you still want to find a veteran with more than ten years of work to help you? ” Bastien Bonaparte followed Hugo’s advice! The idea is that there is too little liquid operating capital. This is a fact. Yes, your fucking available operating capital is only 10 million US dollars. The amount is too small. Really outstanding and promising managers will look down on your company.

"The most important thing is that this person is absolutely trustworthy. I can guarantee it to you!" Bastien Bonaparte added confidently, "In fact, the most important thing you need in a manager is trust, right? The point of consideration is good. You actually don’t understand this industry now, so you need someone you can trust, and I guarantee that this person is absolutely trustworthy!”

Bastien Bonaparte was right. Hugo emphasized again and again that he needed a trustworthy guy. This was the reason why he was unwilling to recruit casually. He knew that he actually didn't understand a lot. The most important purpose is to need a trustworthy person to help him look after his wealth and not to be fooled by others. There are many liars in this world, and he was an orphan in his previous life, so he is not lacking in suspicion at all.

"Uncle Bonaparte, you are right! I really value trust the most! So who do you want to recommend to me?!" Hugo acknowledged Bastien Bonaparte's words, and then decided to hire the candidate Bonaparte gave.

"She, she lives in your house! My daughter Julia Bonaparte! Hehe, what do you think?! This candidate is trustworthy! If she helps you pay the money, I will pay it according to the bill in the future!" Bastien Bonaparte said proudly.

Hugo and Pacilio were both shocked. Good guy, the candidate you recommended is too special. I never expected that Bastien Bonaparte would recommend his iceberg daughter to him!

Hugo said strongly in his heart that he really couldn't afford it, and he also asked you to pay? ! Conservatively estimated that in another 20 years, my personal assets will not be 200 billion US dollars, but more than 100 billion. I'm not bragging, brother, your family assets will increase tenfold, and you can't afford to pay me!

But it's really hard to say no. Uncle Bastien Bonaparte is very enthusiastic. Hugo is so stupid that he doesn't know that Uncle Bonaparte is helping him to make a match.

"Uh, Uncle Bonaparte, you are not kidding, are you?!" Hugo asked tentatively.

"Who is kidding you? I have said so much, do you think I am joking? My daughter is also a top student who graduated from Harvard Business School. She has worked in the United States for half a year at New Enterprise Investment Company. I forced her to come back. I hope she can help manage the family business, but she doesn't seem to be very interested now. I think I am still young and can continue to work. She can still do what she likes and enjoy her life! So I solemnly recommend her to you!" Bastien Bonaparte said.

"Ahem, hey, to tell you the truth, Uncle Bonaparte, I don't get along well with your daughter! I accidentally bumped into her that night, and she has ignored me until now! Do you think our relationship is suitable for cooperation?!" Hugo told the truth.

"Haha, what's the big deal?! I'll talk to her, I'll help you explain to her, I think she'll forgive you!" Mr. Bonaparte laughed and didn't care, "She's just a little arrogant, I spoiled her, but she won't be like this at work!"

Just a little bit! I don't think so! Hugo was complaining in his heart, it seems that Uncle Bonaparte is determined to stuff people here! Your daughter should do her own business, don't joke with my capital! You are so rich, can you give her a company as a toy? !

Pacilio seemed to understand Mr. Bonaparte's intention, he wanted it, so he scolded: "I think Julia is suitable, Gigi, you can't look down on her!"

This is clearly to block Hugo's mouth. Hugo was depressed and thought which of my words looked down on her, I was rejecting her in a tactful way!

"Okay, I'm willing to hire Miss Julia Bonaparte as the CEO of the company! But I hope there will be a probation period..." Hugo had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Probation?! What the hell! Your Uncle Bonaparte's daughter needs a probation?!" Pasilio cursed again.


"Don't be ungrateful, agree to it!" Pasilio cursed again.

Mr. Bonaparte looked at Hugo with a smile on his face. I'm forcing her to you, but you don't want her. You're really stupid. My daughter has so many suitors, but unfortunately she doesn't like them. At least I've seen you and think you're okay. I'll create an opportunity for you.

After talking about this, Hugo felt that he was really sinful. Why was he so bored to come fishing with them? He didn't want to pay attention to that bitch at all, because Hugo was also arrogant. He could turn a blind eye to beautiful women who didn't show any color to him! He didn't have the perverted mentality of trying every means to get what he couldn't get!

Hugo gave Julia Bonaparte a bad impression. In turn, Julia Bonaparte also gave Hugo a very bad impression. She was aloof and came from a wealthy family, but she didn't know how to be polite. She was cold and inhuman!

Uh, why does this sentence seem to be talking about me! Hugo was also impolite, sometimes he didn't even have the most basic etiquette!

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