My name is Colani

Chapter 95 Acting

"Why can't I?! I didn't expect you to discriminate against women!" Sylvia pouted and retorted.

I, I discriminate against women here and there? ! I just don't believe it! Hugo thought depressedly.

"I don't mean to discriminate against you. You, a little girl, have a lot of problems with your understanding ability. What did I say?! I'm also worried about you. Will you meet a liar?!" Hugo retorted.

"Haha, then you care about me, which proves that you still have me in your heart!" Sylvia clapped her hands and laughed.

"Oh, my god!" Hugo was really angry, "I said, can you please not mention us! There is no possibility between us, Sylvia, if we are lovers, we can't have a follow-up plot! If we are friends, we can be good friends for life! I care about you because you are my friend! It doesn't mean that I am interested in you!"

Anyway, this girl has a strong ability to withstand blows, so Hugo simply said it again!

Once, twice, the little girl was finally a little sad!

After a long silence, she asked, "Is Julia Bonaparte your girlfriend?!"

"No! She's not my type!" Hugo denied it flatly.

"But sister Aisha said you were particularly attentive to her! She liked Miss Bonaparte very much! She also said..."

"What else did you say?!" Hugo asked curiously. This cousin turned out to be a golden little spy, so talkative!

"She also said that you were like a pug, pestering Miss Bonaparte and inviting her to your company! Taking the opportunity to get close!" Sylvia sold out sister Aisha completely.

"She's talking nonsense!" Hugo interrupted angrily, "Humph, Aisha is full of nonsense, what do you mean I invited her?! It wasn't me who invited her, it was Miss Bonaparte's father who asked me to let his daughter work in my company! Hey, why should I explain to you! You're not my girlfriend!"

"Hey", Hugo slapped his thigh fiercely, do I need to explain to you? ! Sylvia smiled at Hugo's actions, and then both of them were silent.

Until Allegri came out, Hugo and Sylvia hurried forward, and Hugo asked the doctor from Trapani Hospital who followed him.

"Thank God!" After hearing the result, Hugo clasped his hands together to thank God. In such a foul state, Allegri's ankle injury was not serious. The ligament was slightly torn, and there was no bone fracture, let alone fracture. This was really lucky. As for how physics explained that Allegri was not seriously injured, Hugo didn't want to know.

But even so, Allegri's foot, I'm afraid it will take a week or two before he can get off the ground.

Overall, it's not bad. The ankle is the most vulnerable part of the player. It's really serious. It's not without precedent to be absent for a year or so. Allegri knew the result when he took the film inside. At this moment, he smiled calmly.

Since he was fine, Hugo hit him on the shoulder, "Uncle, I didn't expect that your body is as strong as iron, and you didn't get seriously injured like that!!"

"I also feel like Superman!" Allegri laughed, "Look, you bought a Superman, now you know that your money is worth it!"

Everyone laughed!

In Rome, the headquarters of the amateur league, Andrea Greco was drinking coffee leisurely in his office. He is the designated referee for the entire Italian League. The Italian League has 9 groups, each with 18 teams. There are many teams and many games every year. His workload is very heavy, but in fact, his work is not that complicated. He also has assistants.

Assigning referees is a trivial matter. The main thing is to deal with emergencies. For example, if a referee cannot enforce the game temporarily, he must deal with it as soon as possible. There are 81 games in the Italian League every weekend, and there are many more referees than in Serie A every weekend. There is always the possibility of accidents.

Everything was normal this weekend, and all the games were over. There were no special circumstances in the Italian League, and no games were scheduled at night. This was different from Serie A, and this was made with full consideration of the actual situation of each team. Many Italian teams were not very financially well-off, and they spent their money in half, and arranged games at night. And didn't the visiting team have to stay in the host team's city for one night? ! This was an unnecessary expense. The groups were divided by geographical regions, and generally they had time to return to their own towns after playing.

So Greco would not work overtime, and would not wait here until late at night.

He looked up at the alarm clock on the wall of the office. It was late, and it was time to get off work!

Greco packed up and prepared to go home, but at this time his office phone rang.

"Damn it, I hope nothing happens!" Greco cursed and picked up the phone, "Hello, this is Andrea Greco, the designated referee of the amateur league!"

