My name is Colani

Chapter 94 Uncle Embarrassed

Assistant coach Barrias had to replace Allegri, and Hugo was not in the mood to watch the game. The outcome of this game was not important.

"Victor, tell Fabio to get things done! I'll send Xiabi to Palermo!" Hugo turned around and said to Victor.

Victor nodded.

Sylvia stood up at this time and said, "I'll go with you!"

"You come again?! Don't you see what time it is? I'm not in the mood to play the piano and say love with you!" Hugo scolded.

"I'm a woman, I can go there to take care of Mr. Allegri! Are you so careful?!" Sylvia said.

Who said I have to take care of him personally? Can't I hire a nurse? ! But well, since there is free, why not use it.

"Okay, let's go!" Hugo said hello to Sylvia and Richie and left the stands.

Allegri couldn't walk, and was carried to the locker room on a stretcher, waiting for the ambulance from the hospital. Hugo met Allegri here. Allegri covered his face with his hands, but didn't groan. The doctor had given him pain relief. Although it was still a little painful, he still endured it.

To be honest, this was the first time Hugo saw such a tragic scene on the spot. He thought Allegri's legs were going to be broken after the kick from the No. 8 player. Now seeing Allegri like this, he really couldn't bear it.

"Xia Bi, are you okay?! How do you feel?!" Hugo touched the stretcher and leaned over to ask softly.

"Oh, Gigi, it's you!" Allegri took his hand away, showing a difficult smile on his face, "It's okay, alas, there are no players without injuries, this time it shouldn't be too bad!"

Allegri's words were a little comforting. Hugo accepted his kindness and didn't want to be so sad, although it really looked miserable. Allegri's ankle was swollen and bloody!

"Xia Bi, I want to give you a nickname!" Hugo laughed.

"I'm injured like this, and you still have the mood to give me a nickname!" Allegri said bitterly, "But I want a nice one!"

"Absolutely good, very friendly! I saw your face, your face is like a Chinese character!"

"What character?!"




"This character must have some meaning?!"

"In Chinese, it represents depression, bitterness, embarrassment, helplessness, and embarrassment!"

"Then this character is not good!" Allegri refused.

"This character is very friendly, and Chinese netizens like to use it to make fun of themselves! It is a popular character, and your face is like that character written on your face, so I will call you unclejiong!囧Uncle! It itself has a real meaning, representing light, this is finally a good character, right?! So this is actually a good character!" Hugo explained with a smile.

"Can I choose not to accept it?!" Allegri still refused.

"No! From today on, I'll let them call you uncle.囧!" Hugo laughed proudly.

After chatting and laughing with Allegri for a while, Allegri felt much better and made some jokes. Maybe he has a big heart and has suffered injuries before, so his tolerance may be much stronger.

The ambulance from the hospital came, and Hugo and Sylvia got on the car. Allegri was very surprised. He thought Hugo and Sylvia just came to the locker room to see him. This touched him very much. In the past, no boss ran to the locker room to visit him as soon as he was injured.

"You guys are going too?!"

"Of course! You are a man without a wife. Do you think I can trust you to hook up with the nurse sister while you are seriously injured in the hospital alone!" Hugo joked.

"But what about the team?!" Allegri understood Hugo's kindness. This was not only about valuing him, but also about taking care of him personally.

"What are you afraid of? They can still do great without me! This game is going to be lost anyway. I don't believe the result of the game will be a draw. Let's make a bet!" Hugo laughed.

"I won't bet with you. I will lose even if I bet!" Allegri is not stupid. He also knows that although the referee seems to be fair in the second half, in fact, he sent Victor off in the first half and gave Acireale a penalty kick, which was originally unfair. Allegri suspected that this game was premeditated, because Brocchi, who was fair in the second half, could describe his penalty kick in the first half as a misjudgment!

Misjudgment is a part of the football field that has always existed. Brocchi can use this as an excuse, so he was unexpectedly fair in the second half, impartial, and sometimes even biased towards Trapani.

Allegri didn't bet with Hugo because he and Hugo both understood that Allegri was the core of the team's midfield. The arrival of Toni improved the team's goal-scoring ability, and the arrival of Kameni ensured the team's goal. However, only the arrival of Allegri made Trapani's back hard. The midfield is the key hub of the attack and defense conversion, and it is the fundamental reason why Trapani can run smoothly. Without Allegri, this important figure, Trapani may be weaker than the opponent's midfield immediately.

