My name is Colani

Chapter 96 Apology

The door was opened, and the first thing that hit Brocchi and the others was Hugo's harmless face, or more precisely, a smiling face.

"Oh, Mr. Brocchi! I'm so sorry to you all! I just learned about this news! Mr. Allegri was injured, and I accompanied him to Palermo without watching the game, so I'm sorry that I came back so late!" Hugo held Brocchi's hand and apologized sincerely.

"Then what do you mean by ordering someone to lock us in the locker room?!" Seeing Hugo's seemingly servile apology, Brocchi's heart suddenly hardened.

"What do you mean I ordered someone to lock you in the locker room?!" Hugo had a look of laughter and tears, "I only learned about this after hearing the report from our security director, and then I hurried back from Palermo! I really didn't know!"

"Fabio, tell the situation to the gentlemen, let them hear whether I lied or not!" Hugo shouted sternly.

Costa, the supporting actor, immediately jumped out and told everyone everything. According to him, the key to the locker room door was kept by the security personnel, but during the conflict, the fans snatched the key and locked the door of the referee's locker room, claiming that if the referees didn't give an explanation today, they would not be able to leave the stadium today!

Fortunately, under the persuasion of the club's security personnel, everyone remained relatively restrained and did not rush into the referee's locker room.

Broki and others looked at each other, are you kidding me? ! Do you think we are three-year-old children? !

"Mr. Broki, to tell you honestly, there are still hundreds of fans gathered here. They asked you to give an explanation for today's game. I entered the referee's locker room with their permission!" Hugo looked at the referee's locker room and laughed again: "You guys are really, why don't you try to smash the door?!"

Uh, Broki only remembered at this time, yes, if you smashed it, wouldn't it be enough to run away earlier? !

"Where are the police?!" Brocchi seemed to think that the police were a life-saving straw.

"Alas, we called the police a long time ago! But the police can't do anything to them!" Hugo shrugged.

"But you can let them in and protect us from leaving!" Brocchi grabbed Hugo's hand.

"Haha, I thought so too! So I brought the police officer with me, this is Giuseppe Napolino!" Hugo made way, and a real police officer stood in front of Brocchi.

"Mr. Brocchi, we have received a call from the Trapani club a long time ago, but this is not a riot. Our local fans are very restrained and have not done anything extreme! So we can't use rough means against them! Our current task is to ensure your safe departure, but we are now surrounded by a large number of fans. If we go out, we must face them. If we leave by force, I am worried that it will cause a conflict, so I don't recommend that we leave by force!" Giuseppe Napolino said.

"What should we do then?! You are the police, you must ensure our safety!" Brocchi was like a spoiled child and depended on Napolino.

"Well, it's not that you don't have a way to leave! The fans have made demands, asking you to admit that there are major problems with today's penalty, and asking you to apologize!" Napolino finally stated the demands.

"Is this your idea, the police?!" Brocchi sneered. He would be stupid to admit that there are problems with today's penalty.

"Yes, this is our idea! Our goal is to ensure your safe departure. We don't care whether you have any improper behavior in today's game. We just think that to simply leave, we have to meet the fans' demands!" Napolino was also cold.

"Mr. Brocchi, if you insist on your own opinion and refuse to meet the fans' demands, I can also tell you that if the fans don't make any excessive reactions, we will not force them to drive them away!" Napolino added.

Damn it! Brocchi cursed in his heart!

"Mr. Colani, didn't you receive a call from the league?!" Brocchi turned the conversation to Hugo again.

"A call from the league? No! I didn't receive any calls! You also know that fans are difficult to deal with, and it's not something that a boss like me can easily handle! Mr. Brocchi, I advise you to do what Mr. Napolino said! Of course, you can choose not to apologize, you can wait, I have already reported it to the league, our club is financially weak and cannot handle such a complicated situation." Hugo was confused, but he soon guessed that this guy must have called the higher-ups, but why the amateur league hasn't called him yet, which made Hugo a little puzzled.

How could he know that they were just waiting for things to get out of hand!

Brocchi wouldn't hold on for that long, he was waiting for a call from the league, but a long time had passed, his mobile phone didn't get a call from Greco, and he didn't dare to call in public, he gritted his teeth, Brocchi surrendered, and said he could apologize! He really didn't want to stay here at all, from noon to now, he was hungry!

Hugo? ! Hugo ran away a long time ago, saying that he was powerless, ran away without a trace, and never cared about the subsequent development of the plot.

So in front of hundreds of fans, the referee personally admitted that he had made some subjective mistakes in the game and that there were misjudgments in the game. He apologized to the Trapani club and the fans for the mistakes.

Softie! Victor spit fiercely in the direction where Brocchi left!

The story ends happily!

The amateur league is not a respectable existence in Italian football, but the next day, Corriere dello Sport used a lot of space on the front page to report this "scandal". Tavecchio is indeed a big shot. He actually found a connection to let Corriere dello Sport do this.

What? ! They even dared to shut down the referee! What is Trapani Football Club? ! It's a robber club!

All major media in the country seemed to pay attention to this matter. Trapani Football Club has been standing on the cusp of the storm without realizing it. Trapani is a poor and remote place, but Hugo is not ignorant. He knew on the same day that Trapani was honored to be on the front page.

"This is the most noteworthy moment in our Trapani's 100-year history! Today we finally made the front page of Corriere dello Sport!" Hugo said excitedly to Alberto Ricci.

"You can still laugh?! This matter may make your wish to upgrade this season go wrong! The club will suffer heavy punishment!" Ricci said with a wry smile.

"Severe punishment?! Why?! We didn't lock up the referee! Some people can instruct the media to talk nonsense, so why can't I?! Alas, it's a pity that these guys got there first, but no problem, the truth is the truth, let's lift the lid and see what the old bastard Tavecchio can do!" Hugo said fiercely.

"Gigi, what is the truth?! The truth that you locked up Brocchi or the truth that Brocchi was instructed by someone?!" Richie sneered. Hugo didn't tell him that Brocchi was locked up, but Richie could guess it even if he wasn't stupid. "You don't have any evidence to prove that Brocchi was instructed by someone?! This situation is just a misjudgment on the court! Gigi, you think too naively. You can't bring them down without sufficient evidence!"

Hugo thought too simply, but this matter needs evidence anyway, and ironclad evidence to prove the connection between Brocchi and Tavecchio, but now after Richie's reminder, it is found that it is indeed not that simple. If Brocchi is not stupid, he will not say that he was instructed, but will only say that this game was a misjudgment.

But that's it? ! Hugo was unwilling. Should I accept their punishment? Impossible! We have to think of a way.

"Gigi, I will explain the situation to the amateur league! I will ask Mr. Tavecchio to give the team a break!" Richie grabbed Hugo's hand and said.

"Thank you! Alberto, but I don't need it! I won't give in to that old guy! If I can't resist, then I deserve it, but even if we have a grudge against that old guy, we'll see what happens in the future! But I won't surrender now. They will let the media talk nonsense, and I can do that too. I just need to explain that I didn't control the referee! Let's see what reason he has to punish me! He wants to use the authority of the amateur league to oppress me. Okay, then we'll go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport to play!" Richie was also kind-hearted. Didn't he rush over today after hearing the news? Hugo sincerely thanked him, but also firmly stated that he would not compromise even if he went to court.

Hugo knew very well that he had connections everywhere in Trapani, otherwise how could the police Napolino work hard for him? The amateur league was too confident and wanted to take the lead, but didn't think about how the city of Trapani would characterize this incident? ! Hugo was sure that the police would characterize the whole incident as a post-match confrontation between the fans and the referee, not a riot.

The key now was to find a reporter, a big reporter from a big media, who needed to speak in favor of Trapani.

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