My name is Colani

Chapter 97: Very different

Ever since the Corriere dello Sport first revealed that the owner of Trapani Club, Gianluigi Pasilio Colani, was dissatisfied with the referee's penalty and locked up the referee team in the locker room after the game, major media outlets across the country have been scrambling to report it.

Many people have also begun to dig deep into the Trapani Club and its owner. Even though it is not the era of the Internet explosion, Hugo's family background has been thoroughly dug up. It turns out that this is the genius writer of the year, and it turns out that this is the co-founder of Google. I didn't expect that he is the owner of Trapani Football Club!

Hugo's popularity in the sports world has caught up with the top stars of the Serie A league!

Young and rich, young and energetic, what made him do such a ridiculous thing? ! Paul Garlando, a well-known reporter from the Gazzetta dello Sport, shook his head as he looked at the article in the newspaper on the table.

Youth is synonymous with impulsiveness! But think about a small writer who can write a national bestseller, a young man who is said to have a net worth of hundreds of millions, would he really be so impulsive? !

Paul Garlando expressed deep doubts, Trapani! Sicily!

A thought flashed through Garlando's mind like lightning, is this guy's background just this? ! Could it be a mafia background? Garlando couldn't think of why he was so rich at such a young age! What did he rely on to imprison the referee team unscrupulously? ! Could it be because he had some hidden background? !

The reporter's keenness made Garlando feel that this matter still had potential for further exploration!

"Go to Trapani as soon as possible to find out!" Garlando said to himself, of course it must be fast, soon more reporters will think of this, and then dig out more valuable news.

Garlando made a prompt decision and told his assistant to buy a ticket to Palermo for him. He wanted to go deep into the tiger's den and catch the tiger.

Of course, Hugo didn't know that some reporters had already targeted him, guessing that he was a potential cancer in Italian football and wanted to drive him out of the Italian football world. Italian football does not allow the existence of the mafia. Even though everyone knows that the mafia in the football world does exist, it is not Hugo. The persimmons are always picked on the weak!

Hugo was worried about the team. Allegri had to rest for at least two weeks, and the team had two more games to be played without Allegri. This was a difficult problem. Of course, another difficult problem was that Allegri could not come to the team. Hugo had to take on the role of head coach of the team. Fortunately, the training outline was now being formulated by Barrias and others, so training was not a problem.

Barrias and others and the players saw that the scene was very chaotic after the game that day, so they left the stadium early and fled. Although they knew that the "fans" were not targeting them, they were also worried about being affected.

Later, they heard that the referee team was locked in the locker room for four or five hours. They felt that things were not that simple. How could the fans easily grab the keys? ! But then again, they also laughed at Brocchi and others like Hugo, wondering if they were stupid. Wouldn't it be enough to just kick the door and run away? !

Of course, in general, they were happy about what happened. Damn, there was something wrong with the referee team, and they deserved to be tortured like this!

So they didn't care whether Hugo was the one who made it!

Barrias and others, like Hugo, were also worried about the team's next two games. Trapani's overall strength was improved because of the addition of three important figures. Without these three people, the team's level immediately dropped several levels. Now the most critical figure Allegri was injured, and the team didn't even know what strategy to play.

"Gigi, the team must increase the probability of passing the ball from the backcourt in the next two games. We are now missing Xiabi, and it is estimated that we can't control the midfield! We can only try to reduce midfield control in the next game!" Barrias suggested to Hugo.

"But we can't just watch others control the situation!" Hugo replied depressedly.

"Actually, this is not a problem. I studied the next two opponents. Their offensive ability is not strong. Even if they have some possession of the ball, based on their previous offensive ability, I think it will not cause us too much trouble!" Barrias said the results of his research.

"Besides, we are just playing the way we are most used to!" Fitness coach Massimo Lombardi also interrupted.

Lombardi said the truth. Although Allegri controlled the midfield in the past, the offense was basically crosses and long passes were popular. Allegri's control transfer was more to tear apart the opponent's defensive formation. After all, many teams took a defensive stance against Trapani. Now that Allegri is not there, the opponent is very likely to change its strategy and seize the midfield. In this way, there may be more gaps in the backcourt, which is conducive to Trapani's long passes.

