My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 102 The Plan of the Hermit School

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There are mountains in China, their heights are tens of thousands of feet, the rays of the sun shine everywhere, and the sword intent soars into the sky.

On the top of Mount Hua, dozens of figures gathered here. They were in a hurry and looked very anxious.

Soon, these figures were hidden in the rays of light and mist, as if blocked by a phantom array, ordinary people could not see them.

The mist surged, the auspiciousness soared to the sky, and the ancient and vicissitudes of the sword swept across the sky, making the glow of this place extraordinarily dazzling.

Outside the quaint and majestic hall, two long swords crossed horizontally, hanging high outside the gate, the piercing sword intent shocked all directions.

There is a gray stone plaque under the long sword, on which there are big characters carved by the sword edge.

"Huashan Sword Sect!"

More than a dozen warriors carried long swords and hurriedly entered the hall, the atmosphere was a little depressed.

In the main seat of the main hall, a martial artist with a mustache stood up hurriedly and bowed his hands to the visitor.

This person is the current head of Huashan Sword Sect, Yue Youcai.

"Everyone has come from afar, the journey is exhausting, please take a seat and rest quickly."

Hearing this, a middle-aged man with a fat body turned pale, and responded: "Stop talking about those useless things, hurry up and talk about what to do?"

This person's name is Jia Yunpeng, the head of the Songshan Sword Sect.

Yue Youcai, the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, laughed dryly, and while calling everyone to sit down, he arranged for his disciples to serve tea.

Everyone sat next to each other, Yue Youcai returned to the main seat, and said to everyone: "I just got the news that the Hongmeng Organization has been banned, and the Huaxia Federation urgently needs a new ancient martial arts organization to guard the battlefield in the foreign world. Our chance has come! "

Jia Yunpeng, head of the Songshan Sword Sect, responded: "Our Wuyue Sword Sect gathered here today for this matter, and we hope we can discuss a solution."

Lan Fengzhi, head of the Hengshan Sword Sect, said: "This matter is already very clear. Binggang Mountain's population is dying and Tiancang Mountain can't hide from the world. We have the greatest chance."

"Don't forget there is Shushan Sword Sect!"

Lu Zhantu, head of Hengshan Sword Sect, reminded.

Hearing this, everyone nodded silently. Judging from the current situation, only Shushan Sword School can compete with Wuyue Sword School.

Yue Youcai respected everyone with a cup of tea, and said, "Our Five Sacred Sword Sect is of the same spirit, this time we must get the project of guarding the foreign battlefield."

Jia Yunpeng rolled his eyes at Yue Youcai, and said in displeasure, "You don't need to say that? Who doesn't know that this is a big project. If it can be won, it will last for several lifetimes."

"Then what should we do now, should we continue to wait for news or take the initiative to bid?"

"I think we should wait a little longer. After all, taking the initiative to bid and being approached are two completely different treatments."

"What if the Shushan Sword Sect takes the lead?"

"That can't be it? If the Shushan Sword Sect dares to monopolize it, then we will kill Shushan and let that bastard Wang Qiuyang give an explanation."

"That's fine, wait two more days, if there is no news after two days, you must take the initiative to attack."

"Okay, let's do it!"

The head of the Five Sacred Sword Sect discussed the countermeasures and decided to wait.

Although the Huaxia Corps is powerful, it is difficult for them to guard the foreign battlefield, and they will definitely find new ancient martial arts forces to cooperate with.

The Five Sacred Sword Sect is strong and has a large number of disciples, which is very in line with the needs of the Huaxia Federation.

The point is that the Hongmeng organization has just been banned, and if anyone can take over, they will definitely be able to win over a large number of warriors.

At the beginning, the Hongmeng organization was in trouble. Instead of helping, they hinted that the ancient martial family should not send anyone out.

The reason why the ancient martial arts family dared to be so uncooperative was mainly because of the support of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Now that the Hongmeng Organization has finally collapsed, it depends on this time whether the Five Sacred Sword Sect can reach the pinnacle.

