My name is Colani

Chapter 948 Power Transfer

"Although we don't know if this is the beginning or the end! But one thing is certain, Trapani has established its own dynasty. In just a few years, their championships have filled the entire honor room. They are club idols in Italy and even the world!..." In the column of "New Sports", the famous reporter Domenico, who has been following Trapani for many years, said truthfully in his column.

"Trapani's success is a model of Italian football! Now we can call them the label of Italy in the past ten years since the new millennium, no, maybe the label of the next twenty years, just like Turin, Juventus, Inter Milan, and Milan in those years. Trapani is more glorious than them, and Trapani deserves the title of dynasty!..." "Torino Sports Daily" also praised Trapani in its own commentary article.

"They have the most luxurious lineup in the world, they have the most advanced, unique and enthusiastic stadium in the world! They have excellent management! They have a wide range of supporters around the world, the number is incredible, and all of this is the answer sheet completed in the past decade! Whether it is now or in decades or even a hundred years, people will remember the Trapani Dynasty!" wrote "Gazzetta dello Sport" in its commentary after the Champions League.

"Great Trapani! Great Gianluigi Pasilio Colani! Although Mr. Colani is a controversial figure, we must applaud his contribution, not only for Trapani, but for the whole of Italy! With his efforts, Italian football is gradually reviving. Under his leadership, the share of the Italian Super League's own stadiums has exceeded 50%, and this number will continue to expand! Because of him, we were able to successfully bid for the European Cup. With Trapani's three consecutive Champions League titles, we have reason to believe that the European Cup held here this summer will be a great event, which will lead us to a new era of Italian football!..." "Roma Sports Daily" started with Hugo's history, arguing that Trapani's today comes from Hugo's continuous efforts.

And so on, some praise Trapani, and some praise Hugo.

"After so many years, they are finally willing to give us a fair treatment!" In the morning of the island villa, the sea breeze kissed the land, and the Hugo family was eating breakfast. The comments in the newspaper made Hugo laugh and cry.

"They should have treated us like this a few years ago. Who would have thought that except for New Sports, who would be willing to describe us as an era or a dynasty?! It seems that they have really been conquered now!" Hugo laughed happily.

People do live for themselves, but everyone also desires praise. Praise can make people happy. Hugo was in a good mood after laughing and crying.

"These words sound like you are leaving! Who leaked it?!" Julia had such doubts, as if the evaluation of Hugo was the final word.

"How can they know about us? The shareholders' meeting has not yet started!" Hugo would rather believe that the praise from these media is from the heart and he was conquered by himself.


On the third day after the Champions League, the cities of Trapani and Palermo jointly held a grand celebration, attracting visitors from all directions.

Zamparini was speechless. Trapani was so good at stealing business. Now there are more Trapani fans in Palermo than Palermo fans. Trapani Club was also shameless. They always said that they were rooted in Palermo and Trapani, even if they didn't think so in their hearts.

But the stupid fans of Palermo believed this statement. They loved Trapani madly. They hated Palermo and Zamparini, the outsider.

Zamparini also wanted to scold Palermo City Hall for being shameless. Why did they kneel down and lick Trapani? ! Even if they kneel down and lick Trapani, they would never return to the city of Palermo.

It didn't matter how he thought or how sour he was. No one would care about his opinion.

The celebration in Trapani was very lively. Fans from both places went to the streets to parade and see the golden Champions League trophy.

The finale of the ceremony was held at the Google Stadium. Trapani Club not only invited well-known figures in the Italian football circle, but also invited political celebrities and pop singers. This season is not perfect, but it is better than perfect.

This ceremony was actually Hugo's idea. Because he was about to step down as chairman, he wanted to show off and decided to hold this ceremony in a very short time. Fortunately, Peter Kenyon was very efficient and raised this ceremony under extremely difficult circumstances.

The celebration ceremony was hosted by Victor, and Hugo's speech was the finale.

"First of all, I want to express my gratitude! Thank you to all the players and coaches who have fought here. Without them, we would not have achieved these goals and we would not have won so many honors! I want to thank the staff of our club. Most of them have been here for more than ten years. Mr. Giorgio Esposito, Leonardo Selli..." Hugo carefully read the names of each person who has been here for decades.

In his original natural thinking, Hugo wanted to put the club's management first. In his eyes, the players were nothing. Without the management, there would be no Trapani today. None of the players were indispensable, but management talents like Celie and Giorgio were the foundation of the club's existence. Of course, he himself was an even more remarkable existence, and he agreed with the media's praise of him.

However, considering the occasion, he put the players and coaches first, but read a long list of those who should be remembered.

As for the fans and other people who support Trapani, he put them last, these people are somehow unimportant to him.

"We have received a lot of praise and blessings in the past few days. Our performance deserves praise and blessings! We have established a dynasty and we are influencing the future of Italian football! However, this is just the beginning, the beginning of our Trapani era. This is not the end. There are many years to come. We not only want to be praised now, but we hope that many people will still remember us a hundred years later! Praise us!"

"Come on! Trapani! Come on! People who are fighting for our century-old goal!"

The craze of the three consecutive championships is still stirring in Trapani. At the end of May, the shareholders' meeting of Trapani Club was held. Trapani is a 100% private company. The shareholders are Victor, Hugo, and Alda. Hugo reduced his shares in Trapani again before this shareholders' meeting. According to the results of the three-person negotiation, Victor spent money to buy 10% of the shares from Hugo, accounting for 15%, Alda for 5%, and the football company controlled by Hugo for 80% of the shares, still the largest shareholder.

At the shareholders' meeting, Hugo and Victor officially completed the transfer of power. Although the two brothers had a bet, the ceremony was full of sense. In order to prove that he would not trip up Victor, Hugo invited Selli to work in the Football Industry Group and become a shareholder representative. He himself resigned from all positions in Trapani.

The board of directors approved Selli's resignation, the shareholders' meeting confirmed the new board of directors, and Alda also sent someone from his management team to the board of directors. In addition to Victor, the new board of directors also includes Giorgio, Peter Kenyon, Perotti, Miku and others. Victor officially became the chairman of Trapani.

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