That is the mark. Somewhere not far from the Weather Research Institute, there is another bright red dot flashing.

And next to the red dot, someone inserted a label on the side.

"Where Groudon sleeps (speculation?)"

The cheers in the institute stopped abruptly.

As long as they are members of the Marine Team, no one would hope that the land god who is strong enough to compete with Kyogre would be awakened, because this would not only mean that Kyogre's actions would be greatly restricted, but the confrontation with the mortal enemy might even cause Kyogre to lose control again, thus reappearing the situation of the great war ten years ago.

"We just said that we would let the people from the Magma Team come in after us, but we didn't say that we would leave all the equipment intact to them, right?"

Shui Guanhai patted Aren on the shoulder and confirmed with the latter whether all the data had been transferred out.

Then, the suddenly appearing Crocodile smashed the computer into pieces with a slap.

"It can only be said that they are very unlucky. The target is obviously very close, but this distance can never be crossed."

Shui Guanhai spread his hands in a regretful manner, and his action caused the people of the Ocean Team to laugh unscrupulously.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot."

The huge telescope behind him also suffered because of this, and was destroyed by the elves. Even if the most professional maintenance personnel came, it would take several months to repair the telescope.

But no one expected that in the dark corner of the institute, there was a pair of imperceptible eyes hiding behind, memorizing all the information in their minds.


After the Ocean Team left, the people of the Lava Team came to the second floor.

Seeing this place that was destroyed and in a mess, Chihuo and Dimit showed a look of expectation.

"Soul-catching eyes."

As Dimit gently called, a mysterious figure gradually turned from illusion to solidity.

"Really? So Kyogre is in that place."

Looking at the map that the Soul-Catching Eyes had reproduced according to his powerful memory, Chihuo thoughtfully pointed his finger at the western part of the map that indicated the ocean.

"However, fortunately, Groudon is not far away. As long as we wake him up earlier..."

Dimitre imitated Chihuo and pointed his finger at another place.

Judging from the shape of the map, the place Dimittre pointed to was adjacent to Chaokong Town.

Springfield Town.


On the way from Chaokong Town to Springfield Town.

"Achao, how is your mission going?"

"Boss, boss... no... problem... come to Springfield... gather, gather... cover... retreat..."

The intermittent voice of Achao and the sounds of various explosions came from the phone. Although Achao's words were not heard clearly, judging from the excitement in his tone, the cover mission was probably completed well.

"Everyone, go to Springfield Town at full speed, and then..."

Shui Guanhai called on all team members with high spirits.

"It's time to build our ideal world!"

Just after he finished his heroic words, Shui Guanhai suddenly remembered that there was another cadre who had not been contacted.

"Beep... Beep... Beep..."

The phone rang, but it was not connected.

"What happened to Shuiying? Forget it, the first goal is to go to Springfield Town first. Besides, with that elf here, it should be no problem for her to escape."


Shuiying, a cadre of the Ocean Team, is now facing a problem.

"Hey, hey, what's going on now?"

Even though she usually has a bad temper, she can't help but have a headache at this moment.

In a valley outside Shanya City, three forces are in a stalemate.

Shuiying, a bystander of the Ocean Team, is herself, and she is planning to make trouble while watching the fun.

The macho man of the Lava Team, Huo Yi, looked like he was going to beat people up everywhere with a hot temper.

There were also three little kids, and a Pokémon that was handsome but not her type at all.

Shui Ying quietly turned off her phone.

It wasn't that she didn't know it was the leader who called, but the atmosphere at the scene was full of tension that was about to explode.

Don't be fooled by the description above, which seems very relaxed, but in fact...

"Little ghosts, I finally found you!"

Like a suppressed volcano, the muscular man stared at Asuka Teru and Leo, and his eyes couldn't even accommodate other people.

Asuka Teru and Leo were much more familiar with the other two parties.

"Lava Team cadre, and..."

It wasn't long after they met, and Asuka Teru naturally still remembered that this was the strongest opponent since his debut - the cadre of the Lava Team, Huo Yi, and hisThe Fiery Roaring Tiger that made everyone suffer.

The ferocious tiger-like elf stood beside Huo Yi. It was strange that the Fiery Roaring Tiger, who was always fearless, was no longer arrogant at this moment. On the contrary, there were dense black marks all over his body, which made the elf look even colder and colder without the domineering spirit of a fire elf.

"And you, the mysterious person at the Zidian Power Plant!"

In addition to Huo Yi, Leo also recognized the woman in the aqua blue vest, who was the one who attacked them at the Zidian Power Plant and snatched away Magneto.

"People from the Ocean Team, as long as you don't interfere with me, it doesn't matter what you want to do with other things."

Huo Yi stared at his target coldly, without even glancing at Shui Ying.

"Okay, okay, you choose your target first, and then I can take care of the rest, right?"

Shui Ying raised her hand, walked aside and looked at the boys and girls opposite with a playful look.

Originally, the leader's task for her was just to investigate the movements of the Magma Team, but now she has changed her mind. First, the three-way confrontation in front of her was too interesting, which made her feel "playful". Second, she had heard a little about Asuka, the trainer with the title of "troublemaker". Not only did the Pokémon Poaching Group, which was also an evil organization, suffer a setback under her, but even the Magma Team, the mortal enemy of the Ocean Team, almost failed in its mission because of her.

She had a hunch that if she didn't take this opportunity to get rid of this kid, it might affect her future actions.

Oh, yes, there was also her Pokémon.

Shui Ying deliberately observed Lucario, but didn't notice that a certain black Poké Ball on her waist was trembling slightly.

"Just think of it as killing the potential threat in advance."

Although she is best at infiltration and escape, she is not inferior to the other two cadres in frontal combat, not to mention...


If Asuka was alone, facing these two cadre-level trainers, I am afraid that the first choice would be to escape.

But the situation is different now. In addition to his own Pokémon being in good condition, he also has two helpers.

"Lulu, Bubu, Longlong!"

Asumi summoned all his Pokémon.

"Pikachu, Greninja, and... Young Kiras!"

After the explosion in Good City, Ye Yueyao also followed the team to Shanya City. He met Asuka and others in the city and simply acted together.

As soon as Pikachu appeared, he happily greeted Pokémon such as Kirlia, Eevee, Charmander, Lucario, etc. After all, everyone is familiar with each other, and the Pokémon have established friendly relations with each other.

Besides, Pikachu and Lulu are good friends. When the sisters meet, they have endless things to talk about.

"Hey, Frog, you have evolved? Not bad, little brother!"

Leo went over and put his arm around Greninja's shoulder, looking at the handsome frog face and praising it.

"Quack (elven language) you... forget it..."

Greninja's cold personality is not used to being greeted so warmly by elves, but thinking of losing to Leo in the previous battle, Greninja's eyes also ignited the fire of war unconsciously.

Only a little guy with fierce eyes stood there blankly.

"Little Vine!"

Vine Snake was summoned from the Poké Ball in response.

Fengling, who was worried about Asuka Teru acting alone, naturally followed closely.


Vine Snake tapped the little head of young Kiras with its vines, then pulled him and joined the small group of elves.

If it weren't for Huo Yi and Shui Ying staring at them, the elves summoned by the three of them would be as happy as if they were on a picnic.

"Hey, everyone, we have to fight seriously."

Ashiro coughed.

All the elves understood and stopped making noise, and immediately became serious.

Even though some of the elves were not of high level, the momentum they gathered was no worse than that of the Blazing Roaring Tiger and Iron Claw Lobster on the opposite side.

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