No matter who took the project, they have to get it back.

The big deal is to destroy the opponent. In the ancient martial arts world, everything speaks with strength!

At the same time, in the Shushan Sword Sect, a man with white temples stood in the main hall, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back.

He is Wang Qiuyang, the contemporary head of the Shushan Sword Sect.

At this moment, a short and stout young man walked quickly, with dark skin and a straw hat on his head, and shouted for Master from a long distance away.

"Xiuer, is that you?"

"Master, it's me!"

Seeing the visitor, Wang Qiuyang was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly asked.

"How is it, any news?"

Wu Duxiu responded immediately: "After many investigations by my disciples, I found that the five major sword sects have already launched an operation. They have all arrived at Mount Hua. I don't know what they are plotting."


Wang Qiuyang snorted coldly, and said: "What else can they plot, they must want to replace Hongmeng and take advantage of the opportunity!

The five sword sects seem to be in harmony, but in fact they are in a state of disunity, so there is nothing to fear.

On the surface, the five masters have infinite glory, but they are actually a bunch of idiots, whose strength is not worth mentioning.

On the contrary, it is Binggang Mountain, we have to be more careful. "

Hearing Master's words, Wu Duxiu was puzzled immediately, and asked: "Master, isn't Binggang Mountain already finished? There is only an old guy and a little beauty left."

When mentioning the little beauty, Wu Duxiu's eyes lit up immediately, and his fat and dark face was full of longing.

Wang Qiuyang glared at him, and said: "What do you know, the old guy in Binggang Mountain has been in seclusion for many years, and my master suspects that he has stepped into the sky. If this is the case, then it will be troublesome."

Wu Duxiu was thoughtful, and asked back: "Master, aren't you a strong person in the sky?"

Wang Qiuyang's complexion turned dark, and he said displeasedly: "Who told you that being a teacher is a soaring state?"

Wu Duxiu's expression suddenly turned pale, and he responded subconsciously: "Oh, my apprentice listened to Master all day long, this is not worth mentioning, and that is not to be feared. I thought you had already vacated?"

Wang Qiuyang: "???"

"Xiu'er, look at our back mountain is full of fallen leaves again, if we don't clean it up in time, it will damage the image of our Shushan Sword Sect."

"Okay Master, go and sweep right away!"


With the banning of the Hongmeng Organization, the entire ancient martial arts world set off a huge wave.

The many forces that had been oppressed all applauded, and the major hermit sects also appeared one after another, wanting to get a share of this matter.

All the members of the ancient martial arts family stared wide-eyed, wanting to see which force could be officially recognized, so they chose to hug their thighs tightly.

The entire ancient martial arts world was in turmoil, and all eyes were on the Xizhu foreign battlefield.

However, the Huaxia Federation seems to have no response to this, and has no intention of cultivating the ancient martial arts again.

On the contrary, the Huaxia infrastructure madman appeared on the stage, investing a lot of manpower and material resources there, digging mountains to build roads, digging holes and building bridges, and the progress of the project was rapid.

They didn't know that the new ancient martial arts force was appointed on the day the battle ended, and they didn't even know that the boss was enjoying delicious food in his room.

In the lounge of his own factory in Pearl City, Chu Ming ate a pot of braised golden beasts and drank a bottle of wine, feeling extremely comfortable.

The body of the Golden Beastmaster contained majestic energy, and one piece of meat could be as strong as ten pigs.

The key is the fragrance!

Now, Chu Ming's lounge is already famous, and it exudes a strong fragrance every day, and people give it the nickname Patriarch Qilixiang.

During this period of time, Chu Ming ate these high-energy foods every day, and constantly comprehended the body training technique of gods and demons.

With the assistance of the delicious Golden Beastmaster Package, Chu Ming's practice speed soared, and his combat power continued to soar.

With this speed of practice, Chu Ming believes that he will soon break through the first layer of the true veins, thereby greatly increasing his strength.

At that time, he can activate new system tasks.

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