Unlike ordinary trainers, Fire Wing only has Blazing Roaring Tiger as his Pokémon, and no other Pokémon in his hands.

For him, he disdains it, or rather, when he puts all his heart and soul into Blazing Roaring Tiger, he doesn't care about other Pokémons.

Regardless of the position of good and evil, perhaps it is because he is a person who sincerely implements his own path and the Pokémon he cultivates with all his efforts that he can embark on the rare road called "unparalleled".

If this power is for good, it will be the most powerful justice, but if it is for evil, it will be the most difficult disaster.

As for Shui Ying, she has many water Pokémons.

Looking at the lobster standing in front of her and waving its iron claws, Shui Ying felt that it was still not safe enough.

So she simply summoned all the Pokémons except that one in her hand.

"Swamp King, Megalodon, you guys come out too."

Swamp King with a fat light blue body and Megalodon, who uses water energy to float in the air, appear together.

According to the general plot development, the next is a big fight among the elves. Asuka has a large number of elves (Lucario of fighting and steel type, Kirlia of psychic and fairy type, Eevee of general type but with different attribute partner moves, Charmander of fire type, Pikachu of electric type, Greninja of water type, Young Gilas of rock and ground type, and Snake of grass type). And there are many elves with various attributes. In terms of group cooperation, they are enough to exert unimaginable power. It's a pity that the levels of the elves are not even. Except for Lucario and Greninja, no other elves have reached Lv30 or above.

As for the Ocean Team and the Lava Team, there are the Lv31 Swamp King, the Lv36 Megalodon, the Lv40 Ironclaw, and the Lv42 Blazing Roaring Tiger...

"Wait, why did the Blazing Roaring Tiger drop in level?"

Leo discovered this instantly while observing the light curtain.

In his memory, he vaguely remembered that in the last battle of the unparalleled, the level of the Blazing Roaring Tiger was still at the level of Lv45. Logically speaking, the defeat of the elves would not lead to a decrease in the level of strength. Therefore, it was very strange that the Blazing Roaring Tiger dropped 3 levels inexplicably.

"Could it be... related to those black traces?"

After going through so many things along the way, anyone who is not a fool can perceive that there must be a black hand behind the turbulent situation in the entire elf world, constantly disrupting the situation. Therefore, as long as you see something unusual, and it is related to black, you will blame all the abnormalities on black.

"But I don't remember which villain uses this kind of dark power?"

In the games or anime of his previous life, the evil organizations that Leo could recall could not correspond to the mysterious organization that was good at using dark power.

The Rocket Team in the Red, Green, Blue, Gold, Silver and Crystal versions, the Ocean Team and the Lava Team in the Red, Blue, Emerald and Sapphire versions, the Galaxy Team in the Pearl, Diamond and Platinum versions, or the Black and White Plasma Team, the Flash Team of XY Carlos, the Skull Team or the Rainbow Rocket Team in the Sun and Moon, or the legendary Shout Team or the Sky Star Team - oh, these two funny organizations don't count - all evil organizations have their own unique properties, but none of them use dark power.

When the author displayed the information of the evil organizations for watering, Huo Yi couldn't wait to find his opponent for revenge.

"Come on, kid, let's continue the last battle."

As Huo Yi's gloomy voice sounded, the Blazing Roaring Tiger walked forward step by step, and the black marks on his body unconsciously emitted wisps of black mist.

Fierce and evil, like an evil star descending.

If it were Leo, who had not understood the way of courage before, he would definitely be shocked by this unparalleled evil.

However, Lucario, who already had the unparalleled heart, stepped forward without hesitation this time.

The war was about to break out.

But if nothing unexpected happened, something unexpected would happen.

No one expected what happened next.

According to legend, after the God of Creation was born from the Land of Nothingness, the first thing he created was the endless space where all living things stood. In order to balance the positive and negative sides, he created the world of antimatter. Finally, because he was not satisfied with everything that could only be still in space, the God of Creation moved his mind, and the long river of time with no source or destination was stretched across countless spaces.

At this time in the long river of time, a small island was like a stubborn stone in the river. No matter how the waves of time washed away, it remained motionless.

"Oh, Xiaoya, stop turning around. It makes me dizzy."

Being emerald greenCelebi, wrapped in a ball of light, lay on the branch, looking down weakly.

The girl in light red clothes paced back and forth under the tree with an anxious face.

"I know you are anxious, but don't worry."

Celebi, who had learned all these lies from the human world, waved his hand.

"Xiao Ou was captured by the dark power of 'someone', and it's not useful for the two of us to just worry... After all, that is... power, which is not something we can fight against."

Celebi, who traveled through ancient and modern times and knew a lot of secret history, seemed very taboo when mentioning certain words, and could only use some vague metaphors to comfort the girl.

No, it's better to say that it's some discouraging words than comforting.

"The only thing that can fight against darkness is waveguide..."

The girl knew that this Celebi was a pessimistic observer. Facing his discouraging words, she didn't get angry, but just kept repeating this sentence passed down from ancient times.

However, the girl also understood that the power of her and Celebi alone was not enough to find her brother who was taken away.

Because the one who was taken away was the strongest guardian of this infinite island, the infinite elf, Latios.

And the one who was talking to Celebi was Latios's sister, Latias.

The air was filled with a dull atmosphere for a while.


Just when the two elves looked at each other in silence, the island suddenly shook violently.

"What is this?!"

A few familiar breaths made Latias' eyes bright.

Before she could explain to Celebi, Latias switched from the form of a human girl to an elf body like a pink jet in an instant, and flew directly to the place where the vibration occurred with a "whoosh", leaving Celebi flapping her slender arms and trying to fly behind.

In the center of the island, there were no lush trees, but a circular open space. In the center of the open space, a stone platform stood there. The groove in the middle indicated that the stone platform was originally used to place something.

"Ouch, where is this?"

Asuhiro jumped out of Leo's arms.

"I don't know, but be careful."

Leo frowned and looked around with vigilance.

It happened a few minutes ago:

Just when the three parties were preparing for a big melee, a mixed black and blue light suddenly shot out from the waist of the Marine Team cadre. Leo was caught off guard and hit by the blue light, and then disappeared with the blue light. At the critical moment, Asuhiro grabbed Leo's arm reflexively, leaving only the words "Lulu, take care of everyone", and disappeared together.

It seemed that they were tumbling between some rivers for a while. In order to protect their trainer, Leo held Asuka in his arms and deployed a waveguide barrier outside his body for protection. Then, accompanied by a strong sense of falling, one person and one elf appeared in this mysterious place.

"By the way, the Ocean Team!"

After recalling the whole incident, Asuka hurriedly looked across.

As expected, a woman also got up from the ground with her head covered. She was not as lucky as Asuka to have an elf to protect her. However, thanks to her long-term experience of sailing on the sea, she overcame the dizziness of up and down fluctuations relatively quickly. In addition, her agile skills, which had been trained for a long time, allowed her to adjust her posture at the moment of falling to avoid receiving more injuries.

Of course, it was even more fortunate that the ground where they fell was full of soft green grass. If it were some sharp stones, it would be difficult not to get hurt.

"Ahhh, I knew this thing was unreliable."

Shuiying, the cadre of the Ocean Team, was more concerned about the disobedient elf at the moment.

The woman was a little crazy. This sudden situation made her feel that the whole thing was out of control. This was undoubtedly the most uncomfortable thing for someone like her who liked to be in control of the overall situation.

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