"Mr. Greco! I'm Nino Brocchi!" The voice on the other end of the phone was crying.

"It's you! Mr. Brocchi! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Greco could tell from Brocchi's voice that things were not going well. He knew exactly which match Brocchi would referee, because he had arranged for Brocchi to referee the match between Trapani and Acireale.

"We were locked in the referee's lounge by that bastard Gianluigi Pasilio Colleni, and we can't get out now!" Brocchi continued to cry.

Ah! Greco was shocked!

This is the first time I have heard of such a thing. This is the first time such a thing has happened in the amateur league. The referee was locked in the referee's locker room after the game.

"Did they lose the game?!" Greco asked uncertainly.

"Yes! That guy is a lunatic! He locked us in! I don't know what to do. I don't have their phone number! I'm worried that he will send someone to deal with us!" Brocchi was finally a little scared. All the insults before were trivial. This time he suspected that the young boss was going to be serious and might severely punish them.

This was an unpeaceful game. After the game, some fans climbed over the fence and rushed into the stadium. The players and referees on both sides entered their respective locker rooms under the escort of security personnel.

Brocchi and his companions heard the scolding outside and the persuasion of the security personnel in the referee's locker room. They didn't understand it very well. The people outside spoke in dialect. They came from the north and couldn't understand the local bird language of Sicily at all.

Later, it seemed that the crowd outside dispersed, but they could no longer open the door of the referee's locker room.

Brocchi absolutely did not believe that it was the fans who locked the door of the room. It must be the boss who spat at him. He must have instructed the fans to throw coins at him. It must have been him who instructed them to lock the referee this time.

"Okay, Nino, stay calm! I will report to Mr. Tavecchio, and then contact their club to let them release you as soon as possible! It's no big deal. They will never dare to use force on you! Don't worry!" Greco kept comforting Brocchi.

"No, Mr. Greco! That guy is a lunatic. During the halftime break, he instructed the fans to attack us with coins! You don't know how crazy that is. Tens of thousands of coins are hitting us!" Brocchi only remembered at this time that Qian Yu during the halftime break was actually a crazy move, but he also guessed wrong. It was not tens of thousands, but more than 200,000 coins that were hitting them.

"Don't worry, he will never dare to use force on you. You are the referees!" Greco still comforted with the same words. Of course, he hoped that Trapani would really use force, so that they would have more sufficient reasons to punish the group of country bumpkins.

After hanging up the phone, Greco called Tavecchio, and he informed the chairman of the situation given by Brocchi.

"It's simply sensational! What kind of club is this?! This is a robber club! This is a shame for Italian football! Andrea, you contact the newspaper immediately and expose the robbery of this club in Trapani! Our league must also take severe measures against such behavior!" Tavecchio cursed indignantly.

"What about Brocchi and his friends over there?!" Greco asked.

"Them?! Do you think the longer they are locked up, the better for us?!" Tavecchio said bluntly.

Is there any need to say this? ! Of course! Definitely!

Tavecchio and Greco were busy exposing this sensational incident, and they didn't contact Trapani at all, nor did they look for Alberto Ricci, the head of the local amateur team committee. However, was Hugo really as stupid as them? !

Of course he wouldn't be so stupid as to keep locking up several referees. He just wanted to teach them a lesson!

Allegri did not need to be hospitalized in Palermo, nor did he want to stay there to recover. Hugo and his team returned to Trapani. Allegri will stay in the local hospital for a few days and then be discharged.

Hugo knew about the matter a long time ago. He told Allegri this as a joke. Allegri was also very happy. You are so brave!

"Will there be any trouble if you do this? They will punish the club!" Allegri was not optimistic about the situation.

"Humph, wait and see! I will expose them. I will make them never dare to extend their black claws to my team again!" Hugo snorted coldly.

It's a pity that he is too young and has not had much experience in struggle in his previous life. If he wants to expose, he must act early. Tavecchio has already contacted the media to deal with him.

Back to the club, Hugo brought Victor and others to the stadium. It was already late at night. Not only did they come together, but there were also hundreds of fans who were temporarily found. They were responsible for being extras for Hugo. They held various banners and slogans, scolding Brocchi and the amateur league!

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