My name is Colani

Chapter 81 Give you a heads-up

"Dad! You actually asked me to work for him?!" Julia Bonaparte suspected that she had heard it wrong. The father who loved her the most actually asked me to work for that reckless and perverted person!

"I won't go!" Julia Bonaparte rejected her father's arrangement.

"Oh, didn't you say you wanted to go out to work? You didn't want to work with me. Now that the opportunity has come, you are making excuses. Why?!" Bastien Bonaparte pretended to be angry.

"I want to go out and join an investment company, but I don't want to join his company!" Julia Bonaparte complained.


"Because I hate him, he is a reckless person, and he is also a pervert!" Julia Bonaparte gritted her teeth.

"Ha, I heard what happened! He bumped into you unintentionally! It was not intentional. Can you call him a reckless person?!" Bastien Bonaparte explained on behalf of Hugo.

"He keeps staring at me! He's a pervert. I've seen a lot of people like him, and none of them are good!"

"Staring at you? That's a pervert! He keeps staring at you because my daughter is pretty, so she attracts the attention of a young man like him! I'm proud of you!" Bastien Bonaparte continued to defend himself.

"You're right no matter what you say, so I can just say I don't like him and don't want to work with him!" Julia Bonaparte said angrily.

"No! You must cooperate with him! Because if you miss this opportunity, I will never give you another chance! Secondly, I think Gigi is not what you imagined. Well, maybe he is a little bit lecherous, but isn't this what a normal man should have when he sees you?! He is young and very smart. I have talked to him and I think his company is very promising! There is another most important reason. If you cooperate with him, you will get unreserved trust. To put it bluntly, this investment company is nominally Gigi's, but you will get a lot of freedom and you can use all your talents!" Bastian took out the majesty of a father and said without question. However, out of his doting on his daughter, he still told his daughter about various advantages in terms of work, indicating that this is actually the best opportunity for her!

"Think about it, can you still get such a good opportunity if you miss this time?! I can be sure that you will never have such an opportunity again. Even I don't trust you to take care of everything at home!" Bastian continued to persuade.

"Didn't he ask me to cooperate with him?!" Julia thought for a while and said this.

"He?! Gigi?! How could he possibly ask you to cooperate with him! Unless he is blind, ahem, baby, I am not saying that you are incompetent! I take back what I said! Today we went out to sea, and he asked his grandfather for someone, and we chatted there. I said you are a suitable candidate, but he heard that you only had half a year of work experience, so he disagreed. Later, under the pressure of Pacilio and my persuasion, he agreed to your choice!" Bastian told his daughter everything that happened. Daughter, don't be so conceited, a smart man will not change his choice because of a woman.

"Oh, what is he capable of?! He is still picky?! Who said I am incompetent?!" Julia snorted coldly.

"He is really capable! Don't you think that he started from scratch and built and invested in several companies? This is not enough! But I think he is not an expert in the investment industry. He did not analyze the investment target, but relied on his intuition! Intuition is also his ability, which proves that he has talent in this area! Haha, but I think he is not very interested in investing in person. He seems to care more about his team! That's why he wants to ask someone to help him manage it!" Bastian guessed Hugo through the chat.

From dreaming of becoming the richest man and doing whatever he wants to wanting the team to dominate the world, Hugo has also gone through a process. The team is now his favorite. Although he lacks talent in playing football, Hugo has fallen in love with it inadvertently since he came to this world.

"Okay, for your sake, I promise to try it! I want to prove to him that I am not a vase!" Julia said this as if she was wronged, but Bastian knew that his daughter was moved. There is indeed no company with better conditions than this one, and everything is independent.

After convincing his daughter, Bastian told Hugo the news. Hugo was hoping that the bitch would continue to be arrogant and reject him. He didn't expect that Bastian actually persuaded the proud little princess.

But Hugo decided to give her a little power to let the bitch know how powerful we are!

Christmas was certainly not a good time to talk about things, but after Bastian's mediation, the diplomatic relations between the two people were finally normalized. However, what made Julia unhappy was that Hugo, who was very attentive to her two days ago, was arrogant and just greeted her coldly, which made her very angry.

