My name is Colani

Chapter 82 Baidu Yourself

"Before we talk about our future, I must get to know each other better. I will first tell you my story, my birth, well, forget it, you know it all! I will only tell you about some of my operations from last year to this year!" Hugo began to tell Julia about his history of success.

Julia Bonaparte was stunned. This was simply a miracle. At least from now on, none of Hugo's investments failed. On the contrary, they were all correct. Except for Apple's tepid stock, she had obviously heard of Google. However, she didn't know that Hugo was one of the three co-founders, which made her look at him with new eyes.


"Don't ask me why?! I rely on intuition!" Hugo saw what Julia wanted to ask, and he pointed to his head.

"Okay, then I won't ask! Since you have told me yours, let me tell you mine!" Julia also told her past without reservation. Ahem, of course, it was not about family but about growth and study.

"Haha, you are better than me in this respect, you are a doctor, and I am a university graduate!" Hugo laughed.

Julia was reserved and proud, and raised her neck to look at Hugo.

"But these are useless to me! I have never been to school properly, but I have another name called genius! I am a member of the Mensa Club. In addition to Italian, I can speak five languages ​​and will soon learn the sixth language! I have published five books and made a small profit before the age of fifteen! Hugo got his nickname at that time!" Hugo also stared at Julia's eyes with his eyes, stinky woman, do you think you are good? ! But there are geniuses like me in this world, and you will never surpass them!

Julia was hit, she didn't know Hugo well, and didn't know that Hugo was so strong. Is this the kind of person who knows everything by nature? ! He is not even 20 years old now, but he has done very well! When she was 20 years old, she was still studying hard at Harvard with the money given by her father. It's annoying to compare with others.

"I don't want to discourage you, but for you who are just starting out, it is the right thing to discourage you. You have to learn to be humble in investment. Arrogance will only make you pay the price, because you are not me! You have to learn to work with a humble attitude and be cautious. This is the premise for you to do this job well!" Hugo, who is a few years younger than Julia, has lived two lives and taught the little girl a lesson.

What can Julia say? Before she had even talked for a few words today, she was stunned by Hugo's show of power.

"Whether you understand it now or not, you must always be vigilant in your future work and remember what I said!" Hugo crossed his palms, leaned back, and leaned back on the chair to make himself more comfortable.

"Okay, can I continue to start the next topic?!" Hugo asked.

How can I describe Julia's mood at the moment? She felt mixed emotions, but she would not back down. Just based on what Hugo said, she also wanted to prove to him that she could do a good job, so she nodded coldly.

"I just said that my investment projects and the cash around me will all be included in the name of the new company. You must set up Hugo International Capital as soon as possible, and the registered place will be in Trapani!" Hugo said.

"Why in Trapani? In fact, we have better options!" Julia was a little confused. Why did you choose this place when you are so smart? !

"Don't worry about this. I have an agreement with the City Hall. I have to do it this way! After establishing this company, you still have to handle the equity issues of the investment projects. You all know that I have invested in my personal name before, but now I need to transfer it to Hugo International Capital! Then your job is to monitor the development of these projects, and use the idle funds to do some short-term investment projects, such as stocks, futures, etc., as long as you want!" Hugo waved his hand and said.

Damn, how much idle funds do you have, and you are still investing? ! Julia cursed secretly, I have set up a watchdog to help you keep an eye on the project. What room for operation is there? !

"Haha, you think the money is too little?! If you have the ability, you can also make ten times as much as I do in a year, you are capable!" Hugo saw Julia's resentment and probably squeezed her.

"I don't think the money is too little!" Julia still answered coldly.

"Recruiting people and other things is up to you. I don't care what you do, but there are only a few conditions. The first is that I will have investment projects in the future. I will invest in whatever I say. You don't need to understand, you just need to execute! The second is that I may withdraw funds from the company every year, depending on my mood! The third is that the company must ensure that there is 5 million US dollars in cash at any time. Uh, the last one can be changed. It will be like this from half a year later! Isn't it a few? Uh, but I can think of these three for the time being!" Hugo said as if talking to himself.

Julia jumped up immediately, "What kind of rule is this, an overlord clause! Do you think this is fair to me?!"

"Come on, sit down! Julia! Let's talk it out! Don't get angry all the time. Is this the attitude of an employee?!" Hugo waved his hand amiably.

