My name is Colani

Chapter 98 Meeting 1

"Tuk tuk tuk!" The door to the room was opened.

"You are?!" Paul Garlando opened the door and asked in confusion as he looked at the smiling faces outside.

"Ah, hello! My name is Fabio Costa, are you Mr. Paul Garlando?!" Fabio Costa extended his hand to greet him enthusiastically.

"Yes, I am! Excuse me, who are you?!" Garlando politely stretched out his hand, do I know you? !

"I am the security director of Trapani Football Club! I was assigned by Mr. Colaini to invite you to meet at our headquarters! I wonder if it is convenient for Mr. Garlando?!" Fabio Costa was still smiling , there is no forced meaning in the words.

"Humph, I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. I just came here for less than a day!" Garlando sneered.

"Actually, it's not that we are well-informed! It's because Trapani is too small!" Fabio Costa touched his head and said, "Then is Mr. Garlando free?!"

"Of course, I have to go to your place sooner or later anyway! Why not now?!" Garlando regained his composure. He really planned to go see Gianluigi Passilio Collet sooner or later. Ni.

Many people regard Sicily as a dragon's den, but for some people, it is not. For example, journalists who desperately want to get to the bottom of things. Now the Italian government has cracked down on the underworld in Sicily since the 1990s. Journalists like Garlando Identity is a talisman, so he is not afraid of coming here at all. If it is really Koleni who is doing evil, then he should be very smart and not choose to do anything to him.

Of course Hugo would not touch Garlando. Napolino informed him that a reporter named Paul Garlando had come to Trapani. Hugo quickly figured out Garlando's background. He is a very well-known football journalist who works for Gazzetta dello Sport.

"Gazzetta dello Sport" is the sports newspaper with the largest circulation in Italy, but its audience is mainly in the north. They are also famous in the south, but not as famous as in the north.

The arrival of Garlando actually gave Hugo the idea of ​​​​making full use of this pen. He has always wanted to sing against Tavecchio in public opinion, but he has no outlet in the press. Now this is not an opportunity that comes to Hugo. He decided to try to see if he could use Garlando for his own use, and even make Garlando the mouthpiece of Trapani in the future.

Garlando followed Costa to the training base. During this time, Giorgio and Selly were not there. They were responsible for recruiting youth training players outside and poaching people everywhere. They were not there when the referee incident occurred, and Hugo did not let them come back. , just a job to reassure them that he would handle the whole thing.

Therefore, Hugo is basically responsible for all matters of the team. Morek has returned from Palermo in the past two days and can be regarded as his assistant.

Victor? ! Victor is useless and can only do the work of serving tea and delivering water, and his main job is still being a player.

In order to be close to the team, Hugo stayed at the training base to work these days.

"You?! Are you Gianluigi Colaini?!" When he saw the young Hugo, Garlando couldn't help but wonder. He was too young, even though he knew that Hugo was already 20 years old. arrive.

Fashionable parting, chestnut hair, dressed very casually, wearing a jacket and shirt, jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes.

He doesn't look like a successful person, but he looks like the sunshine boy next door.

"I know my youth shocks you, but I'm really not used to your shock!" Hugo smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand, "Hello! Mr. Garlando, I am Gianluigi Passilio. .Colleni, this is my cousin Alejandro Morek, he is the deputy general manager of the team, our general manager Giorgio Esposito and Leonardo Sergio Leigh is on a business trip, and the club president, Victor Colaini, is training on the training ground outside. He is also the core of the team's defense. Basically, I handle the team's affairs personally!"

"I know that, you are still the head coach and player, right?!" Garlando was infected by Hugo's casualness, stretched out his hand to hold Hugo's hand, and said teasingly.

"Yes, actually let me tell you a secret, I don't play much! I don't direct the game very much. I have been ignored by my coaches!" Hugo joked in a serious voice in a low voice.

"Hahaha!" The two burst out laughing, and then Morek came up, introduced himself, and shook hands with Garlando.

"Please sit down, because I am a young man, so there are no taboos here, it is very casual! My staff and team members are like this, they all call me Gigi or Hugo, you can too Call me like this! Can I call you Paul? You look like you are only in your 20s, and you are very young!"

Can I say no? ! Of course it was difficult for Garlando to say no because of politeness.