Of course, another person who was unhappy was Elsa. Elsa warned Hugo not to have any ideas about Julia!

"Haha, even if I have ideas about her, it's none of your business! It's no good for a dog to catch a rat!" Hugo was really fed up with his sister. She repeatedly interrupted his good things. Why didn't she get married? At least she didn't have to stay at home.

"How dare you scold me?!" Aisha punched Hugo hard.

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman! I'm leaving! I think you should get married soon, you keep complaining to me and Victor!" Hugo couldn't fight with his sister, so he had to flee, which made Elsa very angry.

At the end of the Christmas holiday, Hugo felt that his work should be on the right track, so he invited Bonaparte and his daughter to sit in the study. Why did he invite Mr. Bonaparte? Because Hugo wanted to talk about some embarrassing things today.

"Okay, the holiday is over, and we have to start working!" Hugo said.

"You want to talk about work, what's the matter with me coming in?!" Bastien Bonaparte stood up and wanted to leave.

"Oh, Uncle Bonaparte, please be patient, don't leave in a hurry! Before we officially start work, there is a story between Miss Bonaparte and me that must be told!" Hugo quickly asked Bastien to sit down.

"You?! Story?!" Bastien was confused. The development was so fast. They had just reconciled, and a story was generated. The rhythm made me a little uncomfortable.

"It's like this. Before, I accidentally bumped into Miss Bonaparte. I apologize to her here!" Hugo bowed sincerely to apologize.

What's going on? ! Bastien couldn't figure it out.

Let alone Julia Bonaparte.

"Secondly, there is one thing I have to make clear. When I saw you for the first time, I was very interested in you. I wanted to pursue you and get close to you! But you were always cold to me and felt very uncomfortable with me! Because it involves future work, in order to appease your heart, I promise you that I am not a pervert, and I am also a very proud person. I will not pursue you, nor will I have any bad intentions. I swear in the name of God that I will never harass you!" This is what Hugo really wanted to say. Of course, one of the purposes of appeasing the other party is to appease the other party's heart. The more important purpose is to give the other party a warning. Who do you think you are? You think I will be around you. You think too much!

This sentence is really lethal. Although Julia hates Hugo, it is still embarrassing to be said to her face.

Bastien is even more embarrassed. Brat, are you humiliating me? !

"Uncle Bonaparte, I don't want you to think this is a humiliation. This is not a humiliation! I just want Miss Bonaparte and I to have a pleasant cooperation! I don't want her to cooperate with me with some indescribable psychological burden, but I can promise that I will trust Miss Bonaparte just like I trust you!" Hugo bent down and said to Bastien again.

His attitude was very sincere. Bastien thought about it in his head. It must be that the iceberg daughter gave Gigi a bad impression, so he came out to clarify this matter. But brat, do you know that I deliberately created an opportunity for you? I think highly of you!

You are good. Once this oath is issued, you will not be my son-in-law in the future!

He doesn't know that some oaths are actually farts in front of the atheist Hugo!

"Haha, that's all clear! I'm relieved too. I'll leave and you guys can chat slowly!" Bastian left Hugo's study room with a depressed laugh.

Hugo's study room is very big. This is his privilege in this family, a privilege since he was a child, because he loves books and is the darling of the whole family, so he has a very large study room with bookshelves all around. In the past, it was all-encompassing, and now there are more books about football.

However, since his rebirth, Hugo rarely reads here. He would rather go to the club headquarters to play. There are no computers here, but there are there. There is only a big desk here.

"Okay, Miss Bonaparte!"

"You can call me Julia. We may cooperate for a long time in the future. It's a bit strange to call me like this all the time..." Julia Bonaparte took the initiative to say.

"Okay then, Julia! Now we can get down to business! Just like I promised Uncle Bonaparte just now, I have absolute trust in you, so from now on you will manage Hugo Global on my behalf! There is full of trust between us, which is the first foundation of our cooperation. Fortunately, we already have it now because of the relationship between our elders!" Hugo sat upright with his hands clasped on the table.

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