"Actually, these terms are not that serious. I said I will invest in the project in the future, but it's still a little early, about two years later, so you still have room for maneuver! The second one I said might withdraw funds, but I didn't say it would definitely be withdrawn! The third condition is real, you must do it!" Hugo explained.


"Because I may allocate money to help my team at any time, or I may use the money to enjoy life!" Hugo told the truth, "Don't be excited, I can tell you that the future of Hugo International Capital is bright, but Well, the current situation is a bit cruel. It depends on your method! Oh, by the way, do you want salary or equity? If it is salary, I can give you an annual salary of 500,000 US dollars. If it is equity, I promise you. Depending on your performance in three years, I will give you one to two percent of the company's equity!" Hugo asked.

"If I were you, I would choose to get equity. After three years, you will get 2% of the equity. This is not a small amount. When the company's future investment projects appreciate, you will find that you are already worth hundreds of millions. A rich man!" Hugo said with a smile. According to the development, the market value of this company will be at least hundreds of billions of dollars in the future, and one percent will already be a billionaire.

"Well, I choose equity!" Julia said. She doesn't seem to be short of money, but this number will give people a sense of accomplishment. In terms of basic trust, she feels that she should trust Hugo's speculation, so then Choose equity.

The little girl was so cheerful that she didn't even have to bargain at all! Still too young! Hugo thought to himself, is this a curse or a blessing?

"You just said that all your industries are summarized under the new company, but what about your small team?!" Julia deliberately spelled out the small words clearly.

"Small team?! In the future, it will become the best team in the world, with the best players, the best stadium, and countless honors! It will naturally not be summarized under the new company! To be honest, it is a You lose money, I have paid almost 10 million US dollars for him so far, and look, he is still in the Serie D league! It is a company that I personally manage, and Hugo International will be managed by you! "Hugo doesn't like Zhu! Leah said that the team is small, well, it is small now, but it will be a big club in the future.

Of course, Hugo does not want it to be classified under Hugo International Capital Company. According to Hugo's idea, Hugo International Capital Company is not a private company. He needs to absorb some funds now, such as bringing in his cousin Morek to join the company. Maybe the ingredients are more complicated and they need to be responsible to shareholders. If the club is also transferred to the past, it will not be so easy to spend money in the future. If it is not transferred to the past, Hugo can allocate the money from his company here to give to the club at any time. Team service, no restrictions, no one can control it!

His little calculation is very precise. Just as Bastian judged Hugo, Hugo is obviously more interested in running the club than running an investment company!

"You are so sure of your future, why do you think about your family?! You can integrate your family's financial resources!" Julia expressed another doubt. With the support of her family, she felt that the new company would at least Financially, it won't be as tight as it is now just after it was established. Insufficient liquidity.

"Oh, you think too simplistically! In the future, you have to remember that I am me and my family is my family! Our family is a big family. Not everyone can trust me. Trust is the foundation. If you don't want to have a stalemate, It’s better not to get involved in the family relationship! I also gave the family a lot of advice, and I will help the family selectively in the future!” Hugo said, and his words were not unfounded. The family made several suggestions, but they were not accepted without reservation. Hugo's father and uncle did not particularly agree with certain decisions, but his grandfather was particularly strong, and the family's business was a bit big, so they had more concerns. Like Hugo, he has no scruples and can do whatever he wants, very free and easy.

The discussion between Hugo and Julia did not last long, because the matter was very simple, and Julia quickly figured out what to do. Hugo said that you don’t need to report anything to me, you just need everyone. Just submit your financial statements to me once a month. In addition, if it is investment, pay more attention to the development of the Internet and the development of China. You can research these two areas and look for investment projects. If you have money, invest it. If you don’t have money, think of a way. Make money and then invest.

They left the study door one after another. Victor, the bastard, was hiding outside and eavesdropping. However, the soundproofing effect of the room was pretty good. He didn’t hear anything. After Julia left, he pulled Hugo at the door and asked with a smile. Said: "Are you with her?! What are you doing in there?!"

"Me and her?! I'm having sex with her! No matter what your business, I'll give you a Chinese nickname "Chicken Po"!" Hugo scolded.

"Chicken bitch?! What do you mean!" Victor read it again and expressed that he had never heard it before and did not understand.

"Go to Baidu yourself!" Hugo said without looking back.

What is a ferry? !

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