"Actually, I'm already over thirty years old!" Garlando shrugged and sat across from the desk as Hugo said.

It was really casual here. Morek was leaning against the window sill, while Hugo was leaning on the comfortable-looking boss's chair.

"Tea or coffee?! I don't have any good coffee here, but I do have the best black tea from Wuyi Mountain in China, Lapsang Souchong! This is what I brought back when I traveled to China last year. Well, it tastes good!" Hugo suggested.

"I'd better choose coffee!" Garlando smiled and shook his head and made his choice. Coffee can refresh him and allow him to deal with this young Mr. Colleni. From the moment they met until now, Garlando's intuition is that this young man is far away from him. It's not as simple as it seems.

After Morek heard this, he turned around and went out to make coffee himself, while Hugo sat upright and started chatting with Garlando.

"Paul, have you been here for a day?! What did you see here?!" Hugo laughed.

He knew exactly what Hugo was asking.

"A completely different conclusion! This time I think you will have to compete with the amateur league!" Garlando said with a smile.

"Yes, I will definitely fight in the ring! If they are unfair, I will ask the best lawyer. The Amateur League and I will go to the Court of Arbitration for Sports to fight again. If we lose, I will continue and go to the Olympic Committee. Appeal, if it doesn't work, I will appeal to the administrative court, and let's see who will have the last laugh! Because there is only one truth, and I won't give up until I get what I want!" Hugo said calmly, "Although they are the first to be exposed now and make my team look bad, but who will be bad in the future? I have the foresight to say it will be them!"

The tone was calm, but Garlando heard that Hugo was very determined. Could it be that the Amateur League was really one-sided about this matter? ! He not only deeply doubted Hugo's imprisonment of the referee team.

"Do you want to hear my story?!" Hugo suddenly dropped the subject and asked.

curious! Very curious! Hearings are always hearings, and legends are legends! Garlando inevitably wanted to hear Hugo's story. How could such a young man become a rich man and the owner of a team before he even won a championship? Is it his family background or his own efforts? This is A mystery.

"Of course I do. You know that I am a reporter. Journalists have a probing nature. In fact, my plan for coming here was to conduct an interview with you! I think you are an incredible person!" Garlando smiled. .

"My family has a history in Trapani for hundreds of years. To be honest, my family inevitably had some black things in the past, but now it has become a serious businessman! Of course you can express Doubt, this is not something I can control!" Hugo stood up and slowly told himself.

"I have been very smart since I was a child. I am called Hugo of Trapani by the people here, the smartest person. I have never gone to school. My family hired a tutor. I can speak several foreign languages. I am from Stanford University. The reason why I am a student is because I plan to start my own company and have no time to study! I think I am one of the few smart people in the world!" Hugo said proudly.

Underworld background? ! Garlando did not expect Hugo to admit it directly without any intention of hiding it. Garlando also heard about Hugo's various brilliance later.

"Do you know how I started a business?! How did I take over this team?!" Hugo turned to Garlando and asked.

At this time, Morek brought the coffee that Garlando wanted to drink. Garlando did not answer, but said thank you to Morek, and then sipped a cup of coffee. The taste was not very good. Garlando frowned. head.

"Haha, I told you we don't have good coffee here!" Hugo joked.

"Actually, it doesn't matter! As long as I can drink, I want to cheer up to deal with you! You won't tell me this for no reason!" Garlando said bluntly.

"You are also a smart person! It is always a pleasure to deal with smart people!" Hugo did not deny it, "Then do you want to listen to it?!"

Garlando nodded.

"My history of success has a lot to do with football! Before I was eighteen years old, I lived in seclusion and seldom went out. I focused on reading, self-study, and creating literary works. You must also know that I have written two best-selling books. , right? My goal at that time was to become a writer like Victor Hugo, which is also the origin of my nickname Hugo! But something happened to me last year, and my brother Victor took me there! When I went to sea, I unfortunately drowned and almost died. After I woke up, I felt that maybe I should change my life in a different way! So I wanted to make a lot of money so that I could enjoy the highest quality of life, so I wanted to make money! Guess, how do I make money?" Hugo smiled mysteriously.

Morek wants to laugh, how to make money? ! Betting on football! He already knew that Hugo made his fortune from gambling.

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