The main central defender Victor was sent off, and there were more than 20 minutes left in the game. It would be strange if Trapani was not in danger.

In fact, when Hugo escorted Allegri to Palermo, just after leaving the stadium, Acireale scored a goal in the stadium and successfully reversed the score!

Victor looked at the score on the field and was very angry, damn Acireale, damn Brockie!

He did not watch the game anymore, but went to find Fabio Costa and said a few words to Costa.

"Is this okay?! Master Victor! What we do is against the rules!" Costa looked embarrassed.

"Are you a fool?! Who knew it was you?! And afterward, we just said we didn't know, it was the fans who made trouble, and that's fine! What else can the league do to us! Just do what I say You have to do it, we have to take care of things, you are so scared!" Victor scolded.

Costa felt relieved and ran to arrange it!

The Trapani players on the court worked very hard. Tony dragged his tall body and kept running. He is actually not this type of striker because he is tall and his speed is relatively slow. He runs the same length. The distance took more time than others, but he had to do it for the team's defense. He is the team's captain.

So he is struggling, but no one can replace him. He must also work hard on the court to help the team equalize the score.

Trapani's players fought with ten men for more than 40 minutes, which already consumed a lot of physical energy. Now the core midfielder was injured and went off the field. Not only was the score overtaken by the opponent, but the disadvantage on the court became more and more obvious. , although the players wanted to equalize, they were unable to do anything about the situation.

At this moment, Acireale's coach seemed to be in a hurry and directed the team to attack Trapani's position. However, they did so with loud thunder and small rain. Kameni's many heroic performances , so that they often return without success.

"It's that nigger again!" Acireale's coach secretly cursed, but he didn't mean to discriminate against Kameni as a black man. He was full of praise for Kameni in the last round of the game, but this time Now Kameni struck again and again to nullify Acireale's attacks, which made him not only use the word everyone is accustomed to using.

In the end, Brocchi ended the game amidst boos and abuse. Trapani was defeated at home by Acireale, who is also from Sicily. Of course, their loss in this game is not the end. At the end of the same round, they actually still had a ten-point lead in the group. They were very lucky. Several teams behind them felt like they were suffering from the plague this round and failed to take all three points. This made Trapa The players of Nigeria are very lucky.

Hugo and Sylvia accompanied Allegri to the hospital in Palermo. Allegri was sent for examination while Hugo and Sylvia waited outside.

"Hugo, the referee in this game is so blind! How could he make such a penalty?!" Sylvia didn't know the inside story and couldn't figure out how the referee could be so clumsy.

"Hey, you don't understand! He must have been bribed by someone to deliberately embarrass us and make us unable to win or even lose!" Hugo laughed and said nonchalantly.

"Ah, who can bribe them! They are the referees!" Sylvia's eyes widened. Only then did Hugo clearly see Sylvia, whom he hadn't seen for a few days. She seemed to have become more beautiful, with big and shining eyes. .

Well, maybe as Victor said, Sylvia was originally a beauty, but she just didn't notice it, or maybe she wasn't the type she liked.

"Why are you back?!" Hugo didn't want to talk about the team's problems with Sylvia, so he changed the subject and asked.

"Ah, let me tell you good news! I have been spotted by a modeling company. They invited me to try out modeling work. I have passed their interview, but I haven't decided yet whether I want to accept the invitation. I'm back Ask my dad for his opinion!" Sylvia said excitedly.

"You?! Are you interested in a model company?! It's not a scammer company?!" Hugo expressed doubts. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. When Hugo looked at Sylvia, he thought what the hell was going on with her? Can you be a model? ! How does she have the conditions to become a model? !

Milan is the fashion capital of the world. There are many fashion conferences every day, and the number of models needed is huge. Of course, it does not mean looking for models from local companies. At least there are many model agencies rooted in Milan. Those scouts may inadvertently be looking for models. I discovered Sylvia in between, who knew.

Hugo blurted out that it was a scam company. In fact, he knew that this seemed impossible because Sylvia was not stupid. Besides, she still had her aunt and her family there, so it was unlikely that she would encounter a scam company.

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