My name is Colani

Chapter 93 Blackfoot

Hugo and Victor would not miss this scene. They ran to this side to watch this grand occasion. Victor watched Brocky running away holding his head, clapped his hands and laughed: "Yes, yes, that's it, smash it." Damn you son of a bitch!”

But everyone knows that unless a bag of money is thrown directly on Brocki, these coins will not even cause minimal damage. You must know that the stands of the Trapani football stadium are not very high in the first place, so they really can't kill anyone.

But this severe humiliation must have happened. Victor was guessing that Brocky, the bastard, would not be able to hide in the referee's lounge and not come out. He was too shameless to see anyone!

"You still have so many clever ideas! If you can't kill this son of a bitch, you have to humiliate him so well!" Victor praised his brother.

"Humph, what's this! There's still fun to watch!" Hugo had just thought of another idea, and he wasn't going to rest until he tortured Brockie.

"What a show?!" Victor put his ear closer.

Hugo and Victor talked to each other amidst the cheers and curses of the fans. After hearing Hugo's plan, Victor clapped his hands and gave a thumbs up, and he even said a brilliant move!

"What are you secretly discussing?!" Suddenly a female voice sounded in their ears.

"Sylvia, this is not a place for you to join in the fun!" Victor smiled, needless to say it was Sylvia.

Sylvia had long wanted to find Hugo in the stands, but after Trapani lost one player and was equalized by an opponent's penalty kick, she was more worried about the team. She had been watching the game in the stands, and the on-site The fans angrily cursed referee Brockie.

During the intermission, Sylvia naturally wanted to get in front of Hugo. Sylvia, who was also paying attention to Hugo, of course knew that the two brothers ran to the stands at the corner of the locker room, okay? It was easy to squeeze in.

"Why are you back?!" Hugo asked.

"Why can't I come back?! This is my home. I can come back whenever I want! I heard that you are looking for another woman behind my back. I want to see who she is?! Is she better than me... ..." Sylvia puffed out her chest.

"Stop it! First of all, why do you mean I'm looking for another woman behind your back?! It has nothing to do with you who I look for! You are you and I am me! Secondly, I'm not looking for any woman, I'm not in the mood!" Hugo signaled to Sil Via stopped.

What else did Sylvia want to say.

"Okay!" Hugo shouted violently, "You said you are so young, is it so difficult for you to maintain a pure relationship between a man and a woman with me?! It's easy for me to be very happy now, but you run away again Come and stir up trouble!”

After Hugo finished speaking, he left and returned to the seats reserved for senior officials, followed by Sylvia and Victor.

"You're still here?!" Hugo shouted back.

"You said we have a pure relationship between a man and a woman! My godfather is Giovanni Colellini, and we are related! As a relative, it is not too much for me to sit in this place!" Sylvia sat down. Said next to Hugo.

Come on, I really have nothing to do with you! Sit wherever you like! what ever!

"Is there no big problem?!" Alberto Ricci, who was still sitting here, smiled at Sylvia and then asked Hugo.

"What's the problem?! That thing can kill people?!" Victor sat down and laughed, "But looking at that son of a bitch running away with his head in his arms, I feel a little less angry. I'm quite happy!"

Ritchie did not stop Hugo from doing this, because the occurrence of such a thing would not have any serious impact on the club. At most, it would instruct the club to restrain the fans and fine the club points? ! Why are you? ! There are too many fans throwing referee coins. Well, there are just a little too many this time. You can't treat them with special standards!

Besides, Richie was also deeply suspicious. Even if he stopped Hugo from doing this, he probably wouldn't be able to stop him. Is there anything this guy can't do? ! It would be good if he could restrain himself and not beat up Brockie.

"Gigi, I will report the referee's issue to the Amateur League. Today's penalty is so ridiculous, so ridiculous that we need their explanation!" Rich said cautiously.

This statement is different from the previous one where Hugo went to see Tavecchio. Ricci meant that as the head of the regional amateur league committee, he wanted to stand up for Trapani and seek justice.

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not! There are big shots here! It's all in vain if you say it! It's still what I said just now, let's see!" Hugo has already made a plan in his heart, and he will not give up on this matter. Tavecchio, you bastard, I'm just having a little fun with you, but you actually do this to me. This time I'm going to pull you out of the position of president of the Amateur League.

The way Hugo thought of was to create public opinion. He planned to expose this matter to the news media, making the issue of refereeing in amateur leagues the focus, and then overthrow Tavecchio. However, this matter cannot be thought of today.

During the halftime break, in the referee's lounge, a linesman persuaded Brockie to stop the game on the grounds that his personal safety was threatened. However, Brockie didn't know that the nerve was in the wrong place, and he rejected the proposal.

So in the second half, they left the referee lounge. This time, no players followed them. At the entrance of the passage, they were baptized by Qian Yu again. Even so, this guy had no intention of stopping the game. The two linesmen and the fourth official cursed him in their hearts. What the hell are you doing? ! In the first half, Trapani was awarded a false penalty and only one person was sent off. Now that the fans are "attacking" the referee like this, you don't stop the game? !

The decision to stop the game was not made by the three of them. It was the power of the referee. After being baptized by Qian Yu, the three of them had to take their positions and do their jobs. They were quite afraid. The fans were so manic during the halftime. If there was a slight mistake in the second half, would they be surrounded by fans and beaten up at the end of the game? Everyone was beating their drums.

However, what reassured the three referees was that Brocchi's enforcement in the second half was very normal again. He made the penalty as he should, without obvious signs of favoritism. However, the home fans would not buy it. No matter when the penalty was made, Brocchi's penalty was booed. Even if he blew the whistle on Acireale, Trapani's fans booed Brocchi without hesitation.

Since Trapani lost one man in the first half, it was difficult for him to have any advantage. After all, the situation was different when they had one more man running, and the restrictions on Allegri were particularly severe.

Allegri was the same as the last time in Gorbissencilento. As soon as he saw that the signs were not right, he slowed down the ball passing, relying on his personal ability to protect the ball and delay time. After all, it was 1:1 now, and it was good to get one point. If there was a set-piece opportunity, Trapani, who was at a disadvantage, might still be able to score a goal and win a victory.

This is the calculation of Allegri and the coaches. They did not make any substitutions in the first half, but replaced Piolo at the beginning of the second half with a central defender to make up for Victor. It can be predicted that Acireale will attack in the second half and compete with Trapani for the ball. However, their physical energy is seriously depleted, so they may only score through set pieces. After all, counterattacks are not Trapani's strong point.

Allegri's ball protection is still good, just like the emperor. It is difficult for Acireale's players to steal the ball from his feet. In the second half, Brocchi was extremely fair, even a little biased towards Trapani. As long as Allegri fell to the ground, he would call a foul on the opponent.

This made the players of Acireale feel angry. What the hell do you mean? ! Who are you helping? !

The angry Acireale players blamed Brocchi and also had deep complaints about Allegri. Are you a football player? ! I think you are made of paper, you fall down when you are touched, weaker than a woman!

So Allegri was unlucky. In the 70th minute, the No. 8 player of Acireale, knowing that he could not steal the ball, directly made a flying tackle and knocked Allegri to the ground. Allegri covered his ankle and screamed!

This was a long-planned foul. He had long been unhappy with Allegri's delay! Everyone knew that Allegri was delaying time!

"What the hell!" Hugo stood up and cursed. He would never think that Allegri's delaying time was a wrong choice. After all, this was the Italian League. Trapani's disadvantage of one less player was obvious. It was also a blessing to be able to drag it to a draw. Seeing his core favorite being cruelly knocked to the ground, Hugo's anger was really indescribable.

Brocchi blew the whistle in time this time. He walked to the scene and gave the No. 8 player of Acireale a red card, and directly expelled him from the court. The No. 8 player complained, but was pushed and shoved by the Trapani players who surrounded him, and his momentum was scared away. After all, this was the home court of the other team.

The No. 8 player raised his hands and pretended to be pitiful, as if he was being beaten and scolded. Brocchi and other players of Acireale separated the two sides of the confrontation. The No. 8 player finally got off the court. He walked to the entrance of the passage and was naturally scolded. Fearing that money would rain down, this guy hugged his head and ran inside before he reached the entrance of the passage, which made the fans around him laugh to death, and they all scolded him for being a coward!

Of course, the most important thing is Allegri. The team still does not have a formal team doctor. Today, as usual, the team doctor from Trapani Hospital was invited to examine Allegri. According to Allegri's description, it is speculated that the ankle ligament may be injured. Fortunately, it is hard to say whether the ankle bone is cracked or not. It looks normal in appearance.

But even so, Allegri will definitely not be able to continue the game!

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