My name is Colani

Chapter 947 Just treat it as my fart

Hugo and Seli looked at the bustling stadium and no one said anything further. After a pause, Seli suddenly asked: "For so many years, I have always been very curious about one thing. You found Ronaldo and Messi directly back then. I am very curious. Why did you go to them? How do you know that they will become different players?! Are you a god?!"

"Why don't you ask me why my business is so smooth?!" Hugo asked back with a laugh.

Seli shook his head, "What's there to ask? Some people are born geniuses. You are a business genius. No one can compare! But Ronaldo and Messi are so young, why can you be sure that they can reach their current height?!"

"Just treat me as God! Things that cannot be explained are all God's credit! Okay, you can call me God this time!" Hugo laughed and ran to find Julia and the two children.

"Are you really God?!" Seli muttered, shook his head and gave up thinking about this question. Even if he squeezed his brain dry, Seli would never have thought that our Mr. Hugo was actually a person who traveled through time and space.


Trapani was destined not to stay in Munich tonight, because he knew that there were still thousands of fans in Sicily who were eagerly waiting for the trophy to arrive.

After a simple dinner, the Trapani players boarded the plane, and Hugo had time to check his phone. He hadn't read the messages on his phone for many days. He knew without looking that they were all congratulations to him. Hugo was only responsible for reading them, and he actually saw Abramovich's congratulations among them.


Hugo imagined Abramovich's expression when he sent the message, which must have been painful, and couldn't help but laugh. He happily replied, "Roman, your team's performance is not bad, but if you want to win the Champions League, you need to invest more money!"

After replying, Hugo threw the phone to Perotti and asked Perotti to help reply.

The cabin was still noisy, and the players were still excited. Hugo remembered that he didn't seem to have congratulated his players yet. Maybe everyone forgot!

After meditating on the chair for a few minutes, Hugo stood up and walked to the center of the aisle, coughing twice... It took several coughs to attract everyone's attention, and the players quickly quieted down.

Since Hugo publicly criticized the team, it's not that he hasn't watched everyone's training, nor has he not communicated, but the relationship between him and the players has always been a little cold. Maybe the players no longer think Hugo is as amiable as before. In short, everyone seems to have an invisible layer of estrangement.

Facing these eyes, Hugo was not too surprised. Tony blinked at him and motioned him to continue. Obviously, Tony might hope that Hugo can use this opportunity to ease the relationship with everyone.

"Congratulations! You have become the fourth team in history to win three consecutive Champions League titles. This is an incredible achievement. You deserve my applause!" Hugo took the lead in applauding the players. Hugo's friends in the team, Tony, Barzagli, Kameni, Evra, Messi and others immediately applauded, and others followed suit.

"This championship is a good summary of our not-so-good season! You proved yourselves, you proved that you are not as bad as the accusations. Although you were really bad in the past, this trophy proves that you still know the sense of honor and shame!"

"I'm sorry, everyone, I said it so harshly again! What I actually want to say is that the championship trophy is very important to you, and it is also very important to the club. What is the purpose of us becoming a team?! Who of you can tell me?!" Hugo asked.

Hugo was a little disappointed that he didn't stand up and say it. He was most afraid of this kind of non-cooperation when speaking. Some people may know the answer, but don't want to say it, or maybe they really don't know how to answer.

"The purpose is simple, because the championship brings us together! We are obviously different from other places. We are an ambitious team. Our goal is to pursue championships and win. Who has won the most domestic league titles? It's Juventus! Who has won the most Champions League titles? It's Real Madrid! Who has won the most Italian Cup titles?! Well, I really don't know! These teams are our goals that we are constantly pursuing. Our goal is to do better than them and be better!"

"We must keep moving forward. Three consecutive championships is not our goal. Our goal is to surpass Real Madrid's five consecutive championships and their nine championship titles. There is still a long way to go. Each of you should feel lucky because you are fortunate enough to participate. In this great journey, it takes a long time to achieve this goal, but the most important thing is that you have laid a good foundation for the future! "

"This is what I just talked about with you today, talking about the goals of our club and our values. The most straightforward thing is that you are taking the generous salary given here, you must respect the goals of this club and you must fight for it! "

"Another thing is that I want to say goodbye to those who are leaving here. Luca has signed with Florence, Carlos also told me that he wants to leave, and there are others who may leave for various reasons, but the club is very grateful for your contribution. I wish you a new start and a new future in advance!" Hugo ended his talk.

The players seemed to be silent. Hugo shouted unsatisfiedly: "No matter what I say, today is a day worth celebrating. Let's drink champagne! If you really don't like what I say, just treat it as fart!"

The players laughed and finally eased the awkward atmosphere. Everyone started talking and laughing again, as if they really treated Hugo's words as fart.


Di Maria sat next to Messi. He silently shed tears in the joy. Messi was a little surprised.

"Angel, what's wrong with you?!" Messi asked.

"I heard that the club plans to sell me. I plan to leave here!" Di Maria wiped a tear and said, and he couldn't tell whether he was relieved or sad.

"The club plans to sell you?! Is this... is this true?!" Messi was a little surprised. He was not the kind of player who liked to ask about the team's affairs. He was really a little unclear about this matter. He just read from the media that Di Maria seemed to have a relationship with Real Madrid, but he didn't expect that the club wanted to sell Di Maria.

"Who told you?!" Messi asked.

"It doesn't matter! I just grew up here and I'm a little reluctant! In fact, there's nothing wrong with leaving. I feel like I can't find the passion I had here anymore! Maybe it will be different in another place!" Di Maria replied.

Messi suddenly thought of the game against Real Madrid and Hugo's speech today. There was too much farewell in his words, so this might be true. He knew that if it was Hugo's decision, it could not be changed at all. Thinking about what Di Maria said, he felt a little relieved.

Messi recognized the lack of motivation. Sometimes he would lack motivation, but the burden on him was too heavy and he couldn't let it go. Wenger valued him and gave him the greatest attention. Wenger was very straightforward, that is, to let him lead the team to victory. He also remembered how much Hugo valued him and regarded him as the strongest player in history.

"You will be the pillar of the club for the next 10 or even 20 years!" Hugo said to him at the beginning.

These burdens made him unable to be careless at all, and his sense of responsibility prompted him to keep moving forward.

This is no wonder, Di Maria and Messi are completely different. Di Maria has been taken care of by Trapani since he was very young, but Messi almost couldn't continue his football career. Messi cherishes his talent and the opportunities given by the team more than Di Maria, but Di Maria keeps falling.

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