Of course, the quality of this cannot be guaranteed. Trapani's players are basically amateur level. In the past, long passes were launched, and Allegri was often used to make the distance as short as possible.

Long passes and crosses are not so simple and easy to practice. It is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult for players to achieve the desired effect when practicing. Those who have played football know that it takes a lot of time to make a long pass of more than 30 or 40 meters, not to mention that they may face pressure from the opponent on the court, and the accuracy may be even worse.

This is what Hugo is worried about. This way of playing is actually very inefficient for Trapani, but what can he do? Now he can only adopt this strategy to keep the tie.

"Let's seize the time to practice new tactics in the past two days. Without Victor and Xabi, we have to work harder!" Hugo ordered, "Michele, during this time I have to deal with off-field matters." You and Massimo and Andrea will have to worry more about some matters!"

Victor was ejected from the field by Brockie with a red card in the last game. He will definitely not be able to participate in the next away game. As for whether he will be subject to additional penalties, it is hard to say!

Hugo estimated that the Amateur League would issue a ticket soon. Victor and the referee team were not locked in the locker room, and they might be issued separate tickets.

Hugo was thinking about how he should respond. He had already discussed it with the Trapani police station on the day it happened. The definition of this incident was not a fan riot, but a dispute between the fans and the referee team after the game. A dialogue took place, and no one was injured or conflicted throughout the process.

The same was true of the qualitative results of our discussions with the head of the regional committee, Alberto Ricci.

The current development of the matter is that the senior officials of the Amateur League are anxious to disclose in the media that this is the club's deliberate detention of the referee team, while the local amateur committee and the local police station have characterized it as a confrontation between the fans and the referee team.

Alberto Ricci reported the investigation results of the incident to the Amateur League the next day, and the local police station also announced the details of the incident the next day. The definition is of course completely different from that of the top management of the Amateur League.

This is actually where Hugo has the confidence. You, the Amateur League, may just listen to Brockie’s words and take the lead in attacking me, preemptively and completely beating me to death, but I am indeed monolithic in the local area. I wonder if you can change your mind. .

Paul Garlando came to Trapani on the third day. At this time, in addition to disclosing the incident in the media, the Amateur League also announced that it would set up an investigation team to investigate this incident. Of course, Tavecchio He is unwilling to set up an investigation team, but the Amateur League is definitely not monolithic. Not only is the preliminary investigation conclusion of the Trapani Provincial Amateur Committee completely different from the information received by the top officials of the Amateur League, but also the Amateur Football Competition Committee of the Palermo Autonomous Region. Strongly opposed to imposing severe penalties on Trapani Club without investigation.

Hugo did not join forces. These connections were made with the help of Alberto Ricci. Ricci really didn’t want to see Trapani’s good situation ruined by a game. To be precise, it was ruined by some big shots. After being ruined, he now ignored his feelings and chose to stand firmly on Hugo's side.

Only when Paul Garlando arrived in Trapani did he realize that the results here were completely different from those disclosed by the Amateur League in the media. As a well-known reporter, he revealed his identity and found the local police station.

According to the police department, they received a call from Trapani immediately, saying that fans surrounded the referee team and locked the referee in the locker room. They sent out the police, but the fans' attitude was gentle but firm. Yes, I want the referee team to give an explanation and apologize to Trapani Club and fans.

The police chief who received him happened to be Giuseppe Napolino. Napolino said: "Whether there was a misjudgment during that game or whether Mr. Brockie made a major mistake, that is not our focus. We just wanted to get them out safely, so we persuaded Mr. Brockie to apologize to the fans, and the fans kindly let them leave!”

"If the incident is the cause, I think you are a reporter, you should dig out the truth of this incident, what exactly caused the anger of Trapani fans! I definitely Mr. Brocchi should feel lucky, we The Trapani people are all civilized people. If this were in Palermo or Catania, I can hardly believe that they could leave safely!" Napolino took a sip of coffee and said with a sneer. It was obvious that he Expressing an attitude, he believed that the referee team headed by Brockie was the culprit.

Garlando did not jump to conclusions hastily, but his professional habits told him that the matter may be complicated. The police chief was overtly and covertly saying that Brockie's penalty on the court had caused public outrage, and this is what happened. the root cause.

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