My name is Colani

Chapter 949 Epilogue 1

"According to the latest news, Trapani Football Club recently held a shareholders' meeting and a board of directors meeting. There were some important changes in Trapani's top management. The club's former director Seli resigned, and Hugo resigned as chairman of the club's board of directors." The movements of Trapani's top management are very attractive. They can't help it because they are a big club.

But Hugo's resignation, haha, everyone doesn't think it will change Trapani much, because Hugo has also played a behind-the-scenes role for a long time and has not appeared in the front, but everyone knows that he is the decisive boss, even if he may not have much control over the team's transfer.

Whether it is Morek or Victor, there is no difference for the media people. They still believe that Hugo is the one who makes the decision behind the scenes.

But Seli's resignation is really surprising.

So many media just mentioned Hugo's resignation as chairman, but the resignation of Seli was much more detailed, and they speculated about the reason behind Seli's resignation.

"It's not credible to say that Seli has lost Hugo's trust! Because he seems to have served as a special consultant to Hugo Football Industry Group and also served as a part-time technical director and shareholder representative of the group in Trapani Club. This shows that Hugo has not alienated him." A group of reporters sat together to discuss this topic.

Familiar reporters always like to discuss, which will become their inspiration for making up stories.

"But he has lost the greatest power. The transfer rights of Trapani Club have been in his hands for more than ten years. No matter which head coach or Kenyon has failed to take the power away from him." A reporter said.

"Maybe we should believe the reason why Trapani Club is open. He seems to be a little older!" A reporter said.

"Ha, how old is he? He is only a little over 60 now. He can continue to work. It is said that he is a guy with a strong desire for power! Hey, guys, you forgot another famous old guy! Galliani is still working, what kind of old guy is Seli!" Someone interrupted with contempt.

Trapani's subsequent actions also seemed to confirm that Celi was really the loser in the power struggle, because Trapani had not appointed a transfer director for a long time. This job was said to be divided by Victor among the directors, the club's technical director Miku, the head coach Wenger, and the youth training director Shafir, and the decision-making power was firmly in Victor's hands.

Palermo Airport, VIP lounge.

"Now I think maybe Vidal's deal is not a good idea. You can re-examine it."

"The power of transfer should not be given to Wenger so much. Trapani's head coach never needs so much power. That would be a bad idea. He likes young people very much. Sometimes this is an advantage, but sometimes it may not be a good idea for a big club like us."

Hugo chattered non-stop. The bet took effect "officially" from Victor's appointment as chairman. Hugo hadn't visited his grandfather Pasilio for a long time, so after that, he took his family to the United States to rest for a while and then think about how to spend the next five years. After all, five years is still a long time.

But this guy still gave his brother a lot of instructions before leaving, fearing that Victor would ruin the club in the past five years.

"Joao is trustworthy, he is our best friend and partner. If Kenyon leaves, Joao can serve as the general manager of the club! From now on, he will be your right-hand man."

"Kenyon?! How to say it, maybe he may leave soon, after all, he is not very happy to take over Trapani's job, sooner or later he will have to leave."

"Okay, Gigi, I know, I know! You don't have to worry about this at all, you have to believe me, I have the ability to handle anything!" Victor was obviously impatient with Hugo's chattering.

"Of course you have such ability, but I am reminding you now! It's easy for you to create an era, and it's also easy to destroy an era! You may be able to destroy our efforts for more than ten years in five years!" Hugo's voice was angry.

Victor, who had just taken the chairman's throne, had been taking care of his younger brother since he was a child, and his brother was a follower, but Victor was really not happy to hear what Hugo said.

"Well, I think you are so incompetent! Brother! You are simply..." Victor was angry, but he was interrupted by Julia before he finished speaking.

"Okay, Vic, you know he didn't mean that! Now he has to leave for a while, you know he has a lot of love for Trapani, so he is a little worried, you can forgive his rudeness!"

"Humph!" Victor muttered and snorted softly, which was considered to accept Julia's words. Sylvia was also pulling his sleeves, hinting that he should not get angry.

"Well, Julia is right, I am very concerned! I didn't say you can't do it, you are just uncomfortable! Anyway, you have to remember what I say now! Don't really think you are really good, Selli has also left, Miku will need some time, as for Perotti, God, don't count on that guy!" Hugo nodded and continued.

"Okay, okay, okay, you say! I will take out my mobile phone and record it for you right now, I will ask someone to print it into a booklet, and then carry it with me all day like a Bible, and review it at any time!" Victor was helpless.

But this made Hugo fall flat on his face, "You..."

"Okay, why can't you just have a good conversation!" Sylvia said helplessly with her hands spread out.

"Okay, I'm listening carefully!" Victor shrugged.

"No more! You can be a spendthrift! Anyway, I won't give you a penny from now on!" Hugo waved his hand and drove Victor away in annoyance.

The farewell of the two brothers ended in a suspected unpleasant parting.

"If you really don't want to leave here, then don't go to the United States! You still can't bear it!" Julia teased Hugo after getting on the plane.

"Didn't you say that in the terminal?! Saying these useless words now!" Hugo despised his wife, "If you dare to say that, I wouldn't leave at that time! It seems that Victor is unreliable! It's just not okay!"

"You don't trust him too much. I think he can do it! You think he can't do it because you don't want to fulfill the bet at all! Then why did you agree to him?!" Julia said seriously.

"How can that be okay? You can't be a coward! You have to do what you promised, and you have to fulfill the bet. I have made so many bets and never broke my promise!" Hugo said with a hum.

"You can keep your promise to others, but I know you often forget your promise to your family!" Julia poked Hugo's past.

"It's different this time! To be honest, I'm a little tired! The team's performance this season is not good. The main reason is that these guys are slacking off. I am the same, you know?! When the team won three consecutive championships, I was a little disappointed. I asked Leo, and he said he felt the same as me. This is why we chose to resign! However, I still feel reluctant to leave when I am about to leave!" Hugo said honestly.

"Don't worry, it will be much better in the United States. I want to think about what to do next. Maybe I can make our business bigger, and I can also share some pressure for you! It's really unmanly for you to work hard all these years!" Hugo said sincerely.

"Ha, you finally remembered me!" Julia patted Hugo's hand and smiled.

"What do you mean by finally? I've always been grateful for your kindness! Okay, today you all want to argue with me. You want to see me get angry?! You want to see me lose my composure?! Sorry, I won't!" Hugo raised his head